New Switch exclusive

New Switch exclusive

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>New Switch exclusive

So, we still hate console exclusives, right Sup Forums riiiiiiiiiight Sup Forums?

looks interesting


As the speaker for the Sup Forums board Sup Forums, we still hate consoles. All other posts are moot.

I can already see nintendrones hyping this up as the next big thing from this one picture alone

who are you quoting?

do you faggots ever get bored?

I don't hate exclusives, I understand it from a business perspective, because I'm currently studying for my masters in Business Administration.

What's your degree in, "Computer Science"? A field that currently oversaturated and less people with those degrees are finding jobs?

>pinned tweet is for donations

>Nintendo Switch does a drift
>Plane goes flying out the window

lol so the UE4 Kite demo is trying to be passed off as a Switch exclusive game?

Total bullshit especially since the tesellation quality is the same as the Titan X demo.

Keep dreaming this is running on a Switch.

It's not the Unreal 4 kite demo, although it's clearly running on UE4.

All these fucking games using UE4 as their engine is making it incredibly obvious that they just use to default assets in UE4 instead of making new ones

Making UE4 free was a mistake.

>we want the sony audience

Oh, Super MEtal Dave was actually talking about this.

It's from some indie devs called AnyArtsProductions.

Looks like some Sony AAA movie game.

Can't wait for NintendoGAF to praise this to high heaven.

>we still hate console exclusives
I've never hated console exclusives.

They're good for consumers and promote competition.

It is the Kite demo that ships with UE4. Someone just used some different assets and took some screenshots at different points in the engine demo. If you have messed with UE4 then you should easily recognize the canned assets from it.

>spike vegeta: adventures in autism

>Some tranny posts shit on Twitter
>Sup Forums actually believes her

I thought it looked like a kiddy Uncharted or something

Yes, but it's actually a real game.
No one actually doesn't original assets in UE4, but this is apparently a real game.

>They're good for consumers and promote competition
Thanks for the laugh.

It's from these guys

>dont know anything about the game

Who said that?

Learn to write and you are fucking stupid either way

Never heard of them, what game did they do?

What are you getting so mad at?

Yes i'm looking forward to your Switch Exclusive you wonderful beast!

>getting bootyblasted over the prospect of new games

It's some new dev team.

Underages are not allowed on this site

>Trusting pathological liars who even lie to themselves about what gender they are.

>pretending to know anything he is talking about

Just why?

Indie shit that apparently is in the business of making games using UE4 community assets.

It's Unity garbage all over again

Why not?

But seriously, so many UE4 use so many of the same assets becomes obvious.

All the grass looks the same, all the rocks look the same.

Although there's little to go off, reeks of 'indie walking simulator with light puzzles that's going to be praised in some respect for having a child as a protagonist'

This isn't worth a thread.

The people who are making this are french, so probably.

Its ICO probably

It's Pokemon

Why does anything Switch related draw the ire of Sup Forums?

TLG done right.

t. person born after 2000

1.) This is Indishit
2.) Laura Kate Dale is riding off other leakers, he's just an attention seeking loser
3.) Sup Forums hates everything

Because at this point its pretty much obvious it's gonna be an huge success and sonyponies are mad.

Is he wrong though? Exclusives give people a reason to buy one console over the other. It's like a contest of who gets the better games. The end result is that more good games get funded.

How can more good games be a bad thing?

I think the lack of general information about the Switch makes it exciting to get any news about it.

Looks pretty cool, hope it's not a walking simulator but actually has gameplay.

Lmao, this indie shit better than a masterful surrealist adventure.

>buy a platform
>platform maker provides software
>software that not have been made is now published, or software now has greater budget
>consumer receives more games and as long as all platforms push for exclusives more and more games are made

Cool backpack. I'd dig that if I was 8.

>why do people care about the next new console?

I said ire, not interest.

>I'd dig that if I was 8.
If only you were shown this a week ago.

More like
>why are people mad that people care about the next new console?

yep, even if they are an indie studio with no pedigree or history. I still believe with Nintendo shepherding the project, it'll stomp anything Team Ico could hope to do.

Switch is off to a damn good start. YES!!!!!!!!!!!

>>Plane goes flying out the window

This plane of reality goes out of the window to bring a new one.

Pls no bully

Can't do worse than a 7.0

Can't these bitches who are leaking this shit get sued at this point?

Have you ever seen someone get this fucking assmad about not getting an invite to a press conference?

