New Vegas appreciation thread

I am getting sick and tired of reading some of the bullshit on here about New Vegas. Look, the games 6 years old, so of course it will have aged a bit and of course it's gonna not really hold up against most modern titles, but that doesn't mean it's a completely terrible game!!

Yes the combat wasn't very good and potentially was fundamentally flawed, I'll give you that, yes I accept it wasn't very challenging but how many modern games are these days??

This shit people keep saying that the map is one big doughnut and there's very little to do on it, I don't think is entirely fair either.

It's DEFINITELY an improvement on Fallout 3, which was a great game, so what more do you fucking retards want??

The entire Fallout series is garbage.

That's simply not true.

Sup Forums at it again, oh you

poor bait, fuck off

What are you going on about? Anyone with half a brain cell knows FNV is one of the greatest video games of all time.

Fallout 4 is good, the previous ones were rubbish. How can you have a FPS but you never actually do any shooting and it's all automated for you? Crazy

this is a pretty shitty falseflag bud, new vegas is widely regarded on Sup Forums as the best FO entry



Fuck off, Todd

>Varmint rifle



>noncommittal yes
what's wrong exactly?


theres nothing wrong, its just guaranteed to make someone reply

Nice cherry picking.

guaranteed replies means it's divisive and confrontational
it's not, it's nothing

Somebody once posted a long rant in /fog/ about how the dialogue in NV is superior to FO4 and posted this image along with it. I just liked the irony and saved it to post it later.

The first 3 games in the series weren't even first person shooters. Fallout 4 is garbage


I haven't played 2, BoS and Tactics.
But I sort of have to agree. 1 might be the most overrated cRPG I've played in my life.
New Vegas is really good, though.

there is no irony
you can't see how a noncommittal yes option makes a world of difference for rp, while the actual no and yes options are actual options? for what is essentially a tiny favour, more like an unmarked quests, but made a quest as part of design of hand pulling players to see the sights?

I think Vegas combat is "fine", actually, it's not great or challenging, but it's better than most FPS-RPGs out there. The basis is shoddy, but it has some really cool weapons to make up for it. Every time you make a "gunfu" thread, there's a couple of Vegas-related posts in it, because the game has pretty much every kind of gun for every person, and then some.

Also, this guy is so fucked.

That's obviously a mod.

A Cold, Cold Heart is a marked quest!

Wait what the fuck? I'm pretty sure you can't have him as a follower

It's a mod.

>A Cold, Cold Heart is a marked quest!
and I didn't say it wasn't

Were there lines for him in the game files that weren't used then?

Whoops, my bad!

I looked it up at Nexus and apparently the modder spliced some old dialogue together to create new lines.


>tainting fallout with walking dead faggotry

This Paul Tassi guy can go and fuck himself.

as if fallout can be tainted and isn't faggotry itself

She's pale as fuck in vanilla. I was kinda afraid of her.

>NV fans resort to using fanon oc bullshit

you're boring


It's a mod. What's wrong with using the games resources to give the mod more content?
I mean, it's not like you have to download it. I don't have it and don't really intend to get it either.

>responding to bait

S-shut up...

Then he jerked off using his own tears as lubricant.

This meme is dumb. Anyone who actually played 4 would realize there is no shortage of dialog. The "wheel" may not be the most intuitive but generally the top and left options are branches into other 4 options, or if you ask a question it gets replaced by a new question. If someone bothered to list out all the options in something like the railroad meeting or nick's interview youd see tons of lines and options

Old World Blues is the best DLC

>it's another radio episode of "aint that a kick in the head, ha ha!"

>youd see tons of lines and options
which, ultimately, change nothing


>Look, the games 6 years old, so of course it will have aged a bit and of course it's gonna not really hold up against most modern titles,

Modern titles like Fallout 4? It's still doing better than most modern video games

>Fallout 3
Vanilla game was okay for the time
>Mods keep it playable even now

>Vanilla game was okay for the time
>Mods keep it playable even now

>Vanilla game was okay for the time
>Mods keep it playable even now

>Fallout 4
>Vanilla game is okay
>Mods make it playable

Why does this non-argument keep happening?

I didn't like it.

I agree, it's not a great game and bivouacs not better than 4, but nowhere near deserves some of the criticism it gets

And I bet you liked Dead Money.

I beat 2 a year ago, it was great...

Outside of critical hits being broken with the SMG of course.

A reminder that Fallout 4's shift in design was more of a mistake then anything else

Todd Howard admitted he didn't intend to have most of the quests be shooting focused but it ended out that way since most of what the player is going to be doing is radiant quests.
I bet you more then anything that TES6 will be refocused to appeal more to the RPG crowd. If by no other reason then 4 actually having a negative reception on steam after people got a chance with it.

I spent 90 dollars for it + the season pass on launch - biggest waste of money in my life and I bought Spore + Galatic Adventures for full price.

Would Sup Forums use this gun?

>Fallout 4
>Vanilla game is shit
>Mods make it almost playable

>Sup Forums hated this when it came out
>all those thousands of hatethreads
>new game comes out (Fallout 4)
>the older one retroactively becomes good and the new one is automatically shit
Contrarian edgelords never change. This isn't just Fallout, it's all franchises.

>Sup Forums is one person
fucking hypocritical Sup Forums

It's the best DLC after all.

And it's the one I hate the most, so it makes perfect sense.

i'd hip fire

i liked lonesome road more tbsmdh

The only people complaining about how poorly New Vegas has aged were 10 years old when it came out.


Here's an acronym for you.