What's the most scared you've ever been from a videogame?

What's the most scared you've ever been from a videogame?

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15 minutes of this can be too much at once.

The horror aspect of FEAR ruined it for me. Not because it wastoo scary, but because it was fucking tedious trash interrupting awesome combat. Never finished the game because of that.

Thief 3 scared me the most when a zombie attacked me while I was sneaking. I had no clue there were zombies in the game. Never finished the game because of that.

The start of the first Dead Space. You're in a hallway, the lights go out and you hear something crawling towards you in the vent

It was my first horror game (bar a silent hill on psp and eternal darkness) and I wasn't ready for this

i hear you. that point could have been a lot better, but i still think it's a pretty good game overall

I felt the opposite with fear, the imaginative scares kept getting interrupted by the dull shooting sections.

yeah I could barely handle those graphics for 5 minutes

take a napalm bath and think of what you just said.

Playing through dead space 2 on the hardest difficulty(the one where you only get 3 saves) was the most nerve racking shit I've ever experienced.


Silent hill 3, the mirror room. I didn't sleep for a night or two back in the day because of that. And fatal frame 2, the whole God damm thing. Also, pt. pt is special because it was the first thing to scare me on the same level as older survival horror in some time.

I mean, I'm a grown ass man. Games shouldn't scare me... right?

No just go look up shit on YouTube and see how easily scared anyone gets by anything

This freaked me out more for some reason

Be glad you have some imagination left that allows you to experience games the way their makers wanted you to.

Amnesia 1 followed by Silent Hill 2.

This motherfucker from Cry of Fear.
Spooked me good enough that I took my hands of my mouse and keyboard and just started screaming "What the fuck do you want?" only for her to make me kill myself in game.

Also, Shadow of the Colossus scared me a shitload when I first played it (around 10 years old) simply because of how alone you are and how massive the first few colossi are.

only one
there is that one anime game about dragons, you can choose to fight as the bad guy where you wipe out your party or the good guy at the end. the part that freaked me out is when they take off the bedsheet of the princess and revealed this scary af blob of organs. its the only time where i closed my ps1 because i got spooked af

I'm really easily scared.
I recently got scared by accidentally breaking a vase in the Bully lawnmowing minijob

this chapter gives me chills

I want to be your friend.

Is there a scary game that doesn't rely on jumpscares or "lights suddenly go out" etc?


Yeah that's true. YouTube is full of people pussier than me
That's a good one too. Really that game was amazing. The whole thing was just so uncomfortable. The breathing walls, the creepy soundtrack. The hospital basement. When you actually go to silent hill it gets fantastic.
There was a while there where I lost it but these days I'm trying to enjoy things more and pick them apart less. People want something to be fun, scary, whatever, I try to see why and enjoy it for that merit.

Nope. Silent Hill games aren't scary desu.

Silent Hill 1-3

That place wasn't scary, like, at all.

Resident Evil VR

I'm not easily scared at all.

Horror movies, books, comics, haunted houses, no problem.

But I just cant do horror games for some reason, stresses me the fuck out.

When Dead Space showed up on games with gold, I played through the first few hours and then promptly regretted it when I had to walk my dog at midnight and found that the lights in my apartment building's main hallway were all dead, except for one at the opposite end of the hall which was flickering on an off.

Haven't played it again since.

Back when I was a wee little lad the cyberdemon and it's fucked up step noises did me a number far worse than anything else in the game.

Alternatively, Pic related still fucks me up

>Not posting mirror scene before the tacky wheelchair bit

c'mon dude

the part where you dont buy me tales of berseria but if you buy me tales of bersia i will forever be indebted to be your girlslave

id: timecalm on steam

first time I did x-18

memes be damned that place had me frozen in anxiety. games like fear and dead space i get jumpy but no game does that constant pulse of fear in my heart like stalker

it's all mental too that's the beautiful part, even when I'm alone in a field my mind is buzzing. listening to every sound, watching my ass.

sent ;)

When I was a kid while playing Quake 1 with my uncle we were taking heavy damage and was forced to retreat. Little did we know that there's an enemy with a range attack that can BEND CORNERS AND TRACK YOUR ASS! Like seriously what the fuck.

When we felt we were safe we turned back around (facing the direction were the heat was coming from) and literally in our face was that fucking attack. Shit scared the hell out of both of us.

That moment frighten my uncle to the point that he never played that mission ever again.

As much as I fucking love stalker, I really don't get scared by it all that often. I laughed a bit when barrels and shit started flying at me.
I do recognize that I'm in the minority here though.


