Rewrite loved main character to be a retarded asshole

>Rewrite loved main character to be a retarded asshole.
>Include side kick who just bitches about what a stupid asshole he is and appearantly always was.
>Said side kick is a mega cunt that outshines the protag rewritten to be an asshole in the cuntiness department.
>Kill protag or pretending to kill them and selling the resolution as DLC
>Have side kick shit talk them one last time and talk like they'll be the protagonist for the next game.


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What's it matter, these games have never been good.


It really pissed me off how they deliberately made frank an unlikable asshole who acts like a retard around anyone else. For the sake of "humor"

ash was always an asshole.

It was funny.

Get over it and move on.

It really wasn't. It's Sunset Overdrive levels of desperately trying to be funny and failing.

no it wasn't

I disagree

>Rewrite loved main character to be a retarded asshole.
>Kill protag or pretending to kill them and selling the resolution as DLC

He was quiet and humble in the first movie

Proof that fucking leafs destroy everithing they touch.


Did you seriously not watch army of darkness or bother to see any of other stuff that came out before that?
Ash is a dick. He's been one since evil dead 2. I don't even know if we can say he's a dick with a heart of gold even.

That was before an evil book ruined his life.

>can't kill survivors anymore,
>you are pretty much forced to follow the story if you fuck around your just wasting time

By making a fun game?

Not that guy but I'm curious, what do you like about the game?

Does it do anything else that other open-world zombie games don't already provide?

I do want to play it but waiting for that torrent. Which will likely not come because of windows store. So guess I'm not playing it for some time

The weapons and capcom easter eggs.

Just wait a few months for it to come to steam.

good argument kiddo 10/10

Not everything is an argument.

true, but yours was really shitty

How'd it sell?

That's because it wasn't an argument?

the literal definition of an argument is an exchange of opinions you fucking retard

Cool your pussy white boi.

>i call him out
>c-cool your pussy white b-boi
inb4 you say hey man i was just trolling :^)

Ash's progression is exaggerated as shit but follows a logical process
>loses a bunch of friends to the Evil Dead (the first movie was genuinely horrific remember)
>loses his mind as a result
>becomes jaded and disengaged from others as a defence mechanism so their deaths don't upset him

step away from the screen if you cam't handle the bantz


Was it autism?

No. You're normal, just severely lacking in social skills due to long term isolation from your peers.

t. "offended" white boi

it's a person trying to make project there opinion on Sup Forums, then when they're called out on their bullshit, they say it was banter

in short yeah it was pretty fucking autistic

>it's a person trying to make project there opinion on Sup Forums
What did he mean by this?

Well the weapons look more like carry overs from DR3, I guess besides a few new vehicles.

The Exo Suit seems sort of limiting since it seems to only be able to use certain types of weapons/objects. Also it doesn't seem to carry over any costume pieces which is kind of lame. (So no exo suit with dumb head)

Sort of looks like an expansion to DR3 but not a full sequel.

phone poster

I know but the atmosphere in 3 was really depressing and I didn't enjoy navigating the city all that much either

Me or you?

>work on one series for your career
>fuck it up



The atmosphere, do you mean like the world itself? I guess it was because Los Perdidos looks like Florida, but aside from that everything else was going full retard.

I have been wondering if the world is better to navigate through in 4 with vehicles, since 3 had this sort of zig-zag pattern in all of the areas, usually with a blocked off middle section, which made it boring to travel through. (And the shortcut was shit)

would anyone watch someone who actually dislikes the game playing through it? I have it and just can not even get through the first case its so boring

Ash is still an enjoyable character and he's still played by his original actor.
He can't even be compared to Fronk.

Frank has always been an asshole.

I've seen the first case before and good lord does it look like a shit way to start the game.

I don't remember the first one forcing you to take pictures in order to advance the story. (Though yeah for optional stuff like Kent's cases) For a game that is painting itself as being so WACKY AND CRAZY ZOMBIE KILLING, it does a lot more to slow that down than any of the previous games. At the start at least.

fucking this.

Escort Quest: The Game.

To be fair, the first game had an opening where the only thing you could do while flying in the chopper was take pictures.

Not really, at least not in the way they describe him to be in DR4.

Frank had a self serving goal at the start of the game, before he even knew zombies were a thing but it didn't take long for him to change his tone, and by the end of Overtime he had developed quite a bit. He's by no means the Justice Hero, but he's not a bad guy or that much of an asshole. Just a brash guy.

Also if your job is to record information and you are dealing with people who purposely withhold that from you, you'd probably be snarky too. Especially when everyone calls you a paparazzi.

Past the first game his characterization is really all over the place which is why I don't even bring it up. Also he never said a single one liner in the first game, unless you count him throwing Kent's camera.

