Shouldn't you be studying user?

Shouldn't you be studying user?

No, I'm a NEET.

But I'm NEET

>tfw 150 word essay but can't stop browsing -V-

I don't have to study or work like you wagecucks thanks to being NEET

No, I dropped out of college 15 years ago.

>150 words
are you on elementary school?

no im a neet actually

Bitch I've got a job.

and I never got a job, just so we're clear

I should but I'm sick yet I'm still browsing this place I hate myself

>4 finals next week
>have to ace japanese due to fucking up the midterm but suck at kanji
>5 chapters behind on a politics class
>have a bunch of math hw due at the time of finals
>ok for the last one sort of but still need to study
>can't stop browsing Sup Forums

>He hasn't got all his assignments finished already so he can enjoy comfy winter vidya in peace.
Truly plebs.

>Tfw 10 words essay but can't stop shitposting

Lurk for two years before posting

What does Chris Handsome have to do with this? You're an idiot OP.
Even Shoop da Woop or Melon Negro would have been better.

Vintage memes should not be used so frivolously

>tfw tried doing this earlier but mistress finally allowed me to fap in the middle of writing my second to last paper and haven't continued working since

>global terrorism
>rise of The Islamic State
don't be silly user, islamic terrorism has nothing to do with islam :^)

>professor hasn't given a single test all semester
>tells us our final will be all online and completed at home

No, I'm a neet

>Chris Handsome
Ahhh, yes.

fuck leave me alone

Fuck you, I already studied the whole damn day so I'm gonna have some off time shitposting here now.

all is lost for two classes I'm taking. even if I ace the final i'll get a high C. I learned this semester that taking two hour long night classes is not the way to go

>Japanese final
>Politics class
>Math hw
What the fuck are you even majoring in?

I have literally never been to college.

>Professor says no tests or quizzes all semester except for the midterm and final
>Midterm is 20% of the grade, Final is 35% of the grade

Why do they do this.

>100 word essay due in 45 minutes
>cant stop posting in shitposting threads

International relations with a focus on asia, the math is just to fulfill some core requirements.

Because they don't give a shit about their job or you.

You have more money than me and have wasted less years of your life.
I envy you.

>tfw 50 word essay due in 10 seconds and I can't stop shitposting

study nigga

Already passed my finals, now I can molest all the children I want

You fuckers joke, but I'm literally 100 words off a short essay 750 word limit and I'm sitting here on Sup Forums shitposting instead of finishing it.

Why do we do it? Just to suffer?


Unlike you losers, I snagged a job in a thriving field that doesn't pay pennies without having to study.

>he fell for the education meme
I'm the boss of my own personal company that goes around cleaning houses. Enjoy flipping burgers faggots.

If i pass a test no;if i don't then yes.I get the results on friday.

Being a live in house trap for a jew businessman who wants boi puss on tap is not a thriving labour market.

Fuck, why didn't I think of something like this. I am stuck with IT shit and I hate it.

Yo Sup Forums, what's the secret to studying long hours consecutively? I need to cram like 500 anime picture letters into my head for finals.

famalam I didn't even study this semester, gotta find that second or third job before I get died

>131 words
>"literally 100 words"

>Had 4 months to do 50 word essay
>only had time to do a 10 word sentence
>It's due in 3 weeks

International relations is the shit. Doing my post-grade in it next year.

Does your class have a realist v liberalism v constructivist divide? It's fucking hilarious.

True,it's like opening a fine aged wine just to get drunk at some frat party.

I thought I was the only one to allow word to save my word docs picking the first line in the document

I'm 25 and NEET

though nearly every night I have nightmares about my old job, which I consider part-time work.

There is no secret, you need a developed prefrontal cortex, which you and I apparently don't have.

what a waste of time

Fuck off Chris I just got done studying a couple hours ago.

>whole day
More like two hours and the rest shit posting

study and edge yourself simultaneously

T. High-school drop out

I already have a degree.

in uni actually

give me 1(one) reason ANYONE should study

I'm only a sophomore and not super deep into it right now, but glad to hear that you seem to like it.

I wonder if I could condition myself to not cum by thinking of kanji like this.

you think that's bad friend?
>semester doesn't start for 1 month
>registration takes 30 minutes
>takes 3 clicks to add course

>Tfw 1 word essay due in 1×10−18 attoseconds

>First final in a week from now.

Oh shidd :-DDDD

Studying with little girls?

>two word

>study for 2 weeks
>finals come around
>only remember the last two days of material I studied

you're right

>getting MBA
>Taking corporate finance
>Only final is left
>Have a 76 right now and final is worth 34%
>If I fail I lose my job

Fuck fuck fuck I'm too dumb for all this

>tfw study last minute for ever class and have a 3.8 GPA in network security major
ez scholarships

Have you guys ever done an essay/assignment related or about Sup Forums?

I'm 30 - I could be studying financial institution-related things to increase my knowledge, but after a long day at work, I'd really rather just play Smash Bros.

But mad money though

Stick with it. It's the most interesting discipline within both politics and history, and the theory isn't fucking mind numbing like the majority of political science.

lmao i have my chemistry and math final exams tomorrow

cant stop playing minecraft though lol