What anime would you make into a vidya?

What anime would you make into a vidya?

>panty and stocking by Shu Takumi in the style of Ghost Trick

Is that humanized Twilight Sparkle?

I want the bronies to get out!

Shounen Jump vs Capcom

I guess

Wait a minute...

Fucking this.

Strike Witches

Fucking Soul Eater, either character action or fighting. So many cool characters just begging for a fucking video game.

There was some weeb fan made fighting game with Haruko.


>One Punch Man

That's just unfair bro.

yes, accompanied by her sister humanized Apple Jack

Magi: Labyrinth of Magic would make a neat adventure game.

I want to be the magical shota.

EVA by Platinum

What the fuck

Panty and Stocking in the style of Banjo-Kazooie by Platinum Games

One Punch Man in a fighting game would be the most interesting gimmick character of all time

>he can OHKO anyone with one punch, through blocks and parries
>but if he misses one punch, he gets bored and leaves the fight, effectively KOing himself

Ranma 1/2 Fighter by ArcSys

All I want is mgr with a kill la kill skin.

Tiger & Bunny character action game in the vain of God Hand with two player coop.

Why don't just a literal ramake of JUS but with 2.5D graphics and voices either on 3DS or PS4/Vita, that game is perfect.

>stocking will never sit on your face while panty rides your cock
release me from this mortal coil

I think a TWEWY style game will go better with panty and stocking.

psuedo-open world game where you move between different villages

K-On! slice of life game

Although it'd literally just be Bullet Girls.

I'm honestly surprised that DBZ never had a proper respectable tournament fighter yet. I know some guy is working on Hyper DBZ, but it seemed like a no brainer and would've printed money if a company like Capcom or Arc Sys worked on a respectable dbz fighter. Even Jojo and Fist of the North Star (and Persona) have "legit" fighters before DBZ.

There are a few Japan-exclusive Soul Eater games though
From my experience the Wii one was shit, but the DS game was really fun. Try it out sometime

he'd be the boss or a secret boss (like Q) of the game if he's in.

This. If god were real we'd have a Kill la Kill action game and a Little Witch Academia action RPG by Platinum

I would make the F Zero anime into a video game :(

>tfw ywn be a magical shota

I feel you. Air and Ground Forces.

Why is the nisekoi chick in there?

Because DBZ is for children

and JoJo and FotNS aren't? The FGC would cream their pants over a legit dbz fighter.

>defiling ghost trick with some trash tier chink cartoon
op is a faggot with shit taste
also sage goes in all fields boys
bomb this thread


There's a 3DS Magi game you know

Is it good?

>japan exclusive

How does one obtain such a thing?

Bè real

>A rpg
>create your character
>pick between different magic
>join the guild as a newbie
>go on quest and shit with the cast
>can control them if you want

Technicaly she belongs more than Saitama, who isn't even SJ. But speaking of ONE series, would anyone prefer Shigeo over saitama in such a hypothetical game?

Kill la kill as a fighting game would be simple or musou.

Akame ga kill I could pull an original story 5-7 hours long out of my ass using the characters and settings.


The struggle is real.


why would you want that? I'm still salty about Berserk getting a musou. Literally bottom tier genre in video games. Not even normies want to play them.

>not playing based Sinbad

A Pucella Madoka Magica game in the vain of the God Save the Queen.

You play as homura

Was trying to be realistic if it gets made those are the two genres they'll pick.

Berserk i agree is upsetting it got turned into one but not unexpected.

>playing as the bad guy

Real talk though the manga is getting crazier and crazier. I think the author/artist is on major drugs.

>a rpg
>Play as tomoko
>Go to School
>Try to get popular
>All the dialogue you choose are Just babble
>Go home

>How does one obtain such a thing?
>Asking how to play a fucking DS game

user you're literally a decade behind.

See, shit like this could have saved the Vita, but there was no will not money between.

You said jap exclusive, does that mean I need a jap DS? I really only have DS for pokemon.

At least give me a title for the game so I can look it up please.


Dog Days.
It's literally a musou but with doggirls.

You know flashcards are a thing A BIG ONE

also Soul Eater Medusa Inbou

I have never flash card'd in my life bro. Thanks for the name tho.

Why fuck it with 2,5D? Just use HD sprites and we're set

The One Piece games on 3DS looks awesome.

Cowboy Bepop Space Simulator with Planet walking and shooting

Kill La Kill
Any genre, but a beat 'em up would be neat

Hey, I'm the original user that answered you
If you don't want to pay for a flash cart, just download a DS emulator and play it

Jing King of Bandits would make a neat game. Probably mission based, just run around and do cool shit. There isn't really a story to speak of, so the game could be pretty open ended.

Hunter x Hunter Greed Island MMO.
Or just a Hunter x Hubter MMO.
The nen system would be maddening to incorporate though.

So, it's gonna be Switch exclusive, or why is Donkey Kong on the roster?

That's probably what I'll do. Or just forget the whole thing because I can't fucking read japanese and I'm a lazy cunt.

Excel Saga game as a Dokkapon Kingdom/Mario Party clone. Except everything is designed to allow players to fuck each other over to extreme levels.
>Vietnam stage can get you trapped for obscene amounts of turns
>American Stage makes the whole game be written in borderline unintelligible Engrish
>Hyatt Virus item removes you from the game until you roll The Great Universe Macrocosm to take a break from raping Pedro to revive you
>Pedro curse event makes you guaranteed to lose RNG in the worst way possible until it wears off
>Unlockable Episode 26 stage being extremely secretive enough to dodge the AO rating
>About to win through the whole 30 Turn horror show
>Someone gets the Universe Macrocosm to reset the game and add 30 more turns
shit would be cash.

I remember I played it when it came out a few years back and at that time I wasn't fluent in nip yet and I got through the game quite nicely
ganbatte senpai x3333

>wanting a game of the worst arc

Hunter X Hunter open world MMO would be neat though. Take on missions to hunt stuff, have an arena that's a fighting minigame, be a creepy pedo clown, etc etc

>there will never be a season exclusively about ground based witches

Brave Witches has been fantastic at showing the other side of the war with the Eastern Front.

Steel Ball Run in they style of red dead where you could play as most, if not all of the stand users.

HxH fighting game would be cool. I bet Hisoka would just play like gambit though and spam his card throws.

I love Twilight Sparkle!...and applejack I guess.
>Surprised Barneyfag ain't here yet.

Rubber Gum or whatever would make for good pulls, grabs, and throws. He'd be a bit of a joke character though, for sure. 100% gimmick.

the DS is region free, so you can just buy it and play it on any system. Even the 3DS, which is region-locked, will play any DS game because the games themselves are region free.


Also if you want to do this Play Asia is perfect for this

I want a basketball game based on Harlem Beat.

Mai Otome zone of the enters game.

Lupin the 3rd (Yes, there exists some games) and Space Dandy

Monogatari series

Yeah I've really enjoyed the season so far for that.

I really just want to see a Tank Witch animated even with the tier of CG Brave Witches has. They acknowledged their existence, then showed that. Just bring in Aurora on retrieval duty already.

I'd pay full price for this desu

There's already some but they are all trash and none of them cover the entire series

"Tacticool" TRPG based on Kiniro Mosaic.
I don't know.

I wanted to rewatch this show, but crunchyroll or whatever streaming site I used did not have a subbed version.

For the longest time I thought it was just an american cartoon done in anime style.

Read the manga instead. You won't regret it.

>There's already some but they are all trash

Fuck you, simply fuck you,

If the anime doesn't even cover then entire plot not even a game.

Area 88

I want an Ace Combat like game based on Area 88

The anime is bad and the localization is even worse. Read the manga instead.

It's actually one of the best Battle shonens ever made, but the anime absolutely butchers it. The art and animation in it is terrible wheras the manga has great art (pic related) the entire third arc is changed for the worse, removing some of the most pivotal scenes in the series, and then the anime just ends before the final arc starts.

Fullmetal Alchemist MMO.
Different races, like Ishbalan, Xingian, and maybe humanoid chimeras, and different classes, obviously soldier-esque ones.
Everyone beats the story together, and we all start again in the Brotherhood universe.

A video games with Karen as the protag would be the best thing dess

>If the anime doesn't even cover then entire plot not even a game.

u wot

The GBA games are alright I guess and i've never played the RPG, but the console fighters are really just bad button mashing anime tie ins.

Gash just doesn't really work well as a fighting game for the same reason jojo doesn't

Arcade fighter featuring the cast from Gainax anime.


The PS2 games were fucking amazing for me when I was younger

forgot my image

The anime ends on Geno doesn't cover the entire final arc, read the manga.