After it stops raining and your party's clothes are soaking wet, you can actually hear them sneezing

>After it stops raining and your party's clothes are soaking wet, you can actually hear them sneezing
>If you stand around a do nothing for a bit, Gladious actually starts to mess around with his phone
>Just got out of a battle and Ignis comments that I'm missing a button on my jacket and we should camp out now so he can fix it. If you ignore him and continue to do whatever, he will scold you later on about not letting him fix the button.
>On long roadtrips, you can see the party having full conversations and even goofing around with each other
>If the characters haven't eaten in a while, Prompto will actually comment that he's starving

That's a few that I came across. I'm sure there is loads more. That's what I fucking love about this game. It's the little touches like that

yeah little details like that make me smile

also during long roadtrips i like how they talk about sitting for hours was a pain in the ass

What game is that?

black ops 3


its a shame that a lot of this feels a bit overshadowed by some of the stupider things that occur walking around the overworld
like the incredibly repetitive dialog

>on the road
>ignis stops whenever packs of monsters crosses


Final Fantasy XV has the best looking food in-game of all time.

This is probably the most grating thing for me. Given the focus of travel by car, you would think there would be a massive focus on not repeating dialog. It's a shame it happens as frequently as it does. Also I want to break my monitor every time I hear that the line is getting weak at like half health

>man its hot out here

>Pic related
>Prompto gives the Chocobo Theme lyrics
>"Hey I'm just trying to level up"
>Sings the Final Fantasy Victory Theme

I love how Meta Prompto is

I legit got hungry looking at all the food porn

He also sings "We're in the money"

the vanillaware games have way better looking food honestly
its pretty good though


>Set auto drive
>Look away for a couple minutes to check my phone
>Look back
>Prompto is messing with his camera
>Gladious is reading a book
>Noctis is sitting on the trunk bored

Yeah, that is what people would do, isn't it?

I love this party.

>Listening to Final Fantasy 11 soundtrack on the radio as a I cruise around at night
This might be the most comfiest game ever made

>I'm missing a button on my jacket and we should camp out now so he can fix it.

So they're as gay as they look. Also, reminder to put Final Fantasy in the op so my filter blocks this cringy 13-year-old faggot shit.

this is the worst post I've ever seen
just hide the thread yourself you lazy shit

My favorite is
>"Eyes open, mouth shut!"
Gladiolus probably ingrained that into Prompto's skull.
I did have them commenting about how they've been walking too much when I was on my chocobo for the last ten minutes though

>Noctis dad and his soon to be wife are dead
>Gladious tells him to stop acting like a bitch and think about other people just because Ignis is now blind

Wow what an insensitive asshole. Noctis just learned that his dad is dead and he literally watched Luna get stabbed by Ardyn. He has a right to be depressed. Hell, Gladious is more concerned about Ignis get blinded than Ignis is himself.

Gladio's dad is also dead.

It's just a shame that all the major aspects such as story and characterization are TOTAL FUCKING GARBAGE.

Then if anything, he should sympathize with him instead of just being a complete asshole to him

I love the fact that you can collect over 250 songs from past-titles, it makes it really fun to explore the world even on foot when you can mess with the music like that. Also, upgrading the Regalia is great and finally flying for the first time feels like you earned it.

And I love all the references to the older games too. I'm gonna be so bummed when I plat this, gonna be a long drought for me.

Because Gladio wanted to keep the mission going.

Honestly, it's all I wanted out of the game. I haven't played it yet, but they really should've focused on just making a comfy roadtrip simulator.

All that and yet every single battle I hear "that's crossing the line!" "My hand slipped"

what is this day one edition meme

Honestly, I want this too, haven't tried it yet. How good is the game if you don't really care much for combat/big plot shit? Are the sidegames and atmosphere stuff good enough on their own?

When are devs going to realize that if you're going to have random dialog in your open-world game, you need to record more than 5 lines? I swear, every half hour I hear "It's so hot!" Followed by "lose the jacket". A game like this should have HOURS of random dialog that can pop up, but instead there just seems to be a handful of 2 to 3 line conversations.

>A guy being able to fix clothes is THE GAYEST THING IN THE WORLD
Ah, to be 13 again. Enjoy it while you got it, kiddo.

