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And so does your fourth game


Dimitry is probably my favorite Sly character, though they shouldn't have brought him back for 3 and 4, hell in 4 he didn't even do anything other than 'hey, remember me?'

Incorrect. 4th game is actually pretty decent. 3rd game is the real low point for the series because of all the stupid mini games and new characters who aren't fun to play as. Hub worlds were also empty, and you couldn't afford any upgrades until the game was almost over.

Sly 2 is one of the best games ever made.

>when Rajan lost his shit

>There won't be a Sly 5 to fix all the things 4 fucked up.
Game play was fine, but jesus it had shitty writing, the whole Penelope thing being the absolute worst.

>"Your mother was a broken down tub of junk with more 'gentleman callers' than the operator"

The first game is actually bad

Good taste, user



Why do you say that, user?
The soundtrack is pretty bad and the overall sound design is atrocious, but the gameplay is pretty good.

Even the little Murray minigames

No the minigames are the worst part. Those racing minigames are terrible.

I hate how theres 3 sections dedicated to a single bad guy with two others getting 2 each.

>Sly 1 is my favorite of the series
>Nobody else ever agrees

I love those dev commentaries you get for beating the time trials on each level

It was actually pretty good, I don't get this idea that Sly 4 was "bad".

Sly 3 was the only one that really took a dive in terms of quality.

sly 1 is the comfiest, 2 is my favorite though.

Which game had that sailing minigame?

I fucking loved that shit. It was multiplayer right?

He was actually the only character in 3 I enjoyed them making a bigger part of the story.

I didn't like Guru.
They should've have brought back Panda King.
I thought Penelope was unnecessary, considering all the RC shit Bentley did in the previous games.

Its because everyone here was born when sly 3 came out

Wait, which one had three levels?
Apart from Dimitri and the final level, I thought everyone got two.

Yeah, that was Sly 3.

>yfw Sly 3 was AssCreed Black Flag before AssCreed Black Flag

I have to admit that the second game had a helluva twist.

Dimitri, Rajan (2 parts), Contessa (2 Parts), Rajan (2 Parts), and Arpeggio.

what was the deal breaker for 4?
it could have been a lot worse but it held it's own imo

Shit, I forgot that Rajan showed up again.

Ass Creed is basically Sly Cooper except not as fun.

Fucked that up
I meant Dimitri, Rajan, Contessa, Jean Bison, and Arpeggio.

>the series is dead
>we'll never get a Sly 2 - 2

Bad story I think. Main villain was some stupid skunk who was inferior to both all previous villains in just about every way among other problems. Gameplay wise I consider it a big improvement over 3.

Le Paradox was literally a bond villain, He was an Homage to bBofeld

Sly 3 had a great premise. But some of the characters they brought on were just unnecessary.

I always thought a game where you play as Sly's father's gang would be badass though

McSweeney in Murry's role
Dr. M in Bentley's role
and Sly's dad in the Sly role

Why didn't they just do a Clockwerk storyline? I was instantly thinking of him when I heard that there would be time hijinks.

I think LeParadox was a better villain than Dr. M

Fair enough. I guess I didn't like him because he was even more petty than Dr. M with even less history with the Coopers. Also time travel was a perfect way to make Clockwerk a villain again but instead he's just an Easter egg and doesn't even look nearly as intimidating as he was in 1 and 2.

Why is India the comfiest episode?

I kind of liked having a second gearhead for Bentley to bounce ideas off of and open up about his disability with.

Was less of a fan of Sly 4's direction.

>Also time travel was a perfect way to make Clockwerk a villain again
user he's the final boss of Sly 6, and Sly 5 is the game where Penelope is the main villain who discovers Clockwerk in the past and gifts him his eternal machine body and the Hate Chip to power it

I think Sly 1 provided a solid framework that helped the series become what it wanted to be, but Sly 2 is where it started fleshing out those ideas.

This, Penelope in 3 was adorable and a great addition, You could even tell it put strain on the gang then, but at least Bentley was happy and sly was happy for his friend.