Silent Hill 3
While I wouldn't really classify Silent Hill 1 and 2 as scary, they're definitively good horror games
I haven't played much of SH4, but it was pretty spooky



That's not very nice.

your not very straight


>first time I did x-18
I love Stalker but I don't like that part of the game.
I just don't know what it is about video games that I can't handle horror. I've been in bad situations in person and handled things fine but in video games? Nope.

I do have a friend who absolutely hates bloodsuckers though. He can not stand them, I remember playing the Breaking Point mod for Arma2 and they had bloodsuckers in the game. He would be armed to the teeth with anything he wanted but he was still terrified.

My friends bought me Dead Space for my birthday. I decided to play it in the middle of the night with the lights off and headphones on. I only play for about 20 minutes until I thought fuck this and turned it off.

I haven't touched it since but I bet it's not even scary.

fucking kill yourself, at least get some taste before begging for garbage copy and paste shovelware if you're going to be such a god damn loser

super mario world

the big castle music

not sure if it was fear or anxiety

>music speeds up

Half-Life 2.
The house on the roadside right before you reach the big bridge.

captcha almost never appears on my phone and i can never post
but if i can, are you autistic? Fucking rope yourself

Does PT count?

When I was a kid, Crocomire scared the living shit out of me.


Wow, you guys are a bunch of pussies

Who gets SCARED from non-real things?

>melt him in the acid
>see the bubbles going across the bottom of the screen

You are getting pissy over a Source mod. Just fuck off.

this shit


>the imaginative scares

You mean the cutscene spoops?

>elevator scare
>not paying attention because it's like 2am and I'm sleepy
>turning around and talking shit to the painting on the elevator, trying to come up with a joke about the guy who paints for elevators knowing the elevator music guy
>turn back around
>Alma just standing there in front of me

Maybe one of two times a horror game has scared me. I just about shit myself.

The scariest game of all time is Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 when playing terrorist hunt

God I completely forgot about that.
I think that level actually marked a turning point in vidya for me. I think that was when I stopped being "too scared" to keep going in vidya.


I was playing Elite Dangerous
just got back from an exploration run to Sagitarius A (center of the galaxy)
had about 8 million credits worth of exploration data on me
Get within 500 ls of the station I was docking at and I get interdirected
2 gankers, one in a conda and one in a FDL start unloading on me.
Proceed to evade harder than I've ever had to for the next 2 minutes while my FSD charges so I can get to the station.
Get out, get pulled right back into another interdirection. Start taking hull damage because my shields are popped.
Process continues, escape, interdirect, repeat
Make it to the space station with 8% hull integrity left, power plant nearly destroyed, one of my engines shot out, and my canopy nearly cracked too.

>that thumbnail

Quite a few moments in FEAR Extraction Point put me right on edge, or even flat out made me jump. That part where Holiday gets ripped to shreds made me feel something I've never quite felt in a game before, or moments before when the warehouse wall extends and the phone rings (you know the one). Come to think of it there are a few parts where shit like that happens, particularly the one in the hospital where once you get to the end of the artificially extended hallway and turn around, you're in a completely different place. Really unnerving stuff.

Also in Doom 3 where you're crawling around in a vent shaft and moments into it you hear betruger laugh then everything goes silent. I mean absolutely no ambiet noise at all, just the sound of your footsteps in the vents if you moved. If you stayed still there was just dead silence. I thought it was a bug but on subsequent playthroughs it kept happening. I remember just freezing up the first time it happened because I was expecting something to jump at me, but there was just dead silence. Only moved after some cold sweat made its way into my eye and I realized that I was scared of a computer game.


soul leech from alundra, actually pretty much all of alundra scared the fuck out of me when i was a kid, kept me in a constant state of unease at all times, but this one was particularly fucked up

>tfw septimus tells you its too late for kline and you have to escape his nightmare and leave his soul to be devoured
>mfw imagining the last moments of klines consciousness watching you disappear and leave him alone with a horrible monster thats slowly dragging him into its maw

This shit had promise.

loved the atmosphere of this game but the part that really gave me goosebumps was the part that youre seeing sort of flashbacks and at this moment i remember being in a flooded metro station or something and i heard a fucking baby crying. sent chills down my spine


my older brother got one of the turok games on the n64 and i used to watch him play. he got a gun called the cerebral bore which back then i didn't know what it did, just that it sort of insta killed enemies and made a lot of blood shoot out. i remember being really intrigued by it and asked him how the gun works and why its called what it is. when he told me its a weapon that shoots a thing out that burrows into your brain and shreds it up i couldnt sleep for weeks and had nightmares. our mum made him return the game and boy was my older bro pissed, not only was i having nightmares but he hated me for a solid month


The first Silent Hill, going into the hospital for the first time. I literally felt nauseous with fear. That loud as fuck industrial music and breathing noises, literally had to stop playing.

