Kratos could stomp that fucking faggot Dante and it wouldn't even be a boss fight Dante would be considered a bigger...

Kratos could stomp that fucking faggot Dante and it wouldn't even be a boss fight Dante would be considered a bigger mob like Cyclops at best.

My man kratos would stomp that anime looking bitch
Nice thread OP

I'm sure he'll feel extra motivated if his wife's son is in peril.

I've never played dmc but im guessing dante could beat kratos?

This is a "my dad can beat up your dad" type of thread but even more pathetic because you're taking about fictional characters. Please reevaluate your life.

Am I remembering DMC wrong or didn't Dante get impaled with a sword (in either 1 or 2, don't really remember and kinda forced myself to finish the games) and he just pulled it out and kek'd while Kratos died from impalement?

isn't that Gow 1 tho
he has got alot stronger since then
dante still takes it

The blade of Olympus is no ordinary sword tho. And in GoW he got impaled by a pillar used as a javelin.

>I've never played dmc but im guessing dante could beat kratos?
All you need to know is that Dante is a creation of Japan. When it comes to (particularly skinny and effeminate looking) overpowered characters, weeaboo creations make WH40K look underpowered.

Sure, Kratos can fucking kick Dante's ass.

Well lore wise Dante is immortal but on the other hand Kratos died a few times just to fight his way out of Hades back to the world of living. Dante could win the battle but not the war.

Does kratos have anything that could hurt dante?

I will never get over how incredibly retarded sewing cloth into your body and completly ditching any chest protection is.

You only need to reevaluate your life if you take something silly done for fun like this thread seriously enough to go out of your way to bitch about it.

His hands

>seriously implying "DIS FOR FUN GUISE!" for a powerlevel thread

Not only pathetic but delusional wow.

go away, gay boy

Pretty sure the blade of olympus would do sime serious damge to dante

Dante is, at least in the remake, a nephilim. Half demon, half angel. So he's superhuman.

Kratos is a demigod, though, besides a well-known wrecker-of-shit.

I'm not totally sure who I'd bet on.

Literally godly weapons and magic, I'd assume.

Why did you post a blank image user?

The entire concept of hell is retarded, but you draw the line at some badass seeming magical bullshit?

Kratos can die to a fucking little bug.

Dante can die to a little mook.

This isn't about their abilities and peak conditions, etc. This is about who manages to win, and depending on where they are fighting nobody knows who is going to win unless we see it first hand.

>Considered a god
>Has killed numerous gods
>Has arsenal of magical weapons from particular gods and relics
>Primary weapon is suited for short-medium range engagements
>Secondary weapons can boost his speed and other attributes, give him godly abilities, and provide different stances
>Has been to Hades a few times and escaped
>Killed fate itself
>Murdered everything, violently

>Just your friendly neighborhood demon hunter
>Has banished Mundus and killed several figures who could be considered gods
>Has massive arsenal of weapons from all reaches of his universe
>Primary weapon is suited for short-medium range engatements
>Secondary weapons grant the same shit that Kratos has
>Has been to hell on multiple occasions
>Has constantly kept demons at bay from reigniting another war
>Pretty much kills whatever interrupts his crhazy
>Also has two other brothers who can equally fuck shit up

Both are pretty much the same characters with the same design in mine: have a 2 dimensional personality and kill everything that fucks with you.

The concept of hell is hardly retarded. Every mythology has a place shit people go to suffer.

But he'll never be happy.

Yeah and every mythology also has mystical mind rendering shit that no armor can protect you from.

The cloth sewing onto the body is the only memorable thing about that game, barring maybe satans cock.

At least Dante's shennanigans are fun to watch though. Watching Kratos screaming and cracking the skull of a lying dudebro whose paints are smeared with shit get dull after the 30th time

Not really.

They're both quite nice in their own way.

Gluttony stage was very memorable. Mostly because of how disgusting it was.

Yeah, no.

>Kratos is a demigod, though
means shit.
greek gods are as far from noteworthy power as it gets, they are magical worse humans with delusions of grandeur, and kratos is less than that.

His bare hands

untrue, most mythologies do not even have the concept of divine retribution.

>mashing circle on a minotaur 6 dozen times over the course of the game

Then you're retarded because you completely missed the point.

He got the cross sewn in his chest as a way to ATONE for his sins. He didn't know he was about to descend into hell either.