Are they're any games where i can play as Lawful Evil?

Are they're any games where i can play as Lawful Evil?

>Are they're any games where i can play as Lawful Evil?
>Are they're any games
Now that the dust has settled what did she (male) mean by this?


Are you're being for serious?

>Lawful Evil
Negan's plan and system only made sense in the comics. He's a full on cunt with a hard-on for being a bellend in the series, and Rick is an even bigger bitch when it comes to taking Negan's girth.

>Negan's plan and system only made sense in the comics
How is it any different? I've never read the comics

isnt his thing he allows a group to join as long as they sacrifice one of their own? seems really stupid and unrealistic

In the comics he essentially bullies settlements into an agreement where they keep them safe from the walkers in exchange for a cut of their produce. He does this because he's scared of someone like him setting up an army like he does to do what he's doing first.

In the series his men roam free to do/kill whatever or whoever the fuck they want, with him seemingly having no control over the men at his outposts. He goes out of his way to be an even bigger arsehole to many characters, Rick most of all, and is generally more violent just because the producers really want to get across that he's an unpredictable madman.

In the comics, Rick is actually able to convince Negan that what he's doing is wrong and that they should be working together, and it works (kinda). But series Negan is being built as though when that conversation happens he'll just laugh and then bash more people's brains in.

their is a point were you need to stop, and that point is now.

Negan isn't a bloodthirsty lunatic in the comics like he is in the show, he genuinely believes his way is the best way for people to survive. He believes the strong should protect the weak (which is why he never hurts any women or children in the comic) and he doesn't enjoy killing people, he only does it when they break his rules (which he thinks keeps people alive) and to send a message. He was going to have Gregory killed because he knew Gregory was selfish and weak and he was going to get people killed, and after Rick tells him the way things could be if they worked together, he realizes the error of his ways and is willing to cooperate with the Hilltop and Alexandrea.
Negan is the best character in TWD and its a shame he's so obnoxious in the show.


Oh and Lucille is named after Negan's wife.

As far as TWD goes
Telltale Game > Comics >>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>> Show

The leader of Hilltop. The guy who was going to sell Maggie and the other girl out.

>Oh and Lucille is named after Negan's wife.
And here I was thinking he liked blues
wtf I hate Negan now

Are the characters still acting retarded for the sake of drama?

Oh right. To me he's just the director of CTU from 24 cause he's essentially the same character there.

>Robert Kikeman
>Is the writing still garbage
What do you think


Negan is literally the good guy

*leans back*

You should really read the comics. Pretty much every character is more likable in the comic. The only downside is that theres no Daryl. But even Rick isn't a boring, angry faggot in them.

So you're telling me comic Negan is a fuccboi and not even a villain?

What's the point?

>and it works (kinda)
rick is such a tool
his plan to kill him relies on him not truly deserving death
it's a lose/lose

I haven't watched since the 4th episode of the 2nd season.

Is everyone a literal fucking retard except for Dale and Glenn?

Theres a difference between a villain and an antagonist. If you want a saturday morning cartoon "NYEH I'M DA BAD GUY" type you should play any Fallout game.
Negan is still an antagonist and is a real sunofabitch to Rick's group in the comic and does some real fucked up shit, he just isn't a cartoonish madman.

yes and they both die. So you have to be a retard to survive the apocalypse

Dale and Glenn are both dead, the only character in the show that arent complete fucking morons are probably Father Gabriel and Eugene.

both dale and glenn are dead

>Protects other communities
>Keeps his men line through harsh punishment
>Is willing to compromise with Rick
>Wants what's best for everyone

That's not an antagonist, that's a full fledged good guy. Rick would be the antagonist in this case.


Who wants to tell him?