It still hurts Sup Forums

It still hurts Sup Forums.

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No one played this shitty MMO

i miss it

Ice/Energy tank, come at me.

Ice/Stone tank.

I never screenshot yes any of my guys.

Tanking was godly in that game.

>all my regen scrappers
>all my force field masterminds
>my "mains" were all touhou based
>was a staff/regen scrapper, IO'ed for recharge and regen bonuses and incarnate powers focused around regeneration, revive/moment of glory was maxed for recharge based on Remilia
>ss/invul/leaping brute modeled after Yuugi, max fury footstomp and leap attack was fun as fuck
>bot/trap mastermind.. so much fire, lasers, vomit and explosions with Nitori at the helm
>fire/fire/flame blaster, even dying was an attack because of rise of the fucking phoenix slaughtering everything as Mokou
>ice/energy blaster fucking shit up with powerful single target attacks, dont fuck with Cirno
Fuck it has been 4 years.

I miss it too.

I remember the costume contests under the atlas
I suprisingly won a few too.

> Running around with a supergroup and dickin around
> Playing CoV when it was coming out of Beta w/ the devs fighting everyone
> My mastermind with fuckin giant robots and shit
> Tyrone Biggums my Gun/Tech Super speed and super jump hero
> dat coz soundtrack when traveling in the city
> just spending hours just making different characters and coming up with back stories.

Fuck I miss it terribly.

Tanking was fun. Just dozens of guys around you, whalin' on you, and then you STOMP or SMASH and send them all flying.

why can't they just make a superhero game with fun combat and lots of customization that isn't an MMO?

>elec/shield/jumping brute
Fuck this character was my favorite, gimme a Kinetics something and I was a happy fuck
>fire/ice tank before all the nerfing
Herding up entire maps filled with 100+ enemies looking for fillers to PL your buddy
>all corrupter teams
cant remember if it was specific corrupters or what but I remember scourge being balls yes
>my underdog rifle/dev blaster that didnt get super awesome until IOs and hami enhancements
Nothing will ever match that feeling of a max range Flamethrower + full auto attack just melting a room. I also remember some theater/movie based map that rewarded people with IOs that prevented knockback attacks and turned them into knockdown making M-30 and Buckshot into great attacks
>thug/trap mastermind
God fuck I remember loving Mayham missions, bank segments specifically, set up a bunch of tripmines, caltrops, a poison trap and shit and setting off all the alarms and having dozens and dozens on top of dozens more enemies piling into the bank in a +2/x8 setting

You are correct, OP. It hurts. I wanted to try to get into Champions Online but I cant figure out that login shit from Steam.

why we aint got a private server for this shit
why'd no one leak the code
fuck this world

It still hurts Sup Forums.

Because Guild Wars and Wildstar.

Superheros are mroe mainstream and common place than ever before, what with a new blockbuster coming out every few months related in some way to them. Why on gods green earth have we not gotten someone to make a 'Create-Your-Own-Hero' adventure? Champions Online is fur-infested shite, and DC Universe online it sidekick-trash.
Why must we suffer so

There is a private server but it's not public facing and it's invite only.

>why can't they just make a superhero game with fun combat and lots of customization that isn't an MMO?

I'm not sure. I'd almost love a GTA-esque game where you start out as a thug in the city and you choose to work for one of a handful of supervillains. Somewhere at the end of the first act, you gain powers and become your own villain and you go on from there...


It still hurts Sup Forums.

This game was fun to be a support class in
>be storm/darkness defender
>aoe slows
>still have a "heal"
>able to do tons of damage when able with summoning lightning clouds and tornados
>>b-but user tornado is forbidden because knockback
no fuck you, they added this -knockback enhancement at some point in the game and basically turned tornado into a bitch juggler, plus things immune to knockback it just did tons of DoT damage to it like giant monsters, archvillians, etc

oh wow im still bitter about knockback fights

who circle of jerks here
good times.

>knockback forbidden
>not bitch slapping whiners like that by herding whole groups into corners and corner fucking them
knock back was the best way to crowd control.

played on launch and remembered i got to like level 38 or so grinding around in brickstown and crey's

then my server population just nosedived and i couldn't find any groups anymore.

i was earth/storm controller, groups loved because i could aoe root/stun/mez everything. this game was fun because it was just all about grouping up and having fun and relatively drama free since there was no loot to fight over. shame it pretty much died overnight as everyone was just playing it as a way to kill time prior to wow.

