>the bad guy is actually the good guy

You mean Illidan?

WoW was a mistake. All those godawful attempts to expand the universe just made it unbelievably convoluted and retarded. Just like Final Fantasy.

I wouldn't really call him a good guy. just has a different way of going about things.

>Pantheon believes that even with the wounds from Y'Shaarjs death Azeroth could be powerful enough to defeat the Void-Lords.

>Sargaras believes that if he kills Azeroth then the Void-Lords will never be able to manifest in the in-game universe.

its like burning your house down so the spider eggs you found in the attic can't hatch and infest your home.

This is what happens when you cycle through too many writers.

Tolkien had it right

just let bad guys be bad guys

Is sargeras still coming to split azeroth in two if all else fails?

like, the only reason he's not here is because it takes a long time, right?

>blizzard "stories"
>good guys are either flawless idealizations or traitors
>bad guys are either saturday morning cartoon villains or dindu nuffins

Hope you're not talking about Sargeras OP.
>Wants to enslave, torture, kill and destroy everyone and everything everywhere ever.
Sargeras is absolutely, one hundred percent indefensible. You can say he is trying to kill Old Gods and stop The Void, but what kind of universe will he build when that is done? A demonic universe of non-stop, absolute suffering and evil?


How do we know Melkor's creation wasn't superior?

A universe where everyone is a demon and can bro out without worry? Doesn't seem so bad.

>blizzard game
>the bad guy is just "corrupted"

It's even lazier than Bioware's staid formula, which at least writes decent characters every now and then.

>bad guys are "muh corruption"

They are worse than cartoon villains. Because cartoon villains are just either greedy or insane. Blizzard villains are just good guys doing bad stuff because 'corruption'.

Guldan was always right

Its not exactly clear in that sense. his plan is to cut Azeroth up, but blizz have said that hes either too far away so he needs a summon. Or that azeroth has some 'its magic I ain't got to explain shit' lay-lines/ force-field making so he has to be summoned.

That actually got on my nerves when I was still playing WoW regularly. I feel like most of the villains were all built using the same damn formula; the old gods were a nice break from that though, really liked that whole thing.

He was completely wrong about everything ever.

You mean when you use the same talentless hack to write for a decade? Metzen was fine for short bursts, but he quickly Stephen King'd himself when he was the sole main writer for the good part of everything in Blizzard.

Gul'dan is a loser who never got anything right in either of his entire lives. One of them even had the advantage of knowing about the others life/ downfall, and he still fucked it up.

Gul'dan is literally a power-cuck

It was more like he was fine when he loved grim dark but then fagged out when he began obsessing over cape shit.

Metzen with grimdark is Kino.

Boy, you shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of.