What games let you stop time or manipulate it?

What games let you stop time or manipulate it?

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Almost all of them since AAA devs think poorly of their audience, they include time stopping when opening up a menu to select an item or slow down time when switching weapons.

Ghost Trick

Jojos-bizarre-adventure all star battle
Jojos-bizarre-adventure eyes of heaven
Eyes is shit though

Prince of Persia

Both are shit, user.


ToME - a roguelike. Not too difficult to get into. Has two classes based solely around time. One is a mage and one is a close combat one mostly.
You can also unlock a custom class to set your own abilities so you can in theory have an archer that freezes time or a summoner with time travel.

Some of the RPGs based on Dungeons & Dragons if the spell "time stop" is in it.
Technically Skyrim. Also Dishonored.

Jojo is shit

You forgot the one that's actually good


Will there ever be a sequel to that game? It felt so damn awesome to stop time and unload a ton of bullets into an enemy.

Blinx the Time Sweeper


Wow user you're totally right it's not like there isn't a good way to quickly switch and use items on a console or anything, it's obvious that everyone's just a casual except for you.

Metal Gear Rising lets you slow time to a crawl with blade mode.


good taste

Timeshift. A game ahead of its time

How about I... go first

why don't i see any max payne in this thread

Quantum Break.

Can you imagine how awesome that game would have been if it had melee weapons and you were able to dismember the enemies?


You alright, user?

Some of the Igavania games.

Portrait of Ruin does a really good job. Za warudo, throw knives, then muda the fucker

The upcoming expansion of underrail will have that kind of thing.

you watch your fucking mouth you insignificant piece of dogshit

That game is shit. Although the crossbow was fun.


Good taste.

You do know bronies are more autistic than the JoJo fanbase, right?

I mean, I have yet to see an OC Donut Steel Stand

>That game is shit

>Although the crossbow was fun.
Now that I can agree on. But, although the crossbow was fun, it was too damn OP.
1 hit = 1 kill every single time? And lots of ammo for it?
Honestly, who here didn't make sure to keep it with them ever since they got it?

That one mission in Titanfall 2 comes to my mind

What mission?



I can't believe somebody actually knows about this game

Another game that has time control is Psi-ops

Not him but I also thought Timeshift was really underwhelming.

I mean the time powers were okay but drained way too much juice so you could never clear a whole room of enemies like in FEAR.

Also enemies were so accurate that they felt really cheap.

I will admit the crossbow was really fun, but it made all the other weapons worthless in comparison.


Its called the pause button user

t. fag

>5 that high

Jesus Christ man

>tfw can't reveal my jojo powerlevel anymore because both weebs and normies went retarded over it

Who cares, just reveal it with your friends when they want to talk about anime and manga. That is, if you have friends.


Not him, but I also played this in my childhood. It was the best game ever created.

>tfw Steel Ball Run is my favorite part
>know the anime will have shit quality and normies will beat the PIZZA MOZARELLA joke to death

The future is dim

I tried like 2 years ago but they said it was shit and didn't get into it.
Now any people I find talking about it irl act just like bronies and most of 4chins is like this
Yeah future isn't any bright right now

>Sup Forums memes

Why would I ever do that to myself?


>Anything above 7

Not him but it's called Effect and Cause and it's halfway through the game.

Fantastic use of time travel in a game.

Braid lets you play with time as much as you want.

do you have brain damage

viewtiful joe
Path of neo
The other matrix game with the nigger and asian dude

Prince of persia max payne

It's going to be even more painful when you realize that you are just as cancerous as those fags you are complaining about.

try it

Do your own fucking research next time

>ToME - a roguelike. Not too difficult to get into.

You best be joking nigger. Which ToME do you mean exactly? Sure if you're a roguelike connoisseur it's just day-to-day stuff but for someone not used to ASCII ToME isn't exactly what I'd call "not difficult to get into".

It feels like there was a period where every third game had a mechanic where you could flip the environment between past and present. Can't think of many though...


Literally time manipulation the game.



The real problem is giving a shit about consoles.

I admit it, I'm a die hard PCuck, but I understand that some people prefer consoles. But I will never change my opinion that PS/Xbox consoles' increasing popularity and the fact that they started to matter in and shape the industry, was the worst thing that could happen to vidya.

Titanfall 2

>But I will never change my opinion that PS/Xbox consoles' increasing popularity and the fact that they started to matter in and shape the industry, was the worst thing that could happen to vidya.
This. Only Nintendo got it right.