Hey, senpai!

Hey, senpai!

Other urls found in this thread:


Material list when

How do i git gud?



Can someone make another phone wallpaper like was i have but with OP's picture?

Soundtrack when?

I can finally make my own weapons (bat and Fireworks launcher) and holy shit they have a lot of durability & ammo compared to crap you pick up.

Might do a few runs of floor 3 just to get materials to upgrade them

Nah fuck this game

>Gear/Equipment breaks after a few uses
>Every time you log in you're missing half your money for some reason
>Sometimes you can roll or block while being stunned, sometimes not

The only pros is the soundtrack and aesthetics. Fuck this game

Why should I play whatever you dorks are playing? Give convincing gameplay clips.

Yeah I managed to find a fireworks blueprint. Makes frying up beasts on the go a nice perk. git gud senpai

what'su good, uncle dess

Is this from undertale 2?

>Git gud
I would if this game was fucking consistent.
WHY are level 70s spawning on floor 1 on my level 2 character?
Why can I sometimes roll or block damage when being attacked but other times can't?
Why does my money keep disappearing every time I boot up the game?
Why is this artificial difficulty by constantly stunning you?
Why are you FUCKED because the game decided to spawn 2 enemies next to each other?

Did anyone experience loading screen crashes today?
A friend and I both had loading screen crashes while climbing the tower and lost our stuff.

How do you scroll through your mushroom tab thing?

Don't you get higher rewards for sending your bodies to kill higher level players?

move the tracker pad left and right

flick across the touchpad left/right as if you were scrolling left/right on a smart phone.

Fuck you guys that just made my character eat a poison mushroom

Is this game worth the 25GB download?

You're not supposed to press it you fucking moron

it's decent for a F2P game and I really haven't seen anything about the cash shop

Postin songs
- Let it Die ~Midnight Worry Game~(Tancobuchin)
- Let It Die ~Welcome To The New World~

>WHY are level 70s spawning on floor 1 on my level 2 character?
I've only seen level 25 haters. Dunno why you're getting shafted.
>Why can I sometimes roll or block damage when being attacked but other times can't?
You can parry attacks.
>Why does my money keep disappearing every time I boot up the game?
Either you're shits fucked or you've not bothered to setup your defenses
>Why is this artificial difficulty by constantly stunning you?
>Why are you FUCKED because the game decided to spawn 2 enemies next to each other?
lol, git gud.

Seriously though if you just read the fucking tutorials instead of mashing through them like a sperging retard then you can actually play the game.


>embed embed

>The game now updates you when they're about to do Maintenance

Thank god

>Go Fuck Yourself: The Post

Why did you even bother commenting?

back to special ed my friendito

I fucking spat out my drink laughing though, sorry user

apparently the Jackal Intro music is "Survive Said The Prophet Let it die (Magic Hour mix)" for anyone who was looking for it

only on Itunes for now

Why did you even bother commenting?

>Most fun I've had all year is Furi and a f2p game


>Tell someone exactly what to do
>"Wow fuck you guys I didn't do what you said and now I'm mad at you"

>reddit die

fuck off

>tells me to press the touchpad
>does it
>Doesn't do what you said it would do

Holy fuck the autism ITT

No one said to press it you fucking idiot. You just can't read.


>Want to play this game
>26 fucking gigabyte download

SLIDE you moron, SLIDE

>Swipe left to right like a smart phone
Do you press your phone when swiping because most ppl do

Thankfully you can play the tutorial and the first few floors while it downloads.

I can't stress enough how useful defense / attack boost mushrooms are before entering a boss arena or one of those obvious "doors are about to close while you're surrounded" traps. Eat all of that shit and then end the fight as quickly as possible.

Wait seriously?

This please

Oh fuck , sorry Senpai

Yeah, but I don't fucking mash my thumb into it like a moron.

I don't know if i missed the balloon but how do you save your progress?

Fucking this

Is auto-saves every time you reach your waiting room

The game auto-saves. However, when you stop playing, just go back to the waiting area, press Options and go back to the title.

If you just turn off the game whether you're on a floor or not it will just leave you where you left off.

dang I died on my 12th raid in the war cause I got cocky


So you have to go all the way down to the waiting room to save?

Seriously? Caps? If you yelled at me like that in person I would highkick you so Fucking hard you would be lifted a foot off the ground.

You can parry? How?


Yes. Just find an elevator, activate it and pay the gold.

Press Circle right as the attack lands. I'm not sure if you need a certain mastery with fists to do it though.

No, only if you want to level up and restore health. It temp-saves when you turn off the game on a floor.

Block at the same time you're about to get hit

Stop lying you cunt

I spent like an hour looking for the winnie song with no luck. I don't think it exists on the Internet. All I found was some thread on 2ch asking if anyone found it yet.

Do I really have to get an entirely new gun when you run out of ammo?

uncle death's package gave me this cool revolver that has full durability but I ran out of ammo pretty quick

yes, it's in the official FAQ

You can still execute with it

I found a glitch for that

Go to any floor, equip the gun in one of your hands, power the PS4 off then on and your ammo will refill.

This is some ebin bait


Its worth it to build your own crap, since it lasts waaaay longer.

epic trick


Thanks. I learned it from 9gag and Reddit.
I will get hate for saying that though because 4channers with they were as popular as those sites but arent so they just spurge out REE GO BACK TOREDDIT


is everyone going back to paragon now?

How do I buy express passes? No option in my PlayStation store

you can't yet but they've been giving 24h passes every time there's maintenance

getting the store up is probably priority #1 for them right now

stop trying to grind on the lower floors like a faggot and climb the fucking tower senpai

its a roguelike not an rpg

Is there a way to check what things you've unlocked through weapon mastery? I'm like level 3-4 fists or something like that, but I don't know what extra stuff that gives me.

>playing assfaggots

>that shit quality jpg
I posted a png, the fuck. Also here you go senpais.

it lists all the bonuses in the rolodex

>it's not an RPG
>leveling up
>Skill points
>Weapons and armor
>not an RPG

Seriously? Anger issues? If you tried to kick me like that, I would point and say "look at this idiot" so Fucking smugly that you would bury your head a foot under the ground.


Based, thanks fampai

>Have 100s of cool music tracks
>Can't listen to them outside of the waiting room

Where is the png?

>TFW when I want a PS4 to play this game

Thanks user, I was hoping someone would do that one.

>durr what's a perfect block
It's not the games fault that you suck and can't read

This is gonna become the equivalent of "delete system 32" isn't it

Yeah? Point at me then. See if I don't break your Fucking finger off and shove it up your ass.


Damn server maintenance, been raiding argies for 2 hours since the war started

>4channers with they were as popular
What did he bait by this?

Thanks senpai

>He doesn't know the difference between an RPG and a roguelike

Tfw I just got kicked off cause of maintence and left 29K Kill coins in my bank

All of those things are in a roguelike too.

The term "RPG" has been so washed out over the years, you could use it to describe anything that has upgrades to character stats.

on this note, is there any way to repair weapons? as doubtful as that is

>He thinks any game with artificial difficulty is "roguelike"

I would expect this on PC down the line, although I think hackers might be out of control with ridiculously broken haters and shit.