>ACfag disallows Nintendo to make any references to Other M (or FF) in any future Metroid as proof of le apology for what ever shit they done in a while
>AM2R has openly made homages to Other M and FF by having Fed Marines in OM's "Combat Armor" shooting up a Zeta Metroid.
>each of them were in different color scheme akin to MP:FF's Combat Mechs
>Guasti planned to have a cutscene in-game of a consistant looking Combat Mech from FF to fight a Omega Metroid in AM2R before Nintendo forced the shutdown
>Samus has her mole in the perfect ending
what a fucking hypocrite

this shitposting From fuck spam his retardation in multiple threads about character action games, Metroid, Armored Core, etc. and gives out free passes for things he prefers despite being associated to the trash he hates.

literally the Yang to what Cody to Yin, and the entire Yin-Yang wheel is closed in a thin black rim to represent that both are retarded shits.

Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck are you even talking about?

Is this the new “Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like”?

This. What the fuck is the OP talking about?

Also is AM2R good? I downloaded it awhile back but never played it because I was reading it wasn't finished.

its good

Is it completed though? I don't want to get halfway through and then it just ends abruptly. The readme for the one I downloaded says it's version 1.0. Is that the latest before Nintendo shut it down?

It's alright. Way too easy though just like Super.

very first post is ACfag

read the rest of the thread to have a gander at his autism when someone says anything leaning to Other M

also, pic related. his retarded list he keeps slamming to people's faces as if they were objective, not subjective shit.

The game is completed. Just download the newest version.

Where can I get it? I thought it was shut down and he had to remove all uploads.

Is 1.1 the latest version? If so I found it.

can you explain to me what is amr2? if it's a remake of metroid 2 what does it do better?

He's saying that ACfag has double standards because he doesn't spam AMR2 threads like he does every other kind of Metroid thread despite it referencing bother MOM and Fedforce..

Cody's some other Sup Forums boogieman.

Pretty much everything.

so what did metroid 2 do wrong in comparison?

Are these even real people

It's known that barneyfag is for real.

metroid 2 was just sort old and outdated graphics and mechanics wise. Fine game, but it looks and plays like an original gameboy game. This game does pretty much what zero mission does for the original metroid.

think a gba tier remake of metroid 2
so it has an actual map and more shit to do

Yeah, it's definitely that guy's autism that this thread is highlighting.

Barneyfag got doxxed and all