4 fucks her up and makes her crazy, abandons and stomps his heart, and while he does come back stronger from it, its just a lot to throw on the poor guy. Come on, Dudes already crippled.


They should've brought back Arpeggio the be the main villian. A cool character and backstory that didn't get enough screen time.

Sly 1 is a good game but it didn't really do much to stand out from older Playstation games like Crash Bandicoot.

Sly 2 was when the developers really got into making their own game.

Sly 2 was great.

3rd game is the best one in the series

>actual platforming missions unlike Sly 2
>still really good stealth missions, which is what Sly 2 did right
>minigames are actually really fun and fleshed out
>that fucking Sid Miers Pirates minigame
>the sweet dogfights in Holland

The best level overall in the series though is the second Contessa level with the giant tank war in Sly 2. That shit was amazing.

Theres hidden cameos in some of the levels where you can see Clockwerk flying in the background

I liked that Sly 3 wanted to keep mixing things up, but the Guru didn't bring much to the dynamic for me.

Sly 1 and 2 was about playing a thief with standards, stealing from mob bosses and stopping more dangerous criminals than you.

Sly 3 made me feel more like I was playing as a murderous eco-terrorist with some of the villains you end up dealing with.

Pretty much. Sly 1 was Crash Bandicoot formula to the letter, and it was worse than Crash itself. Sly 2 is what the franchise was always supposed to be.


My problem with Sly 1 is all the missions are just "Do 7 missions to unlock boss" The settup, planning and briefing of Sly 2/3 are what made it it's own original series and stood out from the rest. and actually made it feel like a heist

I was kind of surprised they killed him off the way they did. Neyla was a solid antagonist, but I kept expecting him to come back in some form or another.

>Sup Forums says Sly 3 is disappointing
>that fucking 10/10 Pirate ship minigame

I think I put 8-9 hours into that shit alone. Fuck the haters.

Sly 1 is brilliant, better than anything else at the time, I could sit and play through that in an afternoon any time. Sly 2 is pretty awesome too though.

Mandatory viewing for every Sly thread

I knew as a kid that I liked 2 more than 3, but I still had a blast with 3. I think I just liked it better when Bentley wasn't in a wheelchair.

Why do you keep doing this?

Are these really good VA's or the actual guys? because holy shit

I saw some foreshadowing of this kind of plot point happening with Penelope back in Sly 3, but the execution of it in Sly 4 still felt off.

She wanted Bentley to acknowledge his skills more and questioned why it was called the "Cooper Gang" but she was still friends with Sly and Murray. Felt weird when she pulled a full 180.

>there exist people that didn't love everything chapter 5 had to offer

Sly 3 ain't perfect, but Blood Bath Bay is fuckin' quality all the way through.
Except for that part where you control the kraken. When I was a bab I couldn't wrap my head around it, there's obviously a rhythm to it and you've got some leeway, but I just flailed around until I won.

It's the actual voice actors. They made an appearance on the podcast that Kevin Miller, Sly's voice actor, runs

The actual VA's.

so what happened to this?

Into the trash
Where it rightly belongs

>Sly, You Jump And Press The Circle Button
I laughed.


Bentley's VA is clearly the best improv actor
>he dinged me
>You gotta get your hands on that sack
>I actually have been driving away for the last two minutes

2/3 of the game is mandatory minigames and they got rid of bottles.

Yeah, the whole "ding thing" was a running joke in that episode of the podcast that he thew in the skit.

Apparently, Matt Olsen (Bentley's voice actor) helped write some of Sly 4?


Has anyone in this series had a harder life than Bentley?
Having to break his friends out of prison after he'd only just gotten used to field work, getting crippled by a giant robot owl head, having one of his best friends blame himself for it and leave the gang, finally finds someone who really gets him and likes him and then they go fucking nuts and try to kill him.

The part where you feed the miners to the aligators was pure fridge horror. I prefer to think that the whole scene was non-canon.

