Serious question: is this live action?

Serious question: is this live action?

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Serious question: are you blind?

No. It's the full power of the PS4 Pro rendering a single human face in a controlled manner. With nothing else going on.

Nope, runs off of Guerrilla's updated engine. Their engine was already pretty impressive before.

no you retard it's prerecorded do you really think they have actors performing this shit live for you and everyone else as they play

no but its possible due to it being a movie

you know less fps are needed like 24*sec

>he doesn't know

>12 minute video
No one's going to watch your video to understand your post retard. Enjoy your single (You).

Doubt it. Obviously there's mo-cap going on but it's definitely rendered. Whether it's prerendered or not is the question. I don't think it really matters though. The scene isn't very demanding.

No, that's Hannibal from the shitty TV show.

No. Guerilla's (or i guess now also KojiPro's) engine is fucking great at rendering this shit. They actually gave their engine a name now. Its called decima.

So what do you think Kojima promised or did to get Guerilla to give him the source code for their engine?


So does Sony own Guerilla? Like have they ever done anything other than games for Sony? Its not like Santa Monica right?

They made one game for the original Xbox, it sold like shit, Sony bought them and now they own them completely.

So the same as Santa Monica I guess.

Since 2004, yes.

No........ it looks realer than real life whoa

Not to burst your bubble or anything but the models look kind of low poly (disregarding the fact that this is an FMV and not in game). You're literally losing your shit over normal maps.

I did.

Reminder that SCE/SIE is better at making movies than Sony pictures.

Consoles can finally run Crysis 1?

Not really, the only decent-ish one they made is Until Dawn. David Cage's games are just as bad as Ghostbusters (female).

>He hasn't played the Last of Us

>He hasn't played Uncharted


Those games are shit, fuck off. They're pretty to look at but if you were moved by either plot you need to go play in traffic.

You have to actively avoid obstacles in that crash level.

Is this just fantasy action?

uncharted is a movie but crash is a bad game*

I have never seen a single piece of footage from an uncharted game showing what could even remotely be called good gameplay.
Why the fuck is the industry so obsessed with it?

why are you trying so hard

So, with this you prove that gameplay didnt improved for shit, but we have the best cinematic diverse experience.

>videogames dosent have to be videogames
People thought it was a joke?

Who cares?

you fuckin retard?

Apparently you, since you're masturbating furiously to those graphics like a trained chimp.

Console games. They go nuts when they get to walk through a completely non-interactive environment like pic, just because it's pretty.

Game dev here, it's complicated.

3d camera tech allows you to capture a full face and render it/animate it, a lot like what rockstar did with LA Noire.


This is all raw, heavy data. It's not a usable in-game asset because it ignores systems like face rigging for systemic facial tech.

Basically, for the closeup they did a live 3d capture, you can tell because the black oil on his face disappears because it's a model swap, and they just glued on his hair.

For close-up cinematic shots its great, but in normal gameplay you wont have that kind of animation detail.

A good normal map is a good normal map. I care about aesthetics, not numbers.

It must be a blessing to be a sanctimonious PCuck, taking time out of your busy day of chugging kikestarter pixelshit by the galon and ejaculating endlessly to skyrim mod-titties, so that you can shitpost on the internet about how bad all the game's you can't play really are.

Really, it's just so illuminating to be told you're not having real fun by a faceless chronic shitposter on the internet.

A good normal map is still evident when slapped onto a low poly model. Nobody gives a crawling fuck what you care about.

You just have to press 1 button when you get to an obstacle. The same as in Uncharted.

So? What's your point?

That was running on the PS4 (2TFlops)

Thanks to Cerny magic, we now have 8.4TFlops on the PS4 Pro. Especially since Cerny is the tech manager behind Death Stranding, I think we'll be fine.

Jesus christ the amount of buzzwords in your post is off the charts

Not really, you have to actively avoid pits, hazards and direct your jumps. Those two levels are nothing alike, and proof of the dumbed down gameplay naughty dog does now.

You sure like regurgitating press releases without much thought put into it.

Obviously not.

>8.4 TFlops
That is checkerboarded, its actually 4.2 TFlops

Just tell us what's on your mind, really.

I have a PS4 Pro and that $399 box is looking and performing pretty fucking great.

It isn't much of a leap of faith to assume that this will look just as good as the trailers and run 1080/60 with AA and checkerboarded 4K/30, maybe even 4K/45 with dips into the high thirties.

Which is fine because checkerboarded 4K is about 1800p and looks amazing on my 80 inch 4K TV

>4k tv
>Not even 2k
Nice, im sure thats worth 400$

He also worked on Knack, a PS4 launch exclusive, whose framerate could dip lower than 20 and was soon forgotten by the gaming world.

And now that same game is running 4K/60 thanks to the boost in power

It was, because if I'm not a turbosperg about resolution, I can settle for 1080p with anti-aliasing, a little downsampling+60FPS

Looks nearly just as good as my 4K gaming rig that I paid $2300 for.

>buy another CONSOLE to have a working game

>Devil May Cry, Gran Turismo 3, Metal Gear Solid 2
Games that came out at launch and ran at 60 FPS.


