What happened to all the badass stories of the Empire? Stormtroopers and TIE Pilots...

What happened to all the badass stories of the Empire? Stormtroopers and TIE Pilots? All this faggot tier rebel shit makes my head spin.

Watch this you beautiful bastards.

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Also StarWars gaemz general thread

>found my xbox and kotor 1/2
>cant find the cable link

Still can't believe it took until the bone to remove this useless shit.

I feel you. I knew I had a copy of OG Battlefront, rooted around for like a goddamn hour and found it

Pls, answer, anyone?

Because the empire is literally Donald Trump

that lightsaber looks like it's still going to slice him in the back of the head


why the fuck do I get connection errors on /adv/ but not on anywhere else on the site. What is this shit

We need to make stormtroopers great again, and I know just the right man for the job...

>Cool Imperial Shit

Not allowed anymore.

super anime

Only loyal soldiers allowed in this thread.

Remember not-bobbafett-chrome-trooper?

Yeah, me neither.

I thought it was a really weird choice to throw her in the trash compactor. Like I get the heavy-handed reference but it's kind of horrific that someone labeled as a hero would do that. I dunno.

At least the fan films are neat.


Today's media and entertainment is too politically charged. The writer for Rogue One even went on some Twitter rant about how the Empire are made up of "white supremacists" and the stronk female lead with her ragtag team of ethnics represent a reaction to said "supremacy".

The Empire will forever remain a useless bad guy filler so more stronk minorities and ethnics can beat them. Also, Disney.

Yeah that was fucked
She's confirmed to be coming back so i hope she does, something, anything at all really

Not him, but is evident that the Empire is run by White males only.

That's why we got little media where the Empire is actually not that evil (I only recall TIE Fighter games).

White males are evil no matter what, plain and simple.

The idea obviously was to have an excuse to keep her alive for the next film, but the overall rpesentation made her look like a useless jobber.

I just know they're gonna go over the top to compensate in the next film and it's gonna be awful.

Because the fucking retarded Millenial writers can't keep shoving politics into EVERY FUCKING BIT OF ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCED TODAY FUCK
Lead writer of Rogue One called the Empire a 'white supremacist organization' that is opposed by a 'multiracial group led by a strong independent woman' instead of just having them be the fucking Empire and the Rebels

How the fuck are they white supremacist? Clone troopers are all fucking Maori for god's sake. Dumb fucking retarded ass-faggots who couldn't write to save their lives.
No grey, hell it's not even fucking black and white. It's 'racists' vs. 'super cool antifa!'

OP here, I have no mouth and I must scream.

Next Empire based story will be us shooting unarmed civilians...


Fuck all this Empire, Rebel and literally shitty faggy politics crap that has been so overdone you can no longer smell the fire and all is left is ashes.

Where are all the good games and stories about the criminal element of the Star Wars universe, from the Black Suns, Hutt space, and swoop gangs?


Rebels are space nigger tier enough.

May he rest in peace, forever the little underling that could.

I don't think there's any games that revolve around that. I think *maybe* the scoundrel story line in that shitty SWTOR game touched on that a little?

The simplest and arguably most correct answer is that the Empire is just too cool compared to the rebels. Not even joking. Look how many serious Empire fans there are compared to Rebel fans. It is much like how people love Nazi uniforms and and military tech.

And since they are supposed to be the bad guys this creates issues for people that enjoy these sorts of things without associating them with the real world.

This wouldn't be as much of a problem if they could just get some decent writers. Neither side of the galactic war were ultimately right. Portraying both sides fairly would go a long way.

Fucking Crimson Empire when.

Star Wars are in a weird place with Imperial shit.
Everyone still thinks that the base Stormtrooper design and almost every permutation of it is the coolest shit in the films. But the films bend over backwards to avoid just about every stormtrooper looking like a sympathetic character or even remotely likeable.



Can't show the actual result of disrupting order, otherwise that might make the Rebels look bad. Even though their ranks are plenty full of criminals.

Also don't forget the Bounty Hunters. We need more proper Bounty Hunter stuff. And not just Boba Fett.

Oh man a miniseries about bounty hunting or smuggling would be so fucking cool. I'm so tired of the war shit

Thrawn is blue.

>That TIE start up sequence
Thanks for the link user. Now I suddenly want to buy that TIE Fighter game.

Well, you could say that they "tried" with Finn. A completely biased attempt that was pretty much Rebel propaganda anyway, but an attempt nonetheless.


Yw famalama

A great short fan-film would be some guy going about his daily life with his family on a weekend or something. Just doing normal stuff in the SW setting.

Then at the end have him kiss his family goodbye and go off to work, lamenting how he won't be able to come back for a while. And reassures his kid not to worry and he will bring presents to make up for it.

The final scene is him putting on his ST helmet and walking out the door.


The reason why is because, honestly, Disney.

Disney can tell one story; The big evil loses to the underdog good guy. Unfortunately, the bad guy is always %100 evil when you get down to it, because otherwise you have a villain too complicated for the audience.

Similarly, the good guy must always be %100 good with very few detracting factors, so much so that it makes the bad guys look even worse just for opposing them.

As such, the good parts of the EU filled with good Imperials and more dastardly Rebels has evaporated in favor of the Empire/Sith being mustache twirling bad guys and the Rebellion/Republic/Jedi being the undisputed do-nothing-wrong characters.

