Etrian Odyssey will die once the 3ds becomes irrelevant

>Etrian Odyssey will die once the 3ds becomes irrelevant

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>Etrian Odyssey V: End of the world tree myth
do you really think there will be an EOVI?

It's going to be Beyond the Myth in English, if you install the JP CIA on a hacked 3DS, that's the title it gives you.

Good, I don't see how you weebs can keep playing the same exact game so many times

>Etrian Odyssey Untold 3 won't happen

>If it does, it'll be JP exclusive

>Atlus releases Persona 4 on a dead, deprecated console back in 2008
>Atlus releases Persona 5 on a dead deprecated console in 2017.
I won't put it past them to at least make one more for the 3DS.

>Beyond the Myth
Do the Firmware on a hacked 3ds automatically translates JP names? Or could it be that they are actually doing the localization and that's gonna be the oficial name.

I doubt they're working on another game with the switch around the corner. The only reason they were able to get do many 3DS games out is because they had 2 different directors for it, but one of them was working on P5 all this time

I say it's because it was planned for localization from the beginning. The initial EOV trailer actually had the english titile "Etrian Odyssey" in (it's called Labyrinth of the World Tree in Japanese), and the copy right screen says "Etrian Odyssey" is trademarked by Atlush, blah blah. The Japanese title 長き神話の果て is "End of the long myth" when you put it in fucking google translate, but 果て means end as in "extremities", 世界の果て is not "end of the world" as in an apocalypse, but is in "to the ends of the world."

EO is torever

Is it worth buying all these games if I've never played one? Or did I miss the train

Nintendo isn't sony, they kill their consoles the moment the newest one is out.

They're all pretty much standalone. If you have a 3DS, download the demo of 4.

Do you use your imagination without being told to?
Are you autistic?

Yeah, it's a bit depressing that they woun't be able to recreate EO on a new system. But, I still think that they can at least push out EO6 before the 3ds is obsulete.
Which game is the best to run hammer-Mediko? Playing EO2u now, but went with Princess.
You could either emulate EO3 for the ds, or if you have a 3ds, download the demo for 4 to test it out. It's fun games, which are comfy, rewarding and at times, hard.

Well I was wondering because its been almost half a year since it was released in Japan and we haven't heard anything about a localization.

I guess Atlus USA is still busy with Persona 5, but they could at least confirm if they're doing it or not.

Honestly I don't even care for the mapmaking that much so I don't think much would be lost by moving to a traditional platform.

It's the FOE mechanics which sets Etrian Odyssey apart from other DRPGs for me.

I won't miss it. Couldn't get into the series as weeb as I am.

don't need a train to enjoy these games, if you like dungeon crawlan they carry their own weight

there's tons of discussion out there too if you need party help and i wouldn't be surprised if Sup Forums can still answer some gameplay questions off the top of their head

>as weeb as i am

Doubt it

P5 is on the PS4 and the PS2 was still very much alive in 2008 because of "FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE US DOLLARS", though.

>tfw Trauma Center died with the Wii
>now the same thing is happening to EO

I just wanted an EO game on the Wii-U, atlus.

This. Even a direct port would have been fine with me.

>It's the FOE mechanics which sets Etrian Odyssey apart from other DRPGs
That's the reason why it only works in the ds/3ds.
In the original trilogy you need to see where the FOE are so you can dodge them, and the fact that they move at the same time you do would make it stupidly uncomfortable to not have your map open at all times.
And in EO4 and the untolds there are FOE puzzles were you also need the map.
So it's not about mapmaking per se, it's about the need of having the map opened to play.


6 months ago

I don't feel like there's much of a problem with having an onscreen map for that sake. It works in Vita DRPGs.

It'd be fucking dire for mapmaking though.

Is this the end of cute shopkeeper lolis?

I wonder this about many series, but I feel as though Etrian Odyssey improves or mixes things up enough between installments to make it enjoyable.

>I wonder this about many series, but I feel as though Etrian Odyssey improves or mixes things up enough between installments to make it enjoyable.
The flipside of this is that it's difficult to play the older games. 3 and 4 feel slow as a molasses and 1 and 2 are entirely outdone.


I bet you enjoy trash like Persona.

3DS games have separate slots for different regional names in the header. A lot of the time, they just copy the main title into all the slots, though.


3ds has already become irrelevant. It only has like 4-5 more new games coming out for next year and none of them are really noteworthy.

My bet is that they'll add tablet/phone support for drawing the map, and if you don't have a phone or a tablet you'd use a menu instead.

Nah. Last 3ds game I enjoyed was Stella Glow, which I'm sure you think is even trashier.

Delet this

I only got into the series a few months before EO4 released, by emulating 1-3 and then buying 4, and I got hundreds of hours of playtime between the 4 games; EO4 is my favorite so far.

The only thing I would say is that if you're interested you probably want to play EO Untold instead of playing the original. The original is rather painfully outdated and it was rather poorly balanced in ways that were fairly obvious even without looking at a FAQ.

