What PC games do you fags play the most? I don't care about MOBAS though. But I need online friends

What PC games do you fags play the most? I don't care about MOBAS though. But I need online friends

I have a shitty AMD CPU and a 64MB integrated GPU, so I mostly stick to stuff on GOG.

Been playing Empire Earth with a 100k population mod lately.

Arma 3


This, squad, theres another around somewhere im sure but these games force voice chat so you need to talk too people

God Eater is pretty fun

I would also like to know the answer to this.

Runescape and overwatch

Mount & Blade: Warband + Napoleonic Wars

Street Fighter V.

But if you REALLY want to play a real ass PC game and make lots of 'friends', go play HellMOO.

Been playing a lot of shellshock lately. Fun fucking game.

>wants friends
>blurs out his name
user pls

team fortress 2

I paly squad. overwatch, arma 3 , and some fightan games sometimes. Also play some niche games with Sup Forums like 100%OG and E.Y.E

On a sidenote:Why does Sup Forums love TTGL so much?

i Play paladins currently im on a massive winning strike

cant wait for matchmaking ending it very soon

>winning strike


winning streak with? Who do you main user?

fuck off with this gay shit nigger.


thats the thing i dont main
i soft pick kinessa into something else

Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield 1, Overwatch

I barely play online shit.
And if I do, it's usually co-op focused.
And those I only play with IRL friends.

this + titanfall

Rainbow 6 siege, Overwatch, Rimworld.

>it's another sissy white boi thread

Fun show, at least it was for me. I liked this kid when she was a kid.

Because it's one of the best animu ever made.. go look up some analysis articles/videos if you want to hear all the arguments why.


Rainbow 6 Siege, Rainbow 6 Siege, and Rainbow 6 Siege

SMITE its my favorite MOBA

>Plays on PC.
>Has no friends.
Lel! No surprises here.

/m/ disagrees, still a fun show.

Then /m/ is retarded. If anyone should be able to appreciate the homage to the history of mecha that's being shown through the show, it should be them.

Thats one of the reasons it was fun for me.

/m/ disagrees because when it was first out, everybody on every fucking board ate that shit up. The second it became baby's first super robot Anime, IE too critically successful and popular, it became "shit"

I pretty much exclusively play Wargame: Red Dragon
Entente best coalition