>Prompto gives the Chocobo Theme lyrics
>"Hey I'm just trying to level up"
>Sings the Final Fantasy Victory Theme

Which gets annoying the fifth time you hear it.
I like the fishing, is not mechanically great but i enjoy seeing the models

There's nothing on that disc that won't be on a disc manufactured in two months, but putting Day One on the cover will make stupid kids think they got something special

Combat and plot are pretty much the main focuses of FF games so it's hard to recommend it if you don't care at all about it. The world is really nice, comfy as fuck and the music is nothing short of excellent.

The side quests are very entertaining but lack the same personality that side quests do in a game like the Witcher. They're more along the lines of a game like TES or an MMO. That's not to say they're bad, I've done 60+ and I'm still really enjoying the game. As an example, you can be given a quest to go photograph an old tomb which can in turn lead you to explore it and enter a challenging dungeon, though totally optional. You can fish, cook, gather and Prompto will photograph all your adventures.

The atmosphere is pretty great, it really does feel like you're on a trip with your bros. But it's hard to relate to them if you haven't watched the anime and move tie-ins, it helps development of the game a lot.

It's the same fishing from the Yakuza games. Not that that has anything to do with anything, I just thought it was neat.

I watched Kingsglave but haven't bothered with the Brotherhood anime yet. I'm only in chapter 2, but so far the only thing the movie did was spoil who the goofy dude you meet at the beginning of that chapter is. Does anything else become relevant, or is it just basic stuff like that?

She's perfect

>Enter a fight with wyverns or griffons
>Hey this is like a real world RPG!

So, Prompto is the team's bitch?




Pretty much. Gladio especially loves to bully him

Things do become more relevant later, but it mostly sets up the story for some of the key items like the ring Luna carries, and the characters like the goofy dude, and the general of the imperial army. The anime is literally just backstory for each of the main characters, kind of explains their motives and personalities.

If you had to make something so perfect as Cup Noodles better, what ingredient would you use?

Heh, I'll taste test it for ya.

I really wished we could have gotten Versus XIII

>If the characters haven't eaten in a while, Prompto will actually comment that he's starving

they say that shit even after eating only a few seconds ago.


Iris's cum

I don't know how ANYONE can say Iris isn't attractive, but I guess it's because I have a HUGE tomboy fetish and love girls with short hair. I'd love to date a girl that looks like Iris, though sadly she'd probably be an SJW who hates men and lives on Tumblr.

You know what should get added? A node series on the Ascension Grid that increases the amount of AP you earn from everything that gives AP, with the sole exception of levelling. Make that shit cost 99 for the first upgrade, then 333, then 999.

>though sadly she'd probably be an SJW who hates men and lives on Tumblr.

nah, the short hair tomboy look on girls are usually just bi and or have low self esteem.

the SJW tumblrinas almost always have dyed hair.

Yeah, but they also usually have short bobbed haircuts or some shit. You also see emo/goth girls with the tomboy look sometimes, and they tend to be suicidal and depressed.

>short hair means you are SJW, hate men and live on Tumblr

This is why Sup Forums will never not be a big joke.

You did. Chapter 13 and onwards. Otherwise known as the shitty chapters.

Tabata's chapters are what made the game good.

Cor is best boy

Don't know if you watched brotherhood series, but the button is a callback to when ignis sewed the mission button back into Noctis's school uniform. Little stuff like that are

Missing*. Fuck me haven't slept in 2 days

this is probably the comfiest game in a long time.

It'd be great if a good game was built around all that detail.

Fuck that makes it even better. That actually makes me think they did put effort into this

I'm just speaking from personally experience, if you've met girls that are tom-boyish who didn't fall into the stereotype then good for you but in my experience they were all walking stereotypes.

Especially if they have some abnormal dyed hair-color that shit is a big red flag 99% of the time.

You mean Chapter 10 onwards. You know when the story actually picks up and gets interesting

>Prompto looked like Japanese Bobby Hill when he was little

I wonder if he's still a virgin

You ready to rumble, Noct?

This pissed me off too, Noctis was just trying to gather himself. Then Gladio goes full man up shit on him. He was supposed to be getting to his love of his life and preparing to be king in another 20 years, then everything put a big dump of how his life was supposed to be. Noctis didn't do anything to show he wasn't handling it well.

