Animal crossing and FE switch confirmed

Animal crossing and FE switch confirmed

>“We have Super Mario Run releasing now, and it’s already decided that we’ll be making a Mario game for our next system,” Miyamoto says. “And similarly with Animal Crossing, the hope is that when we release the Animal Crossing mobile game, we’ll have more people who become familiar with the Animal Crossing world and characters, so that when we next release an Animal Crossing game we’ll have a much larger audience who will be interested.”

We've known this for ages though?

This is the nail in the coffin

Pedophiles and 8 year olds are stoked right now

>Fire Emblem fans are 8 years old

>Women don't love AC

Why are you so upset?

May I ask, if you like the FE or AC, why'd you post in the thread?

Sorry, faggots, weebfatchicks, pedos, and 8 year olds are stoked right now

You may not ask.

>Why are you so upset?

He's Mormon

if you think women are going to buy switch, you are fucking retarded

>deliberately enters a thread full of things he does not like
>becomes agitated
>literally why is this happening to me?

>if you think women are going to buy a casual console you're retarded

>if you think women are going to buy the wii you're retarded

Phew unlike us mature attractive Sony consumers right?

I just wish Nintendo would powered up this a little for future proofing

>switch will flop!

How about that new Wild Arms and Arc The Lad huh Sonypony?


Don't you want to buy the inevitable New Switch in 2018 though?

>doing mental gymnastics to convince yourself Switch isn't designed for preteens

>implying Sup Forums isn't preteens

I don't like the idea of mid gen upgrades
>but le dsi, le new 3ds
I skipped those

>Nintendo games are coming to Nintendo's latest console

Wow no shit, Sherlock!
What other hot leaks do you have for us?

Kirby game for Switch????

The fact you can charge the thing with usb is already future proof


>implying you aren't a preteen

No proper animal crossing for the Wii U though

It really can't flop financially. Cheap platinum shit with outdated hardware is the name of the game. It will be a hot seller for children and there is the usual crowd of manbabies that eat up everything Nintendo shits out.

Funny you say that, cause Kirby is the most unpredictable of their IPs. I can't wait to see their next crazy spinoff Kirby game.

That's what I thought you hypocrite fuck.

>at sub-30fps 720p

>gf is fit and pretty
>loves both AC and FE

Fuck off shitposter.

And here's our usual Sony fanboy in his natural habitat, the internet. Shitposting instead of playing games. They do this because they don't have any games to play.

boring... give me new ips or at the very least resurrect some of your dead iips

I'm still waiting for Nintendo to jump out and say that this is all just a joke.

After the Wii U one would imagine they would take a hint, and not go into more LSD fueled creative rampages.


>sub 30

Zelda, an open world game, runs at a pretty smooth 30. So why can't Animal crossing run at 60?

>it cant flop
you really cant please nintendrones


Why won't you want AC and FE on a new console?

Note their survival tactic of playing dumb when confronted / uncovered.

So the Wii U version we saw at the VGAs was very choppy, but the Switch's will probably be consistent most of the time. Can't believe I preordered the Wii U version the day it was announced 2 years ago kek, what was I thinking.



I meant the console itself. I've refrained from talking about it since its release until this exact moment right now that you're witnessing me responding to you with.

Is there anyone on this entire god damned planet that thinks this fucking... THING, is a worthy investment? Not just for making games, but for buying to "play" games?

After the Wii U struggled to get half as many games as its competitors, then they pull this shit? A fucking thin ass I-Pad powered piece of shit with 2(two) asymmetrical wiimote controllers?

Can someone please fucking sell me? I still cannot imagine this being anything but a joke. Kind of like seeing Reggie on stage hyping up Amiibo when it was first released.

the EU doesn't want proprietary anymore for chargers

nintendo didn't do this for mercy

>Animal Crossing in HD
>no more 240p 30fps shit

No, you're a fanboy because you said it's outdated. Which was true for Wii and Wii U but not for the Switch. It's really been ages since Nintendo did hardware properly.

>but for buying to "play" games?

No people buy it just to stare at it.

You're such an autist holy shit.

I've come to the conclusion that the people on Sup Forums are so wrapped up in so many layers of irony that the absolute instant that someone produces an actual opinion that can't be instantly discarded as shitposting is instead perceived as autism.


If that was your opinion then mine is you're a total faggot.

Uh it's portable. A pretty strong portable. With Nintendo games

Also, I agree than you sound autistic.

>This console seems like a joke, Nintendo is just repeating what they did with the WII U
>>You're autistic
>I'm Serious
>>You're a faggot

You sure showed me.

I saw it when it was portable. The silky smooth 28 fps games went to 15.

That is not a selling point.

>Sup Forums thinks the Switch will fail
Sup Forums is completely out of touch with the average person so I think that's a pretty good sign for Nintendo

Do you think the Wii U succeeded?

If yes, then you think the Switch will also succeed. If no, then you are being ignorant to the way of things.

>AC on the switch
>the logic used means FE on the switch is highly probable too

You never learn. How many election will you need to lose to wake up? Cursing a lego toy will not change that you fucked up.

They mentioned ages ago FE and AC on mobile and said they will be made to connect to home console versions of both ages ago.

>My toy is better than your toy!

>I'm Serious

This is what's so funny about it and why you actually are an autistic faggot.

>#FE and Amiibo Party 2

No thanks

>Open article
>Enter "Fire emblem"
>0 result

y u play with me emotion :(

>Amiibo Party 2
>Implying it won't be Happy Home Designer 2
Or maybe they can find it in themselves to release a third Animal Crossing spin-off before releasing a new fucking game.

The same shit IPs confirmed again for another Nintendo console. How is this news? Call of Duty is coming out next year, bet on it.

Fire emblem and Animal Crossing are awful series too.

Most average people still don't know it exists and are buying PS4s.

>tfw these would be wii u titles

Women...especially Nintendo.

They're gonna SWITCH.