Not soon enough

Not soon enough

Remember to get up from your chair and stretch every so often user


die you fat piece of shit

Booger literall shits in a bag

>he got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal

Geez, I really dislike boogie but that looks reallyyyy bad. For the love of god take care of yourself you idiot.

Heart disease and edema

I give him a couple years


Lol PCfats

whos going first? boogie or cwc?

why did he give up?

your legs are retaining fluid because your circulation is terrible, because you're fat


Thats a bloot clot, swelling and one leg larger than the other.

Don't need a medical degree to see what this fat fucks problem is.



I still wonder how he won that award at the VGAs.
Like how is a walking tub of fat a person that represents gaming well?

taking muh antibotics to beat muh cellulitus

>he lets his dog sleep on his infection-filled legs

Like him or not, Lowti3rgod could definitely kick your ass in a fist fight.

I feel like Boogie plays up his condition to be a lot worse than it really is.
Yeah, he's unhealthy, but he's panders a lot.

Could be staff too.

that dog looks genuinely horrified and concerned

>Yeah, he's unhealthy
He's fucking INSANE, man.

Lazy piece of shit

Poor dog.

In the video he explains in actually lymphedema from a accident he had when he was 20ish and poor.

Is this real? What a sad piece of shit if it is

Soon Boogie won't have a leg to stand on.

If he got to a healthy weight would it still be a problem?

don't worry he'll upload a video of him crying about how fat he is and how he wants to get better but doesn't do it anyway because youtube money sustains his fatass lifestyle

if I recall he made a video where he watches videos of other people go through body transformations through hardwork and will power and he just sits there crying wondering why he can't do the same. he's a faggot

>everyone making fun of boogie
>he makes more in a month than you do in several lifetimes
>he has friends, a wife, and a massive following

>you have no one

Shame he still can't beat a 14 year old in Street Fight




is it any surprise an animal could kick a human's ass in a fight

>fat """"""people""""""""
This is now a LOW...TIER...GAWD thread

I can't stand that attitude either change or don't but don't cry about not being able to change every other day. He obviously deep down doesn't want too

Boogie is that you?
Why don't you just take care of yourself, man?

tfw LOWTI3RGOD got suspended from twitter for saying he would kill himself soon.

>be boogie
>go through bad things
>be told that if he doesn't now work on his health he will slowly die in one of several horrible ways
>do nothing to work on his health

I can still see my penis.

>Implying he wouldn't wiff, get sucker punched, then spend the next 3 minutes trying to find the rj45 to dodge the fight

It all hangs on Barb. She dies soon, Chris isn't far behind. Otherwise it's Boogie's race to lose


Yes, if he doesnt take care of it for the rest of his life he will die from it. The doctors recommended amputation at the time.

Probably not.
Bring morbidly obese is kind of like AIDS, the condition itself won't necessarily kill you but it makes it much easier for other stuff to.

I was like 270lbs and I was too ashamed to go outside because of how I looked. I'm down to 250 now but I've still got a long way to go

How do people even get to Boogie's stage and not kill themselves? How does he look at himself in the mirror? How does be leave the house?

Does Chris still have that open wound where he ripped his taint or whatever

I want to feel bad for him but I can't. He can try to lose weight but he doesn't want to. He is willingly morbidly obese.


>me being fat has nothing to do with my feet being fucked up

Looks like my leg after I dislocated my kneecap

But I can walk without being pain. I don't have a pity party every 2 days.

Does anybody have a picture of him when he was skinny? Was he ever not fat?

tell me Sup Forums how does it feel that this fat fuck is probably going to outlive us all thanks to the amount of advanced medical care he can afford because of all his sweet youtube shekels?

>>he has friends, a wife, and a massive following
>>you have no one

I'm also not morbidly obese and dying in 1 month :^) Feels good as fuck hitting the gym everyday senpai

Good for you senpai I worked down to 225 from 265ish. Just gotta keep on dewing it

Uh that's his vagina you stupid cishetfag.

Yeah he does and apparently he got it checked up.
I was really hoping he'd die

Don't worry, I get up to inspect the fridge every 10 minutes.

I always come back disappointed.

>go to subway but put everything on it

Best one by far

I refuse to believe any of this is real.


How do people get this fat? Who is feeding him the exorbitant amount of food he needs to maintain that weight?

Hyperthyroidism is no excuse. I have the same thing and lost a lot of weight in a year with just a change in diet.

it's a mental illness
but unfortunately today mental illnesses are encouraged

People enable him. Everytime he makes a video crying about how he can't lose weight his followers tell him how its ok to be obese despite all the obvious health issues


It's always astonishing how obese people will go out of their way to say any health problems are unrelated to their weight. Like it's always just the doctor demonizing them for being fat, not the fat causing the problems

>Struggle to eat anything past 1500 calories every day
>People like Boogie eat 10K calories every day or something

How the fuck is that possible?

Godamnit ;_; it really felt like his time had come

I quite envy that mindset to be honest. The days before I finally realized I was fat were the best of my life.

I have a girlfriend (who doesn't fuck black guys unlike his wife)

I have an amateur wrestling record of 18-3

I have friends and a decent job

I mean I'm jealous of the fact that he's rich sure, but overall I'd rather be me than him.