What's the best chess game?

What's the best chess game?


Power chess, even though it s over 15 years old.



Battle Chess.

Chess is for autists.

>random asian kid beaten by an alpha a.i
what did people expect?

go is for weebs

Chessmaster 9000


That pawn's about to get crushed.


I nostalgia'd hard

HyperChess 2 : Episode 1

Whichever doesn't let the pawn "capture" the opposite pawn right next to him.

This one

Had unique animations for taking pieces and shit

the patrician's choice


Bughouse, though king of the hill is also fun.

>no campaign
>shit graphics
>no music
>retarded artificial difficulty movement restrictions
>every unit dies in one hit for no fucking reason
>queen is OP
>horses are terrible, game was probably made by barneyfag
>retarded check system so casual players don't lose too quickly
>can't build new units
>only one army, can't modify it in any way
>can't modify your formation either
>can't even pick your fucking color, black and white only
>no terrain
>only one map size
>rampant hacking (they can fucking move two units at once or increase their units attack range, I saw one russian hacker turn his pawn into a fucking queen)
>all units have zero range, they literally have to move on top of enemy units to attack
>no buildings
>no resources
>no special abilities
>retarded unit design, you can't even tell what's what

God this game fucking sucks.

This one

>lego chess

shit was fucking dope

I loved watching those clips like little episodes

Easy. This game was comfy as fuck.

My negro