I always liked Rad/Rad Defender. Especially in the early days where a pair of them on a team essentially meant no one lost any endurance ever.

>dark pit
fuck, more memories coming back

Another fun thing is using force bubble in places with tons of low level enemies and just bowling them around.

I did not give a shit how FOTM elec/shield was on scraps and brutes. It was ridiculously fun, and you could push the settings to +4/8man spawn and still feel like a wrecking machine.

At least until the first eyeball got a debuff landed on you. Everything else great, but Rularuu made shieldies run screaming out of the pool.

Never got to finish building my bane spider either. Wish peacebringers held up as well later as the villain epics did.

My favorite character was my mercs/dark mastermind. Mercs generally stayed all in one spot so you could keep them up with dark's aoe heal easily plus dark had so many buff/debuff and control powers. Soloing heroes/arch-villains was a breeze.

Fuckin a, did you play on Freedom?

>just starting out in mid 2005
>on a street hunting team in the hazard zone park place fighting skulls and hellions
>some super speeder runs by with force bubble on
>fucking everything went flying

>Another fun thing is using force bubble in places with tons of low level enemies and just bowling them around.

I loved super-jumping around Atlas Park until I found a bunch of gang-members on a roof. Drop down in the middle of them and use your knockback move on all the poor little low-level baddies. A dozen bodies go flying to the street below.

I miss the holiday events in CoH

Might have been me, that's usually where I did it. It's been so long I don't remember what server I even played on.

>Positron TF LF Empath
>all non emps are raging hard
>Steel Canyon drama
I kinda miss my mind/emp controller

>fort fire blasters and tanks
>confuse high AoE targets like Freakshow tanks
>regen and endurance auras
>perma hasten build

Every day I miss it.

I loved the Winter Event, just because you could see the place floating outside Pocket D.

I hate to be that guy, but why not play Champions Online on the mean time until someone set up a proper private server or a new super hero mmo is out?

I miss Pocket D on Virtue

its not the same user

>It's been so long I don't remember

You were either Virtue or Freedom or you didn't play, as far as I'm concerned.

Champions is fucking horrible, abandoned, and shitty. Not to mention it has its own thought police

You would be full of shit friendo

champions was honestly the best in beta, it only got worse from release

>Champions Online

It doesn't feel the same at all. The active battling system isn't remotely like CoX's way of queuing up attacks. Like you could hit "1,2,3" and then while those were going off, hit "2,3" again and they'd go off next in line. Combat had this...pace to it.

Champs is on permenant life support, with minimalist new content being pushed out. The costume creater is pretty fun, though provided you have everything unlocked and are a lifetime subscriber

CO is p2w garbage as well as an objectively inferior game. Only thing it has going for it is you can edit options asymmetrically in the character creator. It just makes me miss CoX more.

What makes Champions or DC Online different from this?

A shame they apparently never got that emulator up and running even AFTER spending a year trying to talk to some korean manager to approve it.

I guess they found out they actually would've needed Positron to help them set that shit up, and Positron don't work for free!

Well there tequila but it just a chat room.

How so? There was an entire year of updates for endgame content

It was advertise as one of the first action mmo

Why the fuck diddn't NCsoft just put the game on life support with minimal updates like they did with Guild Wars 1? Why did they have to completely kill it? It's not fucking fair, Sup Forums.

>Champs: Shitty ''''''action-mmo''''' that is kept alive as a husk for it's chinese masters
>DC Online: Sidekick-Simulator that also happens to be a trashy ''''''action''''' game with some ludicrous end-game gear grind that is constantly outdated and utterly meaningless

Former is a cryptic game that seem to not be good enough for CoH and latter is a circle jerking on DC heroes and you're a Sidekick to them.

oh, Champions was like a really crummy knockoff of CoH, felt more like CoH 0.5 than 1.5, and DCUO is in a different kind of game. CoH was a comfy game with a lot of customization--DCUO is a game with really lousy customization and the community was turning really wretched by the time I just quit and uninstalled it (of course the devs had launched a Raid-oriented DLC which brings out the worst kind of WoW tryhard raider faggits--you know, the assholes that demanded you have maximum Combat Rating just to do the simplest shit.