You can still to this day talk about Etrian Odyssey on Sup Forums too and you'll get some people posting, if you want to talk about your adventures or ask for tips or whatever.

Stella Glow at least goes all SMT batshit insane near the end

EO is just boring

Best of both worlds.

Oh, so I can lose the little hope I had for a localization then. And with the Switch coming, I dout there will be new EO games, so it's goodbye to a nice franchise I guess.

>playing EO for story
>playing SMT for story

No wonder you like garbage.

I just played the games in order and thought it was fine mostly, the only game I thought was difficult to play after the fact was the original but I still managed to beat it (not 100% though, fuck that shit).

Be honest would you get BLACKED?

I'd fuck her if that's what you're saying.

SMT as in difficult you fuck
EO is a kids game

>Endgame SMT is difficult
>EO isn't consistently difficult

Too dark for my tastes but still fuckable. Prefer caramel.

>Stella Glow
>even remotely difficult

Shit taste mate.
It's the contrast of jizz on her skin that makes it great.

Anyone have the link to that site for making your team for EOV?

>not exclusively cumming inside

>Have to sign up
Nah For you

this artist is a god, can't believe he's still going

those boobs kinda look weird like they arent connected to her body
almost like hes just masturbating with two balloons as she lays under him

>doesn't have a pixiv account
So how have your first six months here been?

It already having an official localized title encoded is a positive sign, not a negative one. None of the Etrian Odyssey games have ever been skipped for localization, even the Mystery Dungeon spinoff either, so I wouldn't worry too much.

I got the games installed on 3ds and hear the jingle every time I go over them
which one do I play

I'm glad. It's still a good series, let it stop at the number of titles it has now before the quality diminishes any further.

>SMT is more difficult than EO
if we were just considering the Untold games, 4 and 5 you would have a point but 1-3 exist

Retard, Untold 1 and 2 are the reason they're harder than SMT

>Untold 1 and 2 are hard
that's a funny joke. Tell me again how difficult the game that had to neuter Primevil for JRPG newfags who don't like dungeon crawling is difficult. And all the Untold 2 bosses are fucking jokes except for Scylla who manages to be more difficult than the original

Best and cutest generic

>neuter Primevil for JRPG newfags
>he didn't finish the post game
>probably didn't play on expert either

I'd be okay with EO minus mapping.

Don't get me wrong, I love drawing maps but I don't want this series to be kill.

>best or cute

It wouldn't be the same without drawing maps though.

>tfw EO becomes a mobile series because touch screens

The post game is EO1 DS is really stupid though. The 10 levels you had to lose to redistribute the skill points made the game super grindy and the retire feature was brain dead. Unlocking max level milestones for each dead dragon was way better than what they did in the original game.

>not wanting a girl whose bones would turn to dust if you hugged her

The just need to hand it off to Sega so they can make EO 2020 since 7th Dragon is done.

user you have strange taste but i respect that, something for everyone in eo

>Love EO
>Try to play code VFD
>can't get into it even after playing the first dungeon

Does it get better? Or did I start at an awful place in the series

VFD is the worst 7th Dragon game. The original on DS or 2020 on PSP both have fan translations, I recommend either. Be warned that the original has a mechanic that a lot of people find annoying that equates to having a ton of damage floor everywhere.




vfd is largely agreed to be mediocre and piss easy

can still be fun for some though

Thanks, I'll check them out

Can you grind in Etrian Odyssey? Or is it a type of thing once you kill a monster its gone for good?

Everything respawns eventually, even the bosses.

You can grind all you want, even though it isn't really required unless you feel like you need it. The game operates using random battles, but you'll know when they're about to happen. Stronger filed enemies called F.O.E's, who are kinda like mini bosses, respawn after 1 or 2 weeks on the game calendar. Bosses even respawn after either 2 weeks or 1 month in game

I hear you. She and Bandanashark

Trauma Center could have been made for the 3DS though, EO is dead because there's no system with two screens, possibly even no touch screen at all.

FOEs and most bosses respawn after a few in-game weeks, though pushing the time forward to fight them against can be expensive if you're not spending every day gathering shit.

Having useful skills and gear for dealing with specific threats is more important than raw levels, but since Skill Points are tied to level, grinding can help a bit with the former if necessary, though you need to gather things from specific spots and monsters to unlock new gear and items to use.

What is the Rune eating/doing?

Dancer's 16 inch futacock

They told her to eat on the ground for fucking up during the harvest that day

meant for

If anything the concern is that you might need to grind too much, but that shouldn't be the case unless you're playing badly or you rest/retire a party member when you shouldn't have.

When I played EO3 I actually ended up making a big mistake by retiring a couple party members at the start of the 3rd stratum, and that was a BIG mistake because it was a lot worse than I thought to go through that area with some underleveled party members so I ended up grinding levels for hours before actually moving on; it really sucked.

ill buy it on the switch, cant stand portables though, wish i could.



Im into short haired girls
skin colour is irrelevant

>27 isn't even scanned yet


They're all pretty bad. Everything after 2020 plays the EXACT same way

Post your teams for EOV and rate.