Just finished playing this, full stealth and nonlethal. What did I think of it?

Just finished playing this, full stealth and nonlethal. What did I think of it?

You didn't like it and were disappointed.

you thought it was "fine" but weren't overly impressed by any aspect of the game

That performance issues plagued it? That certain augments trivialised the hell out of it? No seriously, you felt that the last mission was a fucking cakewalk thanks to cloak + noise dampeners. That credits were fucking useless? That the weapon customization was weak as hell? Seriously, you had like 12 unused weapon customizations sitting in your vault. That sitting guards screws up everything, for example, you cannot multi-takedown two sitting guards adjacent to each other?

Don't get yourself wrong, you enjoyed it. It was a decent 8/10 game.

You thought it was a good game and served its purpose. To be a video game.

Sounds about right. Thanks.

>there are people that didn't get Spoke With Two Wheels

you thought it was pretty good, but still left quite a bit to be desired.

Is the performance is shit?

Hey wait a second, user. You finished it shortly after Denuvo was cracked for it.


Did you pick up on the fact that Jensen is merely a clone in this game?

I actually bought it legitimately, with money. I just put off playing it for a long time. (Mostly because my computer is ass and it was a literal struggle playing it)

Is the birth of a new meme?

And feeding information directly to the Illuminati.

Never been to Sup Forums?

Not recently no.

Got any more evidence for this? I just thought he had been compromised somehow.

Did they fix the DLC items being one use only yet?

A reddit thread has some images of Adam Jensen's head and torso inside the Versalife vault.

They really need to have Bob Page come to insult Jensen over the infolink.

Oh my god, Jensen. You're a clone!

>Gets 13 posters

gg Sup Forums