Hey senpai how'd your progress? Have you reached the top?

Hey senpai how'd your progress? Have you reached the top?

No uncle death cause I'm too shit at this game

Hey Senpai, is it alright if I use this image?

Go ahead senpai!

Thanks dude!
Here's hoping it comes out on PC one day

I'm new to the game. Do you lost all the coins you for on your run if you die and didn't go back to the waiting room?

I love you uncle death

More Uncle Death, please.

I defeated the second don and I'm in the Candle Wolf area now.
leveling up a 3-star Attacker currently.

After a couple of hours i got to floor 26. LiT is rough mang...


Maybe if release the game in my country first.

Yes UNLESS you recover. Recover cost is based on floor height so grinding is best done on lower floors.


Thanks Senpai.

what game is this anyway?

Let it die

Been slowly making progress, it's plenty tough so far.

Is it really weird that I find going with bare fists to be my favorite weapons?

Same. Its faster and just feels so satisfying

What's the floor 40 boss like?

Yes, it has its uses but you will get buttfucked later on.

Still at floor 11, Uncle.
I don't have problems with regular mobs but LV50 haters with machetes destroy me.

>unlocking the R1/L1 attacks for bare fists

Also, dumb question, but when do you unlock more classes than All-Rounder? I've gotten to the fifth floor where you meet Astronaut Hitler's twin brother and bought some blue prints, but it was a dead end.

climb the fucking tower

Here is a hint, off the main path to the left is an area with 4 star guys, go there first. The next midboss is an ABSURD damage sponge that summons skellys, and you jave to clear to floors after to unlock the elevator.

>tfw I managed to make it to the elevator with 2 minutes to spare before the maintenance kicks me off

Close call

Just climb the tower,man.

>collecting materals by going down from Tamata
>hear a hater while I'm sneaking through a hallway in Imokawa-cho
"I had better be careful, I wonder where the hater i-"
>hater was stuffed into a blind corner and instantly machete stunlock combos me from full health to 0

Also, when is maintenance? I don't think the time it is telling me matches my timezone.

How many times do i have to minimize this thread?

You gotta have a good prepped weapon for haters. The best way to deal with them are ranged weapons or a good superman punch. Its gonna be tough but remember those guys drop around 3k kill coins so if you can kill just a couple your will be rolling in it senpai. I know you can do it!

Forever until you stop being a little bitch, senpai.

Reminder to always havw a Fireworks Launcher on-hand with you to cook critters on the spot from a safe distance.

>Just climb the tower senpai

This is unironically my favorite

>can't play game because of maintenance
This always online stuff needs to stop


The maintenance is right now.
I'm in a GTM-5 zone and the game gives me the right time.

I'm trying to sneak all the time so I can get the surprise factor on my side.
Fucking people are leaving double-machete, assault rifle max level tier 2 haters on the first ten floors.

meme skelleington!! XDDD

how is your mediocre shit game going so far???

epic thread bumping that epic meme image

>that one guy is still killing a jackal during maintenance
the absolute madman


>All this salt

I look forward to the day Sup Forums tries to claim LiD is a sjw.cuck game cause it has girl fighters in it and you gotta answer to a female insurance agent

Your fucking hypocrisy and pathetic nature is sweet nectar to me

>Everyone wondering how to farm death coins and better fighters
>Get 40k running around naked trying to find iron scraps

I swear this game has implemented the same mind reading technology Monster Hunter has. I just want iron scraps. Please.

There is literally nothing wrong with skeletons, especially those of the memeing variety.

not sure if its in all regions, but there seems to be a maintainence period now, fuck i was playing, guess im dead


Thank you for bumping, you can go now. Bye bye !

Nickel and dime developers and publishers as often as possible with the dignified tradition of steam sales, unironically support hardware manufacturers who contribute nothing to the gaming industry, kill the very platforms that sustain healthy creative development, studios and quality control within their own ecosystems. Actively participate in destroying, downplaying and ignoring the enormous wealth said platforms have given the industry spanning several decades through a proven model of hardware stability and standardization. Continuously over-saturate the market with absolute shovelware that effectively reduces the quality of good quality games across every platform by siphoning money inot the abyss of shovelware devs. Beg for--and simultaneously demonize--the practice of contracted games because manufacturers who are actually invested in the industry are able to get shit done by funding and developing them. Demonize publishers who cater to console platforms because without them, they literally don't exist. Embody the most disgusting gaming ideology possible and release its destructive behaviors on the video game industry as well as its consumers at large by brainwashing them--literally building a platform on the basis of being superior to other people through hardware superiority--wearing what is considered the petty behavior of console wars as a fucking badge of honor.