Not to mention that Sly is basically just feeding into his family's legacy of greed and never shows himself to be any better. They have basically been hoarding treasure for centuries and they expect the treasure pile to get bigger each generation. They are stealing the world's wealth and not even spending it on anything, and Sly doesn't do anything differently.

A better ending for the game would have been for Sly to decide that hoarding treasure is wrong and decides to spend some of the family fortune fixing all the problems in the world that he became aware of through his travels, and that would be his contribution to the family legacy-- not just about being the best at stealing, but also using the family's wealth for something good.

Instead, he's just another thief who wants to steal, loot and plunder until there's nothing left but the Cooper family and their big pile of treasure.

The Dynamic of the three is just so tightly knit. I love group dynamics in videogames, but I don't think any have emotionally hit me as hard as the cooper gang and their troubles

I think Dr. M going down with the Cooper fortune made sense, but it would have been nice if Sly had saved some shred of it and did some good with it.

But treasure hoarding is fun

>i can actually read this now
its an abstract kind of feel

Which villain was the cooliest?


The Klaww gang were great villains that tied the story together while giving each their own style and motivations.

Sly 3 didn't really have that overarching connection. The villains were alright, but didn't have quite the same impact for me.

>The part where you feed the miners to the aligators was pure fridge horror.
I felt bad for those schmucks. Respect for the Earth and all that, but they didn't really warrant the massacre that Sly's gang started.

>friendly reminder: this series won't get a remaster

It already got a remaster, silly billy.

I liked Ms. Ruby at lot, Dimitri is a baller, General Tsao (lol) was actually great. I really liked the Mask of Dark Earth being an antagonist.

They were digging up gems. Apparently that's the biggest ecological scourge on earth right now.


I liked the Contessa and the atmosphere of the whole jail break arc while trying to save Sly, Murray, and Carmelita.

Felt like one of the more dire points of the series.

3 doesn't even have bottles...

Demitri was pretty great.
Clockwerk always looked amazing whenever he showed up in the cinematics.

What does it say, rune rhymer?

>Giant Carmelita

4 is alright


>tfw can't replay it because my PS3 is kaput
Hurts alot, family

What is it with everyone's hard-ons for the bottles?
Made perfect sense in the first game because it was a bunch of linear platforming levels, collectables make those more fun.
They were all right in the second game but you usually needed Sly to get all of them, if you were on a job as anyone else you were SOL.
Even when you did open up the vault after getting the clues, it was almost always a move you'd use twice then forget about once you got better ones (there are of course exceptions, like the knockout dive in Paris).
They were a nice thing to find but it's not like they're an exciting and integral part of the experience.

The additional moves you found were pretty vestigial. I barely used anything for Sly besides the smoke bomb and hang glider.

More collectibles in general are nice though. I liked when you were able to find rare items while trying to bring them back to the safehouse to sell.

Anyone else have a sneaking suspicion that sanzaru are furries?

I'm not. But even I thought Carmelita was cute as a wee lad.

I dunno user, maybe we like having collectibles to flesh out the hub worlds and make them worth exploring.

It's too bad she didn't start wearing a skirt until 4.

>More collectibles in general are nice though
This is one thing the devs got right big time in Sly 4. There were a lot of collectables and they were fun to get.

That and the improvements made to the hacking minigames. Those become really fun.

They clearly put so much love into Sly 4, it shows.

It's a shame that some parts were a bit rough around the edges. I'd love for Sanzaru to try and make Sly 5.

I always got more use out of the gadget stuff for Bentley and Murray than I did with Sly, he's already got plenty of moves to begin with.

And those special treasures were great, it could get pretty intense if you were playing as Bentley or something and had to sneak back to the safehouse, popping sleep darts in every guard you saw.
Thieves in Time really botched that one up. All of them had time limits so you were forced to use Sly exclusively since he's the only one that can get them back to the safehouse in time. They didn't even have bombs on them like in previous games, there was no reason for them to have time limits which magically teleport them back to their resting spot when they run out.


>You will never go on heists around the world having exciting adventures with your friends while being chased by a qt3.14 foxcop that totally wants your balls