>It was advertise as one of the first action mmo

Yeah, but it wasn't action as in "every real-time press of the button is a real-time attack in the game."

Because the game was doing fine financially and making money. They cancelled it to make up for losses incurred by GW2

>Champions: No villain PCs, shitty world, only played by furries

Nemeses are ok I guess

>Positron don't work for free!

Does he work for Influence?

Champions Online servers are still up? That game can't have more than a couple hundred people playing it.

NCsoft has a track record of killing MMO that they HATE. There was a rumor that someone in the higher up in the Korean HQ that hate CoH and when he got the chance, he kill it

Somewhat but a slight lag can still fuck you over. Happens to me a lot of times in some of the new end game content

How are there no private servers for this shit?

Freedom was pretty full of tards though, but that was neat in its own way, since all the servers had their own personalities.

I started on Infinity, and most of my villains were kept there, but it was pretty well known as the asshole server. Being a dick seemed like a contractual requirement to play there.

Pinnacle was the absolute most chill, IMO. There was a hugely disproportionate amount of great people on that one, considering it was one of the smallest servers by population. I kept all my heroes and most rogue/vigilantes there.

I don't remember it. For you, CoH was the greatest MMO you've ever played in your life. But for me, it was a write-off.

Reverse-engineering proprietary software isn't easy. And NCSoft won't leave efforts alone because they want to retain the IP or something or other

It still up and there seem to be a handful of players up in prime time, but I know that is because of the new content it got, namely Teleios Ascendant, the Cosmic revamp fight, and the new end game zone, Warzone. It still pretty easy by mmo standards. They also added a bunch of costume piece, but from the cashshop, lockbox, and as reward from these end game content.

>you will never gain play your SS/Fire brute "Serious Samhain"


But then why is Wildstar still alive?

World of Warcraft was better

To be honest, I'm still amazed they're still alive when they are literally giving away cash shop stuff.

ERP is keeping Wildstar afloat.
I'm not kidding. Chua and ""Futa"" are holding that game aloft.

>You will never come home to hear this ever again.

Feels bad.

champions online is only good for erp


You do realize that means it's coming, right user? Nostalrius, but for a better game, eventually. The sun will rise again.

>champions online is only good for erp

How good?

And then NCSoft will shut it down.

I don't dare to dream user.

The koreans have beaten all form of hope out of me.

I just want to play my ICE/ICE Blaster again.

South Korea will probably be a smoldering ruin within 16 months. So they'll have a hard time enforcing copyrights

A rad/rad defender was my fucking main. xXxInfectionxXx because I was an edgy lad. Got a ton of compliments for keeping everyone alive and having a bitchin revive though

Fuck, CoX was literally the best game for sitting around and posing. Hangin' out in Org or Stormwind just doesn't cut it compared to sitting on top of the statue of Atlas or brooding on the corner of a building.

NCSoft has also been in negotiations over the rights for a few years. You never know what may come out of them if they finally cave.

And also

This. I'm surprised by how much time I spent simply hanging out in Atlas Park or at the Steel Canyon costume shop.

I was edgy too. Played a Broadsword/Regen Scrapper.

>Imagining City of Heroes with Modern Korean MMO-tier Graphics and 0 other changes
Fug. Screenshot whoring would be a jam.

>taking posing pictures on rooftop in remote corner of atlas park
>fuck people in forums do this all the time maybe I can make some nice ones
>a little close to perez gate(or maybe skyway, fuck if I remember), so person passes through, whatcha doing
>start taking pictures together
>by the end of the night there's a small superteam on this literal whatever rooftop just doing photo ops

Wasn't even a costume contest. Sometimes used to play hide-and-seek in zones with newbies to give finders millions of inf too.

Never did taxibot service though. Those guys were the best.

it's ridiculous how friendly people were in CoH

The community in CoX was the best part of CoX.

Everywhere you went niggas just wantin to have a good time bein superheroes.

What about city of titans?

Taxibots were great. I intended to level up my Healbot ( ) enough to get a second costume and I was gonna make him a Yellow/Black checker pattern and Taxibot people around.


neo-Sup Forums everyone

Vaporware until otherwise noted.

How the fuck did you do that

Good job. Much response.



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>South Korea will probably be a smoldering ruin within 16 months
you what