Why would male vidya characters be designed so handsome and sexually attractive if not to turn the player gay?

Why would male vidya characters be designed so handsome and sexually attractive if not to turn the player gay?

There's literally no excuse. There's literally no reason for the devs to focus on making the male characters attractive.

So the question is, what do the developers have to gain by turning us gay? What's their end game?

What a shitty fucking thread. Kill yourself, kid.


I'm a girl and that's not sexually attractive.

So what youre saying is youre attracted to men and can't admit it?

Because I and many others don't have this problem, user. We just play the game without having to question our sexuality.

Op you're in the closet.


What about female gamers? What if the target audience is female?

>not liking a ripped dude with robo-arms and a lenin beard

what are you, gay

>I'm a girl

Nice try

quick, everyone, lets make OP even gayer

I think it just nicer to look at attractive people

Not without Ryu!

Can we turn this into a vidya hunksbando thread?

the art director for HR is a french-canadian so he's probably at least bisexual.

But that's literally supposed to demonstrate the masculinity and strength (therefore authority and influence) of the player character

OP, playing a game didn't "make you gay". You saw Adam and you were attracted to him. He made you realize your latent homosexuality. That's not a bad thing. It's important to understand yourself and know who you are. You are gay. That's not a big deal. Congrats for discovering it.

>There's literally no excuse. There's literally no reason for the devs to focus on making the male characters attractive.

So? Be glad you can bet at least attractive for your own piece of software you hideous jealous loser.

This. OP is a fag

>Ripped abs, super intelligent, rich, mysterious
>Wouldn't be interested in you
>This isn't good enough for me

Well maybe you aren't good enough for him, slut.

You can't just become gay. If you "become" gay because of handsome male character (or for any other reason), it means you've always been a faggot.

kill yourself you worthless attention whoring mentally deranged subhuman

Oh man, I wish at least DMC devs would try to "make players gay", then we'd get something like pic related.


Sorry they don't make more games that portray characters with your unkempt neckbeard style. Try a little grooming and exercise and quit expecting the world to cater to your shitty lifestyle.

Maybe you're just gay, user
>Trying to convince a woman of another dude's attractiveness

Full homo

>to turn the player gay
Are you retarded? No wait. You're just gay. When I see him, I don't think how much I'm attracted to him you closet faggot. I just think how awesome it would be to be this ripped and then hate myself for not exercising. Lol man, you're a homo, don't deny it. If you were straight you'd be simply admiring him. Now stop shitposting.

Who says I'm not, faggot?