Then post a game you're having fun in instead of being a condescending little wankstain, you fucking faggot.

friggin hate how you get a ton of materials that you cant even use, like that blue scrap metal, i have no blueprint that even goes to



Meanwhile, the next floor up sees tons of leather and silk, which is not used for any blueprint from the first ten floors, as far as I'm aware.

Those are mostly dev haters. Anything with MTKTK@asshole is a dev. It sucks but once you find a groove they make for great kill coin farms. The assault rifle opens up their asshole so if you get the chance rnd it.

>just found secret shop
>bought 30,000 blueprint

>couldn't make it down to lobby before maintenance

i-is my character going to be okay?

can someone explain to me wtf this game is about in like 10 words or less

This guy fighting the jackles is an absolute champ

wheres her tats sempai, i cant get off unless shes 100 percent the real deal. no tats, no soup

Looks like a lame girl, desu.

fuck so it happened to you too, i dont know man, i never had this type of death, hopefully you can use a death medal

>literally from a porn game

nah they ded

gg on the killcoin waste

i've been fucking around below floor 11, exploring every room

my storage box is overflowing

Theres a level 4 floor thats literally just 20 iron scraps lying around. The catch? You can't get to it until you clear the floor 11 midboss.

no, download it and find out yourself, its free

yeah fight the power fuck the system

Dark Souls but for weebs by Suda51

You play a videogame within a videogame

Alternatively; there's no love, nothing, nothing make sens (?)

Suda51 makes a Dark Souls game.

Fucking dead, senpai.
Just go to the freezer and save them for a small nominal fee of a couple thousand coins. You get the items on their person back, too.

Just save up some coins and pay Uncle Death to retrieve him once servers are back up, you'll still have the blueprint in your death bag.

i dont own a ps3

twitch tv cyberassassin24

You can't just say something like that and not provide a link.

Senpai this fucked with me too, you gotta go from floor 10 to 13 down to 12 then 11 to fight a midboss. Its fucked.

Lost my rank 3 striker right after the what's her face rematch on floor 19.

And I'm broke as a joke, so I guess it's time to raid.

>somebody re-posts your edit
It's a good feel, no matter how minor.

>fucking jackal 1 shots me as I'm mashing X trying to get into the elevator with a bunch of shit on me
>29k to revive
>send out second best striker to farm gold
>die to hater that was nearly 1hp after whiffing what felt like a punch that hit
>17k to revive
>send out base defender to farm some coins
>13k to revive
>no money, no equipment, have to start at bottom again.
>can never tell if raids are heavily defended or not. rank 60 people have 4 machete niggers and rank 390 players have 1 naked shooter

I'm in such a fucking hole. I'm so fucking mad but I can't stop playing. Also, 6/10 of my deaths are complete bullshit. None of this would have happened if I just made it down the elevator. God.

I have never played or watched Dark Souls so that comparison doesn't help lel

is this the poison guy

Is the game under maintenence? it wont let me play

There ya go


It's like a hack-and-slash roguelike kind of a thing.

I'm finally done with school so I can sink some time into this game.
I'm happy when people give money to Suda in any way.

And the comparisons to Dark Souls are way too generous. But I guess it gets people to try the game out

>multiple threads up at once

dammit guys, get it together. i really don't want this to have the same backlash undertale had because of its thread spamming

Good thing you dont need one

>the fucking dev is in the twitch chat


Then just download the game and climb the tower, senpai. Don't know how else I can help.

I find that you get a shit load of veneer planks and iron scraps if you venture to the dead end maps

Guy is an absolute mad man, not even the devs shutting down the servers can stop him


They're dead. But you'll get some apology coins from the devs in a day or so.

Ahahaha I wish. I doubt dev haters have a country flag and a name not starting by YHHM@

>witch tv cyberassassin24
this nigga is crazy! maintainence is only an hour right? im itching to play more

There's a colored version with tats.

>He kills Jackal
>drops firework launcher

Dark Souls combat+Persona 3 type progression+MGSV style invasion multiplayer+rougelike+retarded difficulty spike+Suda 51 style

8/10 so far.

>sending out fighters when youre low on cash
>raiding when youre low on cash

Senpai, just run through the first 5 floors and you'll get a nice chunk of cash at your disposal

Also keep some of your rewards in the reward box, emergency funds,ya?

Reached floor 13.

Holy shit the powercreep is real.

I'm trying level up a 2-Star Defender, but now I'm being invaded by level 50 Haters. Shit fucking sucks. I haven't been this on edge in forever.

everyone come see a level 200 die
twitch cyberassassin24

i didnt see the earlier part of the stream, so lure them in the elevator and fist them to death??


Where's that? I think I know what you're talking about, but I got ~6 Vineer Planks off of that level

Is it somewhere on the right hand side?


>not even a full clip

Jackal stopped taking damage awhile ago. Seems like they won't go below a certain level or the game broke