Neocuck at the E3.

i'd fuck her desu

I'd rather not support this person's gender reassignment cost

Oh my bad. That's simple, it's because Sup Forums is full of sonyponys who hate anything that isn't #4theplayers

Why not just release the fucking trailer on the wild?

Why all this unnecessary beg for attention?

It's a male you faggot.

that's fine i'd still fuck it and maybe even fondle it's tiny clitty

Calling it now: this is going to be a game that's about a child exploring the woods while have make-believe adventures, the kind of concept that inspired The Legend of Zelda.

It's based off some novel that's being made call Seasons of Paradise or Heavens or something
Either way, I fully expect this to be walking sim.

Here's the description for the novel

>Seasons of Heaven will take you from deep inside of a mystical forest at the beginning of time all the way through to the twenty-first century and the fall of civilization.

It will take you on a journey with Yann, a young boy with Asperger’s syndrome and his faithful companion, Ani, a French bulldog who Yann is able to communicate with through telepathy. As you follow along on their journey you’ll have the opportunity to meet the rest of the major players and bear witness to the enlightenment of some and the demise of others.

This story will allow you to experience the awe of discovering the most beautiful, magical place that ever existed while at the same time staying only one step ahead of the dark and vile underbelly of the human race.

Most importantly Seasons of Heaven will awaken your imagination and open your mind to possibilities you may never have considered. It will have you on the edge of your seat as you question everything you thought you knew about humanity and begin to realize that the possibility of things existing that can’t be seen with our eyes but only felt within our hearts and souls, really do exist.

Sounds interesting

Seasons of Heaven will take you from deep inside of a mystical forest at the beginning of time all the way through to the twenty-first century and the fall of civilization.

It will take you on a journey with Yann, a young boy with Asperger’s syndrome and his faithful companion, Ani, a French bulldog who Yann is able to communicate with through telepathy. As you follow along on their journey you’ll have the opportunity to meet the rest of the major players and bear witness to the enlightenment of some and the demise of others.

This story will allow you to experience the awe of discovering the most beautiful, magical place that ever existed while at the same time staying only one step ahead of the dark and vile underbelly of the human race.

Most importantly Seasons of Heaven will awaken your imagination and open your mind to possibilities you may never have considered. It will have you on the edge of your seat as you question everything you thought you knew about humanity and begin to realize that the possibility of things existing that can’t be seen with our eyes but only felt within our hearts and souls, really do exist.

in all seriousness, what's with all the sjw's in gaming nowadays? scrolling through this person's twitter and im cringing out of my asshole.

No, the narrative has always been that non-exclusives are the problem because they don't justify a console's existence.

Because Nintendrones hype up anything Nintendo-related just cause it's Nintendo, and mass spam that shit like a motherfucker.

I'm convinced Treehouse has marketeers shill here.

Take your cancerous identity politics and fuck off back to Sup Forums, you cancerous piece of shit normalfag.

Who gives a fuck?

>If you don't invite me to the Switch event then I will leak all your shit!

Fuck this guy I want surprises

If it is based on a book, the story at least has a chance to be good

This is even a real leak or a "leak"?

Because a game by a group of "literally who indie" developers.

That's suspicious.

Fuck off.

Oh shit, a walking sim based on Sup Forums, the memes come full circle now boys.

why did you even bother to type this

>telepathic dog

Why not just do A Boy and His Dog and eat a bitch at the end?

>n a LinkedIn page this project is listed as a "new videogame IP" and that ANY ARTS PRODUCTION consists of a lot of games industry veterans.

And looks like the developers are experienced people, looks promising.

>mad that people talk about vidya on the vidya board

might as well start loli or furry general here if you're that assblasted

Oh hey there mentally ill tranny, are you going to kill yourself yet

Literally triggered.

Who gives a fuck about the person's political opinions?

How are there NOT marketeers itt. You guys couldn't be any more blatant. Advertising on Sup Forums is against the rules. But our mod is a Nintendo dicksucker so whatever I guess.

Nintendrones are mentally ill degenerates.



>implying it won't happen

Watch the boy eat the dog

>whiteknighting a tranny
Pathetic on another level.

I don't know why but this reminds me of StarTropics..

i don't get it

just made an observation

im fine with whatever but i am allowed to cringe at them if i want

I just checked it on neofag retard, calm down. Take your console war shit somewhere else.

I just happened to find the tidbit when lurking Neogaf, because I knew they would have more Info with the leak , and stumbled upon this information