Tfw 9-1 as Zenyatta this season

>tfw 9-1 as Zenyatta this season
>even in games where my team played like absolute shit, I still manage to win
>melt D.Va like she ain't shit every time she tries to harrass
>annihilating all other tanks and DPS with discord

Why aren't you playing Zenyatta? Don't you want to stop the D.Va menace?

Dva damage can be pretty easily out healed if the healers are paying attention and you arent alone.

Make that 10-1. I can't fucking lose as Zenyatta. Fuck Ana and Lucio. Teams can't handle the Zen.

i do fgt, and i run train on people as hard as you do.................feels good

>one fully charged right click can melt most tanks

Zen is decent but he doesn't fit into the meta anymore. Lucio is irreplaceable and Ana's burst healing is what keeps the 3-tank cancer alive.

Zenyatta is OP as fuck, everyone with half a brain knows this.

How does it feel getting carried by an overtuned kit, scrub?

Why is D.Va so !CUTE!

Kill yourself raging faggot

Sorry I don't want to prep the other team's bulls as Mercy, you cuck. Enjoy getting facefucked by any and everybody!

>zen is OP

you nerds are just buttmad because i am right. Deal with it, faggots.

nothing ever beats chaining and 1 tapping a zen

floating robofaggot

Ana is worse

Zen is godlike in qp where your Q shuts down Ult stacks but Ana is better when you have a team who isn't braindead retards which is pretty rare

I am

>main hanzo
>kill bitches left and right

Gonna be fun playing with 1000 raters as a platinum

>11-1 as Zen after a close match on Nepal
>200 SR gained in one session

I'm going to make it, boys!

Because I like Winston.

>tfw you finally figure out mccree's spray pattern

lol is this a bug or intended? i am unstoppable now

> can't lose
> has lost

How even?

Also, has anyone here successfully eliminated input lag?

Or are you all casuals?

how is D.Va S-tier


> Soldier buffed too far
> D.Va shot from bottom tank to must pick tank
> New character is fucking useless
> Lucio and Ana are still required picks despite the nerf

Balance at its finest

What the hell is with this "figured out x's spray pattern" meme?


People that play Soldier are shitters that can't play Mcree.

I'm a former Mcree main who switched to Soldier because he's more effecient with my aim and more fun.

Keep projecting though.

What is your rating op?


>"I was a shitty Mcree player that switched to Soldier because he is easy and I suck ass."

That is what I got from you.

Pic related.

And easy SR is what I get from people like you.

Keep posting here though.

>Soldier Main since Launch
>Mfw these buffs

Problem is Soldier's kit blows McCree out of the water. McCree can out damage if the aim is better but a Solider can heal himself and teammates, sprint, cluster bomb. He's a jack of all trades who's been buffed to being a stronk mother fucker.

>both teams play what is "meta"
>both know what to expect
>play something that is not "meta"
>team must scramble to adjust strategy and counter

Zenyatta memes are unfunny as hell and Zen players are usually fucking dweebs.

This is a fact.

I do main Zen tho. I love everything about him. He's easily the best concept for a hero there is, and aesthetically can't be beat. I sip on that transcendence all damn day.

Well, the fun is over. I finally lost as Zen on Numbani. Silver fucking elims as Zenyatta on defense; stayed silver elims as Ana on offense. My team fed like crazy and I was solo support.

Oh well.


zenyatta is my boy, i let all those d.vas and tracers experience that tranquility. no one can stop the hands my man zen has


you're dead

>both teams play what is "meta"
>both know what to expect
>play something objectively worse
>get steamrolled

>mfw all the shitters said Ana was going to be a waste of a support slot when she first came out

>everyone picks ana because metafags memed her into high tier
>get gold heals as fucking zen

I assume most Ana players are secretly Widow players that don't want to get yelled at.

She was buffed a lot though.

>Be bad
>Can't adapt worth a shit
>Get steamrolled

You still get yelled at if you play Sombra regardless if it's Attack or Defend, in which case why bother making new characters.

Haven't played for a few months
What did they do to Dva?

I fucking hate MUH META faggots. Especially the ones that don't know how to have fun with a game.

+100 armor which is like +200 health and faster movement while firing.

She was before she was buffed.

Why is junkrat last? I thought the primary reason why he wasn't played is because Zarya and if Zarya is mostly gone, then shouldn't we see Junkrat climb? At least over Torb and Bastion.

