Sup Forums tells you a game is amazing

>Sup Forums tells you a game is amazing
>you play it
>it is

What's her name? God Hand here.

Dragon's Dogma

Same. That game really took me by surprise.

'amazing' seems woefully inadequate

I dare say it's GOTG and no i'm not talking about the Marvel movie

Deus Ex
Fallout 1 & 2

Yume 2kki.


Megaman starforce 3. I wasn't going to bother with 2 and 3 after how disappointing 1 was.
I'm very glad I played 3.

Mount and Blade Warband.

EYE Divine Cybermancy, but I think that was mostly because I had a friend to play it with.

A hearty thank you to everyone who ever mentioned Ghost Trick here.

Bioshock 1

Same, but I STILL hate the dumbed down battle system after BN. It is LITERALLY one dimensional, compared.

this has never happened

Agreed, 3 did the best it could with it, but it won't compare to 2, 3, or 6 of BN.

Don't die thread

Tron 2.0

[spoilers]Dark Souls[spoilers]


Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines.

That game consumed a month of my life.

This, but without the fucked up spoilers. I had never heard of DaS or DeS when Dark Souls came out. I saw some threads on Sup Forums and wound up play Dark Souls loving it, and then I grabbed Demon's Souls.

I heard about it when it came out and I was somewhat interested. I read some review in a magazine (don't remember which one) that said it was mediocre, so I forgot about it. I ended up seeing threads on Sup Forums a couple years later and picked it up.

So who's the protagonist, The black guy or the loli?

Dragons dogma. And thank god because it's the best console game of last gen. But no one knows about it because capcom shat the bed and did 0 marketing.


The protagonist is you, the player, the cuck watching them.

Fuck this bullshit marketing, I should be on the cover then.

Let It Die

Same for me
Also Elite Beat Agents

Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dwarf Fortress
The Last Remnant
Eye Divine Cybermancy
Risk of Rain
The Ys games
Tribes: Ascend
Ghost Trick

Plenty more I can't think of right now.

Bloodborne. After 5 days, i'm starting to like it. I don't miss Nioh anymore.

Dwarf Fortress

Dark Souls

New Vegas


Hotline Miami

This Is The Police

I've had a pretty good history with Sup Forums desu

STALKER series
La-Mulana remake

and that's about it.

No Man's Sky


Demon's Souls
Metal Gear Rising: REVENGEANCE
God Hand

On the subject of God Hand, my fucking heart.

>Dragon's Dogma

The XCOM games.


Recently for me, this.


smt strange journey
yume nikki

I love this place.

Devil May Cry 3

Played DMC4 and thought it was good, but nowhere near Ninja Gaiden Black. Now this one's more like it.

Armored Core. I have never once been so thoroughly enamored with a series of video games since some user recommended me AC4 and then ACV and their respective expansions. It was hard adjusting to AC1-LR, but I played all of them. AC6 hopefully not-never.

Planescape Torment
MOTHER series
Mount and Blade
Metroid Prime

most of which hardly get threads any more

DD sold like 2 million copies if I'm not mistaken.