Not even Starkiller, who showed a lot of the good and bad in the Empire, is canon any more. TOR is only still going on because EA has their name on it and can't just shut it down, and it's gotten to the point where it avoids the Rep v Imp storyline almost completely.


is that bad?



I had no idea that tie fighters are propelled by conventional jet engines. I would have thought a jet engine wouldn't be very effective in the vacuum of space.

Mfw everyone is posting TR8R instead of answering OP's questions


This video never gets old

Got a chuckle out of me.

Die traitor die.

man that rotoscoping can get really awkward sometimes

What if TR8R gets resurrected into a dark trooper?
Dark troopers are cyborgs right?

Don't you know? The Empire is a RAY-CIS-T organization.

TR-8R is the cool imperial shit now

Anyone want me to put a gameranger server up for Battlefront 2?

While I enjoy the mystic aspects of Star Wars most (liked Jedi more as weird religious monks than swashbuckling adventurers) the whole war aspect has always been really poorly developed. It sucks that the Empire can NEVER EVER be humanized and that things are always 100% black and white

Especially after watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Because Star Wars, at it's essence (by which I mean the canon movies), was never about the advantages of a stable autocracy versus dynamic chaotic liberalism, it was about good vs. evil. The empire was never meant to be sympathized with.

So now that we've soft rebooted the whole mess, it's right back to its roots. Stories that make the Empire seem interesting or sympathetic have no place. So far.

Fingers crossed one of the offshoot movies might explore that a bit, but given that motherfucking Disney is at the helm, I'm not holding my breath.

Imperials are 120% racist white suprama-cis now, and we can't be having any glorified or flaw characters normalizing literally Donald Trump.

And I thought 40k fans were autistic but at least they don't try to make their faction out to be what they aren't.

I doubt they're gonna risk having him overshadow Phasma again.

Phasma is the Dark Troopers.

Yes there are multiple Phasmas. She's just a default setting.

I'm OK with this
I always thought the Empire was cooler
Most people do

>they couldn't think of anything to rhyme so they just said "first order"


are you serious, the empire are nazi white supremacists, of course we shouldnt glorify them, they should be a bunch of weak cucks

Due to Disney, we won't get such nice things anymore, if rumors are true. I read that the new Rebel movie had a cut scene of Vader just mowing people down, but Disney higher ups felt it was far too dark for the guy that willingly sliced off his son's hand, killed a ton of children, as well as was shown burning alive, as well as nearly killing his own wife, on top of ordering the destruction of an entire planet.

Rebels had me thinking we were gonna get the coolness of Vader being a badass, and the Empire shining as this stone cold group that will do anything to assert and keep it's power.

Was there ever an Empire version of Rogue Squadron? Not the game, but the group that had loads of stories and all written up


Nobody complained about the cold on Hoth. We never felt it. Even though we were blinded by blizzards, we could see see the end of the Rebellion in our blaster sights. Was it only a mirage? Perhaps but on that day, on that planet, our blood ran hot with dreams of victory, melting the ice that stood in our way.

>this is no longer canon

I refuse to believe they fucked with the 501st

>If they could be tricked, they could be killed.

Goddamn battlefront 2's campaign makes me do pic related irl

That's just it, the silent majority DOES think the Empire is cooler. They have sleeker designs, more recognizable imagery, and association with the most iconic character in the franchise (Vader). It's just that modern 'progressiveness' has to paint them as being unredeemable because 'they're the bad guys'.

"There are two wolves fighting in a man's soul. One is called Love, the other Hate."

"The hound named Loyalty must watch them both."

Why did the Star Wars games shift from fantastic dogfighting space warfare to boring swordfighting with magic?


Spinny spinny~

Because creatively bankrupt higher-ups only care about mass appeal to dumb idiots with money to spend, and what's easier to make money from than a loser who "likes" star wars seeing a dude with a lightsaber on the cover?

>ywn be an imperial trying to restore order in the power vacuum on your homeworld when corrupt rebel scum are trying to burn everything down and hand control over to space mafias per part of their galactic jihad against stable society



>le "Fascist Bad Guys Are The Best Because I'm An Edgy Contrarian" meme


>et tu, finne

>yfw he gets in the new Mahvel

OP here

Dude, it's not even that. They're just fucking cool.

>Supporting Terrorists

>Lol who the fuck wants to play X-Wing or Tie-fighter! or even Rouge Squadron!

Just saying. I do think "Magical sword duels" games can still be good. It hasn't happened yet. In a very long while.

I'm legit surprised I can still find new art of this scene.

Kids who grew up watching lightsaber fights are now the core buying audience. The prequels didn't have the dogfighting space combat that was prominent in the original trilogy.

The Empire was cool because not ALL of them were facist bad guys. You had Troopers and such that would actually act like people rather than caricatures of Nazis like we have now.

Think about how old the design of the stormtrooper helment actually is, and how it's persisted.
I don't think I've seen anything that was so on point with the first public iteration.

I want to hope that maybe Rogue One ends with some one of them becoming imperials but we all know that's not happening.


Vader had a "redemption", but they'll gloss it over


>The writer for Rogue One even went on some Twitter rant about how the Empire are made up of "white supremacists" and the stronk female lead with her ragtag team of ethnics represent a reaction to said "supremacy".
That's canonically correct though.



Yeah and we all know the Empire did nothing wrong. Except losing the war.

>Supporting Tyrants


>this thread

Did not realize tr-8r was so popular.

What are the chances we'll get another competent stormie in the next movies? I hope there will at least be some in Rogue One.