>Zen in last
Oh, it's just a bait image.

Well at least you can still hook her with road right?

here is a helpful graph for newcomers

You just have no faith in the balance of the game if you think a Bastion or Symmetra do not have to be dealt with to succeed. Every hero has their role but people just copy what they have seen work before.

You can but Blizz is fixing his hook to be less bullshitty, so no hooking from 5 meters away.

Most of the time you'll need a Zarya or a Zen to chip away all that armor.

>tfw you figure out sombra's spray pattern

Bastion not being to do his job properly is a big part of why triple tank is meta.

How is Zen OP? He's the easiest healer to kill.

Have you noticed that the healers get better the farther away from pure healers they become?

- Zenyatta might as well be an honorary DPS character. Discord melts tanks, and it's incredibly satisfying to crush Genjis and Tracers that think you're an easy target.
- Ana has a great kit of abilities. Good use of sleep will shut down dangerous situations, and her ultimate can completely turn around a losing game.
- Lucio is a simple character, but at least his wall riding gimmick is pretty fun, and the Jet Set Radio aesthetic is nice. Getting environmental kills with your knockback can also be really enjoyable.
- Mercy, uh... heals a lot, and also sometimes increases damage.

>tracer and roadhog
>low skill ceiling
>high skill ceiling

I can already tell who the person that made this graph's main is. You're not fooling anyone Zenshitter.

his tranquility at the right moments heal a fuckton though

>Zayra Last

Are you shitting me right now my nigga.

Thanks for the update my man.

You most than likely wouldn't wanna hook a DVA with full health if youre roadhog. Her bullets for some reason are really a straight line. You can get constant headshots. I bait roadhogs into hooking me and just standing there shooting them in the face. Even if they knock the suit off you can just back peddle and spam auto gun and get a new suit instantly

DVA really is 2good right now. Tons of damage, super tanky, free life with the suit, amazing AOE ult free dash for super mobility, and right click blocks a shit ton of stuff.

Doesn't matter, still going to instalock a DPS and not change because I don't like any of the healers, defense, or tanks.

projectiles > shitscan

That's how it is in every blizz game, they can't balance healers for shit

He places Tracer as relatively high (she isn't that hard) and Roadhog is fucking easy as fuck. If you don't have at least 50% hook accuracy you might as well never touch a computer again. Learn how to abuse the hook and land right clicks and you have pretty much mastered Road.

Zen can be damn outstanding.

But the healing is kinda meh compared to any other support (exud symm ofc)

But it's not fun to play a healer that can't be at least somewhat offensive. Mercy gameplay is so boring, I don't get how some people have 600+ hours as her.

you mean here is a completely incorrect graph made by a plat

Multitasking>Specializing while not even being the best at it

>Whole team decide to have a retard moment and get caught in a graviton surge
>Mfw just walking into that shit and tanking three ults by myself for the whole team

It's fucking insane how great it feel.

Solider is harder to play that McCree

Constant good tracking is much harder than 1 time flicks.

Zen has 20 fast moving bowling balls that have no fall-off. Just because a character fires projectiles that automatically doesn't make them high skill ceiling characters.

All the healers are boring. At least in DB they're fun since they have capable weapons and can shit on people while doing their job. You can be incredibly aggressive as a medic in that game. In OW you're mostly relegated to sitting in the back and avoiding combat.

They're not really that fast, the problem is people don't see him as a threat and dont even try to move unpredictably

then why don't people just play widow all the time if shes so much easier to aim with

>lol all grandmasters are shit because they use the same 6 characters every match
Yeah, I'm sure you would be top 500 if you just pushed yourself.
The meta is there for a reason, you incompetent "muh wildcard" faggot.

it's retarded, I got past 3500 and all I see is 3 tank, ana, lucio and soldier. Almost makes me wish I placed at gold just to have more variation.

I fucking love how erratically these stupid lists change. I could place every hero in a completely random tier a few months from now and still be relatively close to the most popular tier lists.

>want to play zenyatta
>can't pick a fucking cursor config that doesn't blend in and go invisible on my when I have to shoot through allies and enemie UI so I can't aim properly


also how do people get reticules to be non default while still getting weapon spread? Also anything related to custom reticules and color choices advice

Do it then fgt.

All the Sup Forums retards would probably follow it for a while.

I just want a basic dot that isn't huge, why is that so fucking hard?

While we're at it why not an actual FOV of ~100 deg?