4 hours in and I'm thinking I might return this

4 hours in and I'm thinking I might return this.

I wanted to catch, battle, and trade pokemon. Not sit through endless, pointless exposition of a boring anime plot. Every time I see Lillie my heart sinks because I know I'm gonna have to start mashing A, and it is slowly dawning upon me that she's probably not just someone who's going to fuck off after the first couple hours.

I cannot walk five fucking feet without someone interrupting me for a cutaway convo. The rival is yet another happy-go-lucky doofus. Kukui is just...what? I don't know anymore. I'm questioning if I even like pokemon at all, or if I'm just nostalgic for gens 1-4.

Does this shit get better or not

return it while you can friend, it doesn't get better

the story is short, just blow through it. the meat and potatoes of this thing is the endgame. ev training is easy and it even allows iv training now so making teams you want for online battles is no longer a chore.

The cutscenes become less and less until you get to the aether/Lusamine plot line, then they appear more frequently. Once you beat the elite 4, the cutscenes become a rarity, outside of the optional Ultra Beast postgame plot, and Lillie fucks