Jet Force: Gemeni, swamps of Tawfret.
Those fucking zombie ants.

kek that's pretty much this

Should I play this emulated or download the pc port and use the guide?

You could've just typed "I'm a massive bitch" and your post would've read the same way.

>BioShock demo
>never played a horror game and still fairly new to fps (strict mother growing up didn't have video games til I was 13)
>already feeling a tad uneasy and creeped out but so drawn in and immersed
>find fire plasmid
>light some poor sap ablaze
>he starts shrieking and wigging out
>just charges literally sprints directly at me and dives
>almost piss my pants as this flaming rabbit faced dude with a rusty pipe is literally jumping on top of me
>blast him dead with the six shooter
>takes me a second to even realize what the shit just happened
>turns out the dude was running for the puddle of water behind me and diving in to put out the fire I brought upon him
Bought the game few days later and to this day remains one of my all time favorites. So great making traps with the ai like putting the electric trap bolts around water and lighting people on fire and watching them dive in and get zapped.

The PC port plays pretty well, no need to emulate it.

>Descending into an aphotic zone or being off-boat over deep water in Subnautica
>First hour or so of Outlast
>Going into the kennels in Penumbra: Black Plague
>Lab X18 in STALKER SoC

What happens there? The spider robot guys? 2 and the episodes blend so much for me.

If I recall correctly it's the first time in the game where you see a poison headcrab zombie. It was pretty cramped and he sneaked up on my completely, it was horrifying

What the shit is that from??

>new to subnautica, exploring the surface
>suddenly spook as fuck music, water turns rust color,
>nope the fuck outta there

Still haven't explored that deep yet.

Fuck those things. The sound they make is bad, but the sound your suit makes when they attack is even worse to me for some reason

Relish it, the last thing you want to do is look anything up on the internet for Subnautica even though you'll be tempted to; it ruins a lot of the experience. The best advice I can give to a new player apart from that is to always have beacons on you. Place and name them whenever you find something of interest/that you think you'll want to return to. It can be incredibly difficult to find your way back somewhere.

>instead of ignoring a thing that he hates, he feels the need to make a snide remark
>stop liking what I don't like

>finding that hard
Fucking pussy

the design of the ladder scene is so subtle yet so utterly brilliant. I think it's my favourite single scare ever. It manipulates your expectations so precisely and effortlessly.

The church in Silent Hill 3 freaked me out more than anything. Not even a specific scare, but the whole atmosphere of walls pulsing with blood and enemies shrieking at you as you run past them. That game was too intense for me to play more than like, an hour at a time.

Also I remember the first-person view it goes into with the ghost in the subway making me really uneasy.

What happens with the wheelchair?

Did anyone here play Siren BLood Curse on PS3? That one level where you play as a child in a hospital, that shit terrified me for weeks

I've been avoiding guides for the game even though I'm really tempted to look up stuff like base building mechanics and how to dive deeper, though once I figure it out on my own it actually feels like an accomplishment, like my 2-room starter base I built on the starter area. It's shit nothing aside from storage room, but at one point I couldn't even figure that out, so baby steps it is.

Yeah if you're a pussy

Yes, that is exactly what you did. How observant.

Probably when I was still a child and was scared of the dumbest shit like RE: CV or free games like The White Chamber, now I feel so jaded with horror games I can't really get into any of them, even playing at 2:00 AM for muh atmosphere meme doesn't help either, it's like my body has a total aversion to it and doesn't accept it as "real" even though other games where I slay dragons and chimeras and shit are perfectly fine somehow, the human mind is weird man

>replying to yourself

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? It's a jump scare, they can surprise anyone.

The point is how it's designed, not the content.

it pops a wheelie and comes at you

I don't really play scary games, so maybe this is somewhat mild for most people, but for me it was entering that small clinic room in Metro LL and the visions of ghosts start to appear.

After that shit I was on my toes the entire rest of the game, except maybe during the sections aganist human enemies.
That cavern late in the game where they disable your flashlight and your night vision had me hugging the walls the entire time too.

ARK, facing a wipe from the 'server alpha', meaning thousands of hours of dinos and metal buildings would be gone. We fucked them up like the paper tiger bitches they were. Was pretty fucking stressful for about a week and a half, including a 17 hour long raid.

Most people played this game when they were 13 or so. Back then, it was pretty spoopy.

Only literal children get scared at jump scares

>Terrorist hunt
>Enemies respawn, sometimes even before your eyes, from previously cleared out areas
The fuck where they thinking?

>spooky game thread devolves into internet pissing contest

every time

one bonus from the drought of zombie games is not having that faggot who would get hung up on the semantics of zombies vs undead vs infected