Dead Rising was one of the only unique games released in the last 2 decades

Thats a good point, although you could still skip it and it didn't really last all that long in the first place.

It did also set the mood nicely.

>talk like they'll be the protagonist for the next game
>All DR protags name end with -ck
>She goes by Vick

I hope you are ready for an even worse Dead Rising, pioneered by the nu-male Canadian head dev.

Mega64 has been pretty on-point lately.

They lost credibility the moment they bitched about selfies.

In Dead Rising, Frank was pretty much just a journalist at first. Thought he'd be there doing business, but for sucked into a case with way more depth than he imagined. Throughout the main cases and lots of side scoops his empathy and emotions show through more and more, though he still remains a snarky journalist. Once you get to the part with Carlito and the butcher you can see that Frank really didn't have anything funny or silly to say, he was genuinely in shock at what was going on. Then later once Isabella finds out he's infected he gets sarcastic again because it's only hurting him and not anyone else. Frank is honestly a really fantastically written character in the first game.

then in DR4 you literally have his meth head voice actor spewing shit like, "HAHA FUCK YOU COMPUTERS AND GOVERNMENT, EAT MY BALLS" and he has no personality beyond that Saint's Row tier humor

when will they learn?




>Stripe suit


>those clothes
You're going to be broadcast and you can't be bothered to dress like a grown up?
Oh and I want to finish playing the first dead rising from way back. Started it and put so much time, then got stuck on the motorcycle bitch fight due to a game-breaking bug.

goddamn aside from raimis pilot the directing in this show is utter dogshit. total disappointment

Where did they get the idea that Frank used to be wacky and immature and had to grow up?

>You're going to be broadcast and you can't be bothered to dress like a grown up?

literally from memes

>windows 10 store timed exclusive

Its what happens when you only pay attention to memes about a character and not the actual character.

Running around in retarded attires means the character is wacky and immature.

When did Dead Rising become Saints Row?

the first game had silly costumes too fag. the new """Frank""" just yells randumb shit in his disgusting fucking voice half the time, the other half is the new story dialogue which is just as filled with one liners and memes

if people can shit on Borderlands for bad writing, then DR4 is 10x as bad as that shit

Frank West was always overrated. What's the appeal?
Oh right, he was in the Japanese one, coincidentally also the only DR game that Sup Forums likes. Fucking weebs.

kill yourself neo faggot

Once the leafs were allowed to make a game without being babysat by japs.

Even in the DR2 games, you can more or less infer that his snarky, sarcastic behavior is a result of just jaded and angry he's become with the world.

His quips weren't wacky and over-the-top, they were very venomous and sarcastic. Very dry, biting and relevant to the goings-on in game.

>Disembowel a zombie in DR2OTR
>"What's the matter? Got a tummy ache?!"
>Run into Adam's brother in DR2OTr
>"Ohhhh, I friggen' hate clowns..."
>Run into "fresh" zombie in DR4
>"Wow! You guys are like the Hitlers of zombies!"

I'm amazed how well his character fits with the optional elements taken into account. Like the scene with Jessie talking about Brad after the bomb mission doesn't change at all if you find Brad, but you can read into Frank's silence with how the camera's framed on him after she says it.

Whether or not you fail to rescue the professor and get to the point of trying to interview/rescue the Keyes; Frank starts to adapt to the situation, starts trying to reason with the psychopaths, talking to them through their own delusions

I like to think since Frank is fucking 52, but with the body of a 25 year old, he just doesn't care anymore and is just doing it because doing it for the LOL RANDOM.

Are you really surprised?

The weird thing about the TV show is that Ash is very much like he was in Army of Darkness but that is the only movie that hasn't even had so much as a nod.

That's because of legal issues. AoD was distributed by a completely different company.
AoD happened, but nobody is allowed to say it happened in the show.

Didn't Ash mention in the latest episode about him time traveling to the Middle Ages?

Oh did he? I'm not up to date on S2.

All frank wanted was to play minigolf

Great point except the first two are funny and situational, the third one is fucking retarded leddit meme shit.

That was his point.

Dr2-Fat, angry, hair falling out
Dr4-Back in shape, decent haircut, happy and quirky.
What went right?

I loved the world in 4, but that may be because I love Christmas in general. Definitely feels funner than not Las Vegas and not Florida at least.

Ah, my bad then. I thought he was trying to say this falls in line with his usual demeanor. Maybe I'm retarded.

Anyways, I put 25 hours into the game and I'm done, I've collected everything and now I can put it away. I'll probably get shit for it, but I took off this week of work long ago to play this game. Had it on the calendar since January. I regret everything.

Bluecastle adding oneliners completely torpeedoed any possible seriousness to any character, Frank and Chuck alike,


Holy Shit!!! MS is so far up the timed exclusive ass that they are keeping games away from their own goddamn platform, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD