
Post yfw the first time you ran into one of these.

Fukc my seplling I am dsylexic



This is the first time ive seen a dysleixic person post on Sup Forums.

Is is contagious?

>5 posts
>3 unique posters

Subnautica threads are truly dead.

Well excuuuuuuuuuuse me princes for not wanting one of the last Subnautica thread to 404 on me.

>tfw you will never build a comfy base on a swimming reefback's mantle and travel wherever it swims

The first reaper I saw made me feel out of my depth.

What if, we could eat a reefback?




Kaiju when?


I want to fuck a Reaper.

tfw i haven't scanned one yet.
tfw i haven't found something called the mod station yet
tfw i didn't find power cell chargers 30 hours into my save

>Thought Reaper-chan looked too goofy to be scary at first
>actual spot on ingame
>realize that if he were any scarier looking I wouldn't be able to play this game without pissing myself

Whoa, this game looks tight. My sister sunk hours into Endless Ocean but it wasn't my speed. This looks a bit more engaging

>captcha: piscinia welcome

yeah it's pretty cool. if you pick it up, remember that you need to knife those giant coral tubes for coral samples. also you have to delete your save's cache like every 15 hours or less, or the game crashes all over the place

>this is the player model

is that the biggest thing in the game still?

it looks way smaller than i remember

>is that the biggest thing in the game still?

>there will never be multiplayer

Is it just me or does this game run like complete shit?

My computer should be more than capable of running this at max settings, but even on low I'm constantly getting dips to 35-45 fps in open areas (which is pretty much everywhere).

I know its early access but the fuck?

Use a taser on it then shank that bitch

It's the way terrain is currently built. The devs plan on getting ride of the deformable terrain sometime before full release. That should improve performance significantly.

yea it runs like shit

it's not scary if you've got a friend, pal.

actually that's not true at all, it'll still be scary as all fuck.

>post yfw in the next update dev anounces leviathans will be immune to the stasis rifle


I'm glad he found a new job after Brink flopped


The Future is Wild lookin ass

The stasis gun really makes big nasty things not so big and nasty.

>Post yfw the first time you ran into one of these.

It swam away like a pussy after I swiped it with my knife. And it's supposed to be 160 feet long.


>post yfw devote Sony player and won't buy a pc for Subnautica and stalker because I don't have money out the ass

Where is the uncensored version?

when's the next update?

We need more verticality and lighting options for bases

Friendly reminder that this game is only popular because of Markiplier's Lets Play videos.



wtf I hate subnautica now

we need base prefabs so i dont have to bother with this stupid fucking minecraft shit i just want to explore but no to do that i gotta build all my gay ass crafting tools in my stupid ass base

how does this game compare to 7 days to die?

All you need is a moonpool and one standard room

What's the uncensored version?


How could it possibly be that bad?

it's not so bad, what a bunch of pussies


I'm just surprised that whoever made this is also quite a good drawer.

That's actually incredibly tame, I was expecting a little bit of anal guro with a face-talon.

>screencapping your own post

you can tell by the brush strokes and shading that while he has likely read a lot of books and tutorial on how to digital paint he's never actually been properly instructed on how to draw

Can you torpedo the monsters and blow them up? What's the general consensus on this game? It appears to be early access still which is a big warning sign to me.

Game is good but I wish I'd waited until it was 100% complete, it's not very replayable once you've seen everything

runs like ass

Feels like it's still missing something, building stuff and exploring just seems lacking to me.

You can stun some monsters with "stun torpedoes", I think the whole anti-weapon stance of the developers is fucking retarded. I like games such as Amnesia, but when you make a survival game where you can craft huge submarines and craft all kinds of shit with amazing technology, it feels forced how you can't craft a weapon, it just does not make sense to be out in the wilderness, being able to build fucking high tech submarines but a simplistic weapon is suddenly off message.

Survival is kinda tied to crafting some kind of weapon to defend yourself, I'm afraid.