League of legends

How play lol

nice pig

I love friendly pigs. I wish pigs were treated better at American farms. They deserve better lives. Too bad no one gives a shit. Maybe one day I will start a pig rescue sanctuary to help out a little bit.

cool pig lol

for every pog you save, i will anally rape another one.

fuck u man, I will anally rape your waifu

Down the road, not across the street.

my waifu is a fucking pig, try again fucknuts

i'll anally rape you and turn you gay. then you'll be stuck knowing your a fagit for the rest of your live. you're butthole is gonna be so stretchy when i'm done with you.

how's this pig for you guys *unzips dick*

reported. enjoy your ban furfag

Stop fucking posting this.

yeah that would be pretty smart if i didnt have a mousetrap up my ass to fucking mess your gay shit up. no gay faggot would have a mousetrap in their ass fuck you


good post


Some guy had a pet pig across my highschool. It got loose some how and started walking around the front of the campus. Too bad some girls scared it away.

LOL. my dick is made of steel. your mousetrap would break trying to snap my dick of steel. then you'll have a broken mousetrap AND a dick up your ass fagit. I hope you have obamacare because your gonna need some surgery to reapir the tears and foriegn objects in your asshole.


faggot pig


Is that Sudo?

Who NEET here.

So how long till the FBI is at out doorstep?

oh im sorry, are you under the impression that im shoving your mom up my ass? because this doesnt give it all up after you hit it one time. this shit is fort knox and you wouldnt get one inch.

the pigs are mine you cant stop me

fuk u enjoy your pig aids