A part of me is afraid that going with a look that is too realistic might dampen the way the game ages, I think that the MGS games in terms of graphics have aged pretty darn well, we'll see how this one goes in time I suppose.

Even if they go with a realistic style, this is a far cry from a game like Everquest 2 which went with a realistic style with 2002-era technology

And at a realistic, silky smooth 20 fps


By falling for the Mads Mikkelsen meme you're every bit as bad as the people lining up for the latest Chris Pratt flick. These men are marketing tools, not actors. The Hunt/ Pusher are a hollywood shill job made for the express purpose of creating a new "legitimate" actor to be used in subsequent capeshit releases in order to attract the "film buff" demographic to maximize profits. This happens all the time in hollywood. They pluck out a new star with an inoffensive face from obscurity, put them in an indie shit on the cheap, and bam, they now have "legitimacy" "wow look at this hot new talented actor" appeal and can now be a new "artificial star" to hinge your summer tentpole release on.

It is all fraud, a manipulation. Mads Mikkelsen is no more an artist, no more a human being even, than the new mcdonalds festive hamburger promotion. He is smoke and mirrors, a light show, a pretend actor.

Exact same career progression is true of all of the shilled meme actors of late. Lawrence, Fassbender, Hardy, Pratt, Isaac. By supporting these "lesser known" critical darling you are only enabling the pre-production marketing phase of the capeshit machine.

Mikkelsen is lying to you with his very existence.

Nothing is real.
Someone convince me there is an afterlife so I can kill myself.

Look at the lower eyelashes on the right eye and ask me that again.

brehs, im scared. is this game coming to pc or not?

should i start the petition?

Leave the Sup Forums memes in Sup Forums please.

Kojima is a fucking hack

game is about opening up a blackhole and ruining the world as we know it by letting gods from another dimension take control of our world.

You see if we could harness energy from another universe we can theoretically have infinite energy but we would also attract otherworldly beings to our world who are worst than aliens from our dimension.

>Crash part cuts out before actual harder boulder-runs happen
>Crash 1 no less

Good job further hurting Uncharted though.

Yeah, whole game will be available on youtube

Doesn't sound bad, honestly.

Serious question: is this shill?

As someone who has worked at Guerrilla games in the past:

I wouldn't put it past them to shill on Sup Forums. Like 80% of the "employees" there are game design college interns that fanboy every game they get to "work on" on Sup Forums and reddit.

>implying Kojima needs shilling on Sup Forums
He's /ourguy/, you'd know that if you weren't such a newfriend

That looks terrible.

It looks worse than high-end PC games I played 5 years ago.


Event Horizon
Stranger Things
Dimension W
The Mist
Star Gate
Dr. Who
The Fountain

The Time Wanderers - Arkady Strugatsky

i just figured it out friends

this is what's going on in the game

grey goo/primordial goo/black goo

its either nanomachines again or prometheus


>Being this angry at an albiet, mechanical pipeline system of developping actors who are simply trying to have a career. Oh no, an actor made money being living advertisement. Please kys.

>our guy
How new does one have to be to not know what Phantom Pain is?

I only knew about this because of the desert level in that furry futa spin off of Corruption of Champions

Enough of an oldfag to know that Venom didn't care about Quiet.

Oh Phantom Pain

You mean the best stealth action game ever made?


Were you this upset when you learned that Pro Wrestling was predetermined, too?

would dante even be that violent to himself

Nero beat up Dante like that in DMC4. It did nothing because Dante is quasi-immortal.

>Look up new Kojima Productions
>No real company info on their new site
>Webstore is run by Sentinel, a high-end Japanese toy company
>Decide to go looking for company registration details
>Kojima Productions is a trademark owned by Konami for the next ten years
>Absolutely no legal info ANYWHERE that I can find on the new Kojima Productions

Are... are we being taken on another ruse cruise?

I think it was in-engine, just rendered on a high-end PC. and a lot of post-processing and edits.

C'mon they do this shit all the time now.

>tfw you will never be an actor and have hideo befriend you with his special move:Fist of Friendship

the ruse has started since moby dick studios

no, even before that, since that kojima tweet about project ogre

I'm playing FFXV and The Last Guardian in 4K, how's goat simulator in 4K? Good benchmark?

jealous even if it's an upscale. enjoy the games user.

I didn't want to believe it, but literally the only thing close to a legal filing about the Sony-affiliated KojiPro's existence is this PDF.

He can't keep getting away with it!

memes aside, i'll pass

I've waited too many years for these games to even risk playing them at upscaled 4k at a blistering 20 fps

It's kino.

>disregarding the fact that this is an FMV
Since when has Kojima ever used FMV in his games or trailers?

Those words mean nothing user

Serious question why don't my dad love me man? I'm white.

Don't bother. 90 percent of the people here trash on shit they've never even played. You need to realize this board is full of bitter neets, underage, and social failures.

My homolust for Mads makes me wish I had bothered to get a PS4.

OP's pic is in Fox Engine though.

but geoff said it was running on a ps4