This isn't true, like you have a quest where you have to climb up the volcano and they'll complain about how hard it is on their legs and dont look down etc..

>cringy 13-year-old faggot shit.

Spotted the 16 year old

>have to escort Iris to the port where the little kid is
>one mission later she's inexplicably at the power the plant
>doesn't need you to take her back to the port this time


In King's Knight? Yea I'm game

What isn't true? The side quests don't have the depth of the Witcher quests. They're really just glorified fetch quests most of the time, but they're still fun to play. But really it's a quantity over quality thing. I didn't say they were bad, just not on the same level as TW3, more like a side quests from elder scrolls or something.

But yes, characters react to things and comment on the time of day, their hunger levels, the environment, the scenery, weather, lighting conditions etc. Makes it feel more immersive.

And what makes it worse, he STILL treated Noctis like shit during Chapter 10. What a dick. It makes no sense for him to act like that

Iris is a cute and is best girl

In that case, I'll join ya

>tfw no PS4

It'll be worth the wait to play it on non-shitty hardware.

i agree, she should have just stayed in your party. the link strike with her where noctis hurts his hand punching the enemy and iris heals it is fucking top tier.

Cup Noodle XV

Looks very nice on Pro

I must have them

Perfect time to make your move on her.

i put mine in japanese right away because i feared the english version would be cringe, should i switch it back?

The only voice that's better in Jap is Gladio's


Actually the dub is far superior than the Jap version. Pic related is godly in the dub. Like an 11/10 performance. Noctis VA (Ray Chase) also gives a fantastic performance and nails Noctis emotional moments with perfection

>You guys... are the best

How do I magic in this game? It seems useless since you have to throw it like a grenade and can only hold 3 spells.

>dude, are you really trying to kill me

>If your fishing line isn't at max the party will mention you should re-spool it
>They do this non fucking stop

the best part is that you can hurt your own team mates with magic. I will occasionally roast Prompto for shits and giggles but other than that it sucks.

I seem to be struggling a lot with hunt missions. Even ones that are a few levels below me. those fucking monsters hit hard and its difficult to dodge when you are fighting a fucking pack of them.

Do you not realize that was Prompto who actualy said that? Ardyn did some magic shit that tricked Noctis into thinking Prompto was him

He says "I love you guys" with Japanese audio. Don't know why they changed it.

>approaching car, press X too early making me jump. enter car prompt shows up while i'm in the air, then disappears briefly before I hit the ground. i press X again in this gap, making my character jump again right as the prompt reappears. repeat five or six times
>enter dungeon, noctis's walk speed slows to a crawl
>normally, press X to jump and O to run. when riding a chocobo, square is now run and O is jump. if you press X on accident when you want to jump, you fucking dismount
>dodge button not really as responsive as it ought to be, if you try and wait til the last second to dodge like in an action game, you'll usually take damage anyway
>enter dungeon, easily clobbering enemies that are one level below me. go on a hunt, enemies almost ten levels below me take five minutes to kill
>iris is in the car with us as part of a quest, I can't bring up the menu at all in the car. instead of just disabling navigation while she's with us, the entire menu is disabled
>the lock on is shit
>can warp strike outside of combat in the overworld, but can't in dungeons
>that entire pointless sequence in the power plant where you put on a space suit and fight trash mobs for two minutes while pretending its not obvious that gladio is in the other suit
>noctis has no problem cooperating with ardyn and highwind to get the mythril stuff from the ruins even though the empire is his fucking enemy and just killed his father and probably a ton of other people he knew

Make it less gay? But seriously it was probably changed for a cultural thing. Like how in the English ending of FF X Yuna tells Tidus she loves him but in the Japanese version she just says thank you

So Japan is all gay?

You get way more Flasks as the game progresses. If you use items in the recipe you can gain more uses (Also from Ascension Board)

Magic is really only good for nuking enemy groups though.

Wow just like in MGS3

Wow it's like in Mario 64 where Mario lies down and goes to sleep if you don't move the controller.

>>If you stand around a do nothing for a bit, Gladious actually starts to mess around with his phone

woooah the power of technology, right???