What do you guys think of PewDiePie?

What do you guys think of PewDiePie?

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Our guy

pretty based

Good for him finding a way to make loads of money doing something he enjoys from home. I don't enjoy his content so I don't watch it.

id pew his pie if u catch my drift :^)

>underaged opinions

get out

His videos are absolute twaddle, but it's pretty cool of him to delete his channel and start over.


he's having a meltdown because youtube once again changed it's statistics

changed for the better. sees his old "screaming idiot" let's plays as cringy. content is more decent. censored marzia's feet though. fucker knows.

He built an audience of young children.

Now it's 6 years later and those young children are snarky teenagers.

So he mimics filthy Frank and all of the other YouTubers who make a career out of being nonsensical and vulgar because it's "ironic."

He almost singlehandedly ruined LPs and gaming on YouTube/Twitch in general.

To be fair he's fucking young, loaded and connected as all hell so i'd honestly kill to have what he's got right now. Shame i'd have to kill myself after blowing it all on hookers and cocaine.

Shut up nigger.

wow get a load of this underaged edgelord

>wants to shut down and escape the fame
>it's going to follow him in the real world no matter what he does
There's no going back to normalcy for e-celebs


Annoying twat then, annoying twat now.

So basically he's an annoying twat imo

Has it really been that long? Now all those underage shitters are browsing here starting e-celeb threads and calling them "based".

He's actually never "nonsensical". He seems like a chill dude now, with self deprecating humor, and even though jewtube is how he makes his money, he continually shits on it. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he moved on to another site, because despite becoming a millionaire its pretty obvious he's frugal with his money. He hasn't thrown it all away on hookers and blow.

>maybe if I throw some edge around it will show I'm a big boy to the rest of the board

>self deprecating humor

So like filthy frank.

Obnoxious unfunny cunt

Frank literally debases himself for views, eating his own hair and vomiting on his friends. So, no. Not like filthy frank.

>singlehandedly ruined LPs and gaming on YouTube/Twitch in general.
Why is Sup Forums so tsundere for LPers? The general tone around here seems to be that Let's Plays were never good. Also, the ones that WERE regarded as "good" (Retsupurae, old Grumps) went to shit on their own.

I think I'd take PDP and his legion of kiddie followers any day over some has-beens who've had to censor themselves or gone full JUST.

He gets any more woke and he'll start funding MDE for more content

I'm not sure I understand what's different between Joji saying he wants to die and Felix saying he wants to die.

> almost singlehandedly ruined gaming on YouTube/Twitch
PewDiePie did nothing wrong

Going thru that phase where "it's okay to like him now cause popularity boom died down" same shit with Justin Beiber but I still hate the fucks

he's /our_guy/ for sure

>were regarded as good
>old grumps
>no mention of Fits


>chip and ironicus don't do retsupraes anymore

What the fuck happened, they get cucked by their wives and political leanings so they can't make fun of people or something?

Coming in to add that Pewdiepie now barely ever does Lets Plays. The last time he actually did one was for Uncharted 4. He's doing one for The Last Guardian now, but basically its months and months between his Lets Plays, if he even goes beyond one or two episodes of something. He repeatedly says in his videos that he doesn't do them anymore because there are no good games out and he isn't going to sit through an entire game he doesn't give a fuck about just to make 12 year olds happy.

To this day I only watched one of his videos, and indeed it looked like he was trying to pull some Filthy Frank stuff to the point he even mimicked his voice. The humor was just bad, nothing else to say about him.


Sup Forums's dream job. Make millions of dollars to play video games, and then not play any video games.

i find him interesting because he absolutely gives no shits anymore and explains how retarded youtube is and how it actually works. its pretty obvious he feels that he's got his money out of them and thus he can do and say whatever he wants. there is nothing they can threaten him with, he's already a millionaire so what are they gonna do?

I reluctantly respect him for finding an easy way to get a shit ton of money. That's about as much as I can say about him.


He has good taste in animu

>pewdiepie is an anime hipster
who'd figure

his country is falling apart by commies and immigrants.

He chose to stand and fight. What have you done with your life, user?

>hey guys I'm Filthy Felix, do you like me now?

Used to think he was annoying as fuck but now he really puts some effort into his videos and his car video is pretty fucking hilarious. Genuinely seems like a nice guy who put on a goofy persona to get dem subs early on. It does seem like he's copying Filthy Frank now though, especially with his voice.

I think he puts a lot more effort into his videos than that fat fuck boogie.

egoraptor needs to stop taking comedy lessons from this guy

His Dark Souls playthough is the stuff of legend.

>Likes Kaiba
My nigga

I like him now that he stopped giving a fuck and just shitposts on youtube.

>roast video
>"irish cunt"
made me kek

He's better these days.

>jewtube is how he makes his money

Hasn't been for a long time

Apparently he was already a rich kid, and now he inherited his father's business

Also he invested into some other shit, if he stopped doing Youtube right now it wouldn't be a big deal for him

>his car video is pretty fucking hilarious.
>he actually watches this jerkoff

I think he's an unfunny cunt

>I decide what's funny and what isn't


Is that supposed to be some sort of insult? You sure got me.

Reminder his gf also has a massive chunk of his subscribers too
Reminder they must literally be rich as fuck while doing minimal work
Reminder your channel has less than 20 subscribers

reminder they still need Anonymous to validate their existence


I love him now that the alt-right tells me to

>Some internet "comedian" thath as fuck all to do with politics
>"Le alt-right amirite? XDXD"

What I don't understand is all the non-game stuff. I watched his let's play of the South Park game because I was really interested in it. Had a good time. But wtf is all the other shit on his channel? I just thought of it as tremendous bloat, but looking again, it's the non-game stuff that seems to be the majority of content, so you tell me.

no. people like him don't understand politics at a basic level and only do what they're told (they're useful idiots) or they do it to fit in with a crowd or to make money. they're pandering basically. every side does this no matter who is pandering and none of them understand the hidden agendas.

Then he would pander to SJWs.

Stay woke, brother.

>every side does this no matter who is pandering and none of them understand the hidden agendas.

Meaning SJWs do the same shit. They mostly do it to fit in though.

if you still need clarification on this i mean many SJW arent actually SJW they're just part of a crowd.

if they knew what the real agenda was they would never do it.

Infinite cancer. No matter what those faggots of Sup Forums say.

Bitter because I am not a dapper looking Swede and thus can't become a millionaire by screaming at vidya

I still can't believe Sam shot up that school

>Has an image of Zuckerberg

Is this that the faggier and less autistic version of red pill?

it's the nigger version. you'll hear it in rap songs.

>you'll hear it in rap songs
Oh, I don't listen jungle music.

I'd never watch his content but I dont really mind him otherwise

Show some respect to tribal music and monkey noises.

I'd quite like to see Marzia get blacked.

I hate him and I'm jealous of his money and charisma.

I don't.

Ever since he became totally aware he can't fail he's become funny. He just doesn't give a shit anymore.

fuck off, retard.

His content used to be cringy as fuck,at least he's aware of how his videos used to be.
Pretty chill guy imo