Red pill me on the patriots

red pill me on the patriots

literally who?


a sentient series of machines that's convinced itself humans are on the wrong course and thus assumes the responsibility of changing that course through geoglobal political shenanigans, information control, and large scale societal experimentation; most of which it has down pat
i don't really understand the story of MGS4 though and thus consider MGS a trilogy

>The Patriots AI sought to fund fictional Utopia in the mainland of the United States through Big Boss' vision of eternal warfare fought almost exclusively in the Middle East; a future that was in the process of being achieved until it was foiled by the terrorist cell known as Philanthropy

Friendly reminder that while Metal Gear has no clear definition of good and evil, or good guys and bad guys, Solid Snake is quite clearly the antagonist to civilization.

The man who sold the world wasn't John, it was David.

Yeah, MGS 1, 3, and 4 are all I consider canon too.

But user(s), MGS3 is both retarded in story and gameplay.

Not to mention setting.

yes but they were good fun, story-wise i mean
i've played through MGS4 i don't know 3 or 4 times and i still don't know half of the characters' intentions

Here you go, Boss

>The nightmares? They never go away, Snake. Once you've been on the battlefield, tasted the exhilaration, the tension... it all becomes part of you. Once you've awakened the warrior within... it never sleeps again. You crave ever bigger tensions, ever bigger thrills. As a mercenary, I'd think you would have realized that by now. You care nothing for power, or money, or even sex. The only thing that satisfies your cravings is war! All I've done is give you a place for it. I've given you a reason to live.

It's not complicated. Everything is just a means to an end. People who complain about Nanomachines or some imaginary complexity missed the point completely by starting the series with Metal Gear Solid.

>All men seek happiness. This is without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end. The cause of some going to war, and of others avoiding it, is the same desire in both, attended with different views. The will never takes the least step but to this object. This is the motive of every action of every man, even of those who hang themselves.

You shouldn't worry about why the characters do what they do, you should enjoy the characters for being who they are, that is if you like the characters. If you don't, that's perfectly fine.

To hopefully clear any confusion though, these are the specific plot motivations of the main cast in MGS4...

>Old/Solid Snake - Destroy The Patriots AI in order to glorify war and be branded a soldier, rather than a gun (I.E. Liquid's motivation in Metal Gear Solid 1)
>Otacon - Revenge on The Patriots AI for using him to build Metal Gear REX
>Liquid Ocelot - Essentially the same as Liquid Snake's in MGS1 and Old Snake's

MGS4 is more about revenge than MGSV.

not to mention the creators were the major characters from MGS3:
Para Medic (aka the doctor who got killed by Grey Fox)
EVA (who was Snake's and Liquid's surrogate other)
Signit (aka the Darpa chief who died in MGS1)

you're so wrong it's hard to know where to begin

you can't be simply told what the red pill is, padawan, it must be experienced
well actually you can just be told something about it, it's a suppository. bend over

shit opinion

That's dumb because MGS2 is not only the best one, but it's literally happening IRL right now.

Daily reminder ocelot was possessed in mgs2
Daily reminder it had nothing to do with the sorrow

Ama I can explain it in as much detail you want

Information control has been a thing for a lot longer than you've been alive you little faggot.

So how come Ocelot gets controlled by Liquid in mgs2?

>started playing the mgs series for the first time last week
>in mgs2
>otacon ran away because his dad killed himself because he found out his mum was sleeping with otacon
How much weirder does the rest of the series get?

Liquid was friends with worlds most op psychic since they were children (they were even symbiotically bonded which is how liquid took control of sally)

Mission 51 ending photo of new york is a hint that mgs2 was their keikaku

To quote liquid (mgs2) "why do you think I ~chose~ [ocelot]?"

IIRC in mgs2 digital graphic novel (not canon but whatever) the sorrow thinks ocelot is failure for being controlled by liquid

Mgs4 database (and maybe eva in game? Been a while) confirm ocelot had a mental disturbance from the arm which is why he replaced it with a fake one. Then he formulated his own keikaku with the ruse

Also big boss (and by extension, liquid) is a tad psychic himself. Thats why hes the only one (not even ocelot) to see the sorrow (also ghost the boss in that first person cutscene moment)

The boss could only guess as much on the bridge when she tries to look for him but he was gone

BBs latent psychic sensitivity is prob related to why liquid needs solid around to activate the possession

Ai built by the behind the scenes power in washington who want to filter the digital age before they are exposed

Mgs4 ruined it and made it an ai made by a british guy who stole the american, russian, and chinese illuminatis secret stash. He was a man of peace

and Kojima is the one who woke people up to it

It only gets weirder until about 4, then PW and V kinda reign it in a lot. Like, it progressively gets weirder from 1 to 4.


Venom didn't care about Quiet.

I will point our this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.

No you are not Venom and neither am I.

1 wasn't that weird, 2 was very weird, 3 wasn't that weird, 4 was just stupid, 5 was boring and pretentious

Buckle up buckaroo

I've never played TLoU, but what part of MGS2 lets you decide anything? What part of the small corridors of the "big shell" looks like freedom? That was my main gripe with MGS2, it was too short, not enough bosses, and felt like MGS1.5

Mg1: good for its time maybe
Mg2-mgs3: god tier
Mgs4: cataclysmic blunder
Pw: good story but worst game
Gz: good level
Tpp: bad story and bad game

>3 wasn't very weird

Spoilers for that other guy, but seriously between the cobra unit and pretty much everything Volgin does, I'd say that fucking tops all of MGS2.

You can choose nonlethal run?

The plot is open ended so you can decide what it means for yourself

It is supposed to be MGS1.5. That was literally the point.

>Colonel: But in the current, digitized world, trivial information is accumulating every second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always accessible.

>Rose: Rumors about petty issues, misinterpretations, slander...

>Colonel: All this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate.

basically we need an AI to save our civilization from Sup Forums

Trying too hard CTR