Final fantasy xv

regalia edition

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Noctis DLC for World of Final Fantasy when?

Noctis and Ardyn in Dissidia when?

What's interesting is that during the party Noctis is at in Versus, he runs towards where people would be crushed by an Empire ship, as if he knew they'd die (like how he could see people's death before it happened).

Best track.

full post detailing some elements of vs 13. Pretty interesting stuff.

Agreed. I like the way the story panned out, albeit I think it could've used more polish

If WOFF gets Sora as DLC, I hope XV gets Keyblade DLC.

I feel like Versus XIII suits that song more. I love that track so much though. Definitely the best track from the game.

Find a flaw.

Best fucking song ever -

Based Yoshitaka Suzuki

Forgot that.

Noctis was supposed to be the "anti-Sora" too.

>KH without the Disney

That sounds terrible. Crisis averted.


Now I know it's easy to say it's a case of "my dad works at Nintendo!" but a lot of what this user was saying makes sense, and fits with what little we were shown of Vs XIII.

If that's not good enough for you, I've been here for 5 years and can typically tell if someone is bullshitting. This ain't that

boobs way too big

I hope we get more news on these proposed updates they want to implement. If they find a way to further flesh out the latter half of the game, this may become my GOTY

Was this the most based Cid we've seen?

I can at least buy S-E made the project hell for anyone working on it. What's dumber is after all this all their upcoming titles don't even use Luminous, they use UE4.

I'm glad they're still improving the game even though it's great already.

Nomura seemed very angry that he was removed from Versus/XV. He said he was putting his "rage" into KH3's development.

The worst thing is that we got sold an unfinished game. The combat system was downgraded since PD, it is missing parts of the story that will be sold as dlc, fucking grade A bullshit.

>What's dumber is after all this all their upcoming titles don't even use Luminous, they use UE4.

How is that dumb? It would be dumber to continue using Luminous. Luminous is a failure. SE is smart for switching to a competent engine like unreal instead of continuing to make the same mistake using their unfinished, shitty engine.

would have been cool to have him in your team, i know Sup Forumsirgins would prefer Cidney, but fuck that, gimme this little dude doing attacks and quipping about his body aches and thinking we're stupid young folks.

Don't get me wrong, overall I love this game, even with the flaws. But I gotta admit that some of the lack of story and the pacing really put me off. It's why I'm totally okay with them adding more stuff, because the game does have a hell of a lot of potential. That, and I actually give a damn about these characters, unlike that shitstain that was XIII

What I mean is it's dumb that they still forced the FF XV team to use it. It was obvious they knew it was garbage.

About point 3, according to the user that leaked things before the game came out, they were rewriting the script even around June this year, leading to voice over work being weeks behind.

>There's a full script as of nov, its just changing because it's a mess.
>It's not normal. The lock for english voice recording is supposed to be in 3 weeks, but they keep re-writing lines. Everybody is nervous as f*** about Sept30 release. Expect big day 1 patch

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Last pic

Sounds like a lot of good choices were made once Tabata took over. KH without Disney sounds like ass. Really like the plot as well. That said, going open world was asinine. The world is bland as hell. Pretty, but hollow. It's about as lived in the Capital Wasteland from Fallout 3, and that world was extremely dead and hollow. Should've gone for the large sandboxes and quests instead of open world with all the good side quests cut.

All in all, I view this game like I do MGSV. Great, but deeply flawed. Hopefully DLC, free and paid, will fix it. Game has a TON of potential, and it gets a lot right. It just needs more content with decent plot. Side quests like Witcher 3 would be good. Not necessarily similar in content, but in terms of depth.

Personally, I'd give it an 8.5/10

>gimme this little dude doing attacks and quipping about his body aches and thinking we're stupid young folks.
LOL, yeah young Cid was definitely based. Regis and Cid DLC when?

>KH without the Disney
Released version is pretty much that

Same here, brother. I really god attached to Noctis, Ignis, Prompto and Gladio. They were well made. Scenes like this had me feeling legitimately sorry for Prompto, for example.

What did he mean by this?

Kek, didn't realize I already posted the last pic. It's 6am and I'm fucking beat. My bad

The fact that this game's development was so damn troubled and still came out enjoyable (at least to people outside of Sup Forums) is some kind of miracle.


i was not ready for that scene.

god damn ;_;


Nah it's not convoluted enough. Typical FF shit for the most part.

I'm glad it had that delay. It needed it.

Combat flows smoother than it did prior. Prior it was just the same thing but relocated to a combo system and weapons inserted into said combo. Now you can switch on the fly and have things more streamlined and flow better.

Have you watched this too?

>this scene after the revelation in Gralea


"I've come up with a new recipe"


speak for yourself faggot

Even though it had a delay, the game still turned out to be unfinished tbqhfam. Square probably didn't want to delay the game any further and want it to release immediately.

>He said he was putting his "rage" into KH3's development.

Shit, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Maybe the inevitable XV segment in 3 will play like what Verses was supposed to be.

so which skills is best for each party member ? i'm still using their first skill.

>about to enter the throne room
>noctis asks to see the pictures over the trip
>start to look through them
>try not to tear up
>hover over one of vyv for comedic relief
>end up going with one of all four of them in front of the car
>forget about the picture
>kick ardyn's ass
>see the picture in the last cutscene
>stand by me starts playing
>montage of pictures over the course of the game

I enjoyed Brotherhood and was kind of worried they wouldn't bother fleshing out the boys in the actual game, but they still did a good job for those who may have not watched those episodes.

Just wish they bothered to flesh out a lot of the other characters maybe with these updates they'll address that.

if you mean the techniques then get gravisphere for prompto, regroup/enhancement for ignis and impulse for gladio
if you mean the teamwork skills then just buy everything

>montage of pictures over the course of the game

this part got to me. I don't even like the game.

impulse for gladio is insane, get that asap

regroup, enhancement and mark are fantastic for iggy

gravisphere, pierceshot are useful for prompto

I was running dawnhammer on Gladio for some time and Instuct on Ignis, worked for me. Ignis also has access to a skill that makes the whole party go ham on the enemy though, would be doing more damage than dawnhammer due to each hit being separate.

A convoluted plot isn't KH's only namesake

It means he's either going to make KH3 the greatest game ever made or its going to be a massive disappointment.

Rage either blinds you or strives you.
Starfall is pretty good against Daemons with Prompto.

yeah i forgot about dawnhammer, i use that and impulse quite a bit

>Noctis and co from Versus XIII make an appearance as well as their XV forms because of different worlds and shit

You can switch then in battle.

fuck they'll show the photos you saved?


i saved so many shots of my husbando but now i want a good mix of sentimental scenes and whatnot of everyone

It got me too. The moment I saw that first one, then it switched to the second, I just sat there tearing up, like don't do this to me, don't.

And I forgot about regroup. I should use it more for it's healing factor and def boost.

You guys...are the

Finish the sentence Sup Forums

>tfw I have a best bro for life just like these guys in ff15

the feels I got from this game thinking about my best friend got me emotional. I was surprised when I heard noctis said the same thing to his bros in the Japanese version, because I told my best friend I love him too.

Best friends I've ever had, thanks.


>because I told my best friend I love him too.

oh my...

but no, all kidding aside, I get it now why Tabata did it this way. The game did a damn fine job with cultivating the camaraderie and "brotherhood" of the four lads. Of course I'll welcome the added playable characters, but I love the main group. I honestly didn't think I would but damn.

So we all know that the Ifrit fight is objectively the best fight in a Final Fantasy game but why the fuck were we fighting him again?

Biggest shitposters ever, i love you guys


haha nice one +1

Ifrit fight reminded me of a lighter version of games like Devil May Cry.

Same here, they're just sort of thrown at you, but they really do grow on you.

>dat phase iii music
got damn

What? The Ifrit fight was fucking awful. The best fight I've had so far was against the sewer naga.

>when you summon bahamut and this kicks in

Final Fantasy XV

I'm glad we can discuss the game without bad shitposting. You guys are great.

>You can switch then in battle.
how. plz

So, is it good?

>after enduring all the horrendous shitposting threads for the game before release
>ffxv threads are now comfy af for the most part

i'm so happy for this.

I'm pleasantly surprised that Sup Forums is enjoying the game I am, too.

Her hat

Because Ifrit is the reason the Daemons are a thing in the first place. He's the one that spread the photosynthetic parasitic bacteria that would become Daemons because of his hate for humans and made a Convenant with Ardyn who was basically his Champion.

The King of Light and the King of Dark.

>tfw no close male friends
>Childhood bestfriend and I drifted apart after he moved school
>Still talk now, but he has closer friends and a girlfriend now
>Stopped seeing my high school bestfriend after I got terrible oneitis for this one girl and spent over a year trying to court her
>Stopped talking with each other

I just want a small, close knit of bros to hang out with. Threads like this with good anons remind me of those times.

Yea, but it's still a bad game. I'm excited for episode Ignis though.

Ifrit should've said this again during the last battle

>MFW ten naked Gentianas come out at the end of the Ifrit fight

>That epic Veiled in Black remix

>fighting Ardyn
>prompt for summon pops up
Is that scripted?

You guys think they could add some boss battles with the update? You know, Ravus at the base, the emperor, stuff like that? I mean, they have time to add the CEO as a secret boss.

How does one activate the armiger? Hitting L1/R1 just brings up the tech menu, is it like Summons and its broke where you have to hold it for fucking ever?

Just go to the gear menu and switch them like you would out of combat. That's the only way you can, but utilise it as much as you can.

is it really comfy if all people do is discuss whats missing from the trailers?

>Ardyn doesn't kill the kotr, causing an inter dimensional rift to appear with Gilgamesh suddenly appearing and joining forces with noct

What a shit game


>implying that's as good as Blinded by Light

Its not, finished it tonight and never got a summon prompt. Most I got was the clash level where it slows down time.

Also what happens when Prompto gets to 100 pics, just no more can be taken or you start replacing other ones?

yeah i drifted apart with some of my more closer bros over the year, due to time differences, etc.

and as silly as it seems and as lame as it might be, i agree, whenever there's a good thread around here and i can just laugh, joke, and actually discuss things, it makes me feel liek those old times.

Thread theme:

just press them simultaneously
try mashing them both if it brings up the tech submenu

>comes out with Excalipoor

Just beat the game after like 50 hours. I really enjoyed it even though I thought it was going to be absolute shit.


Tried it, never got it to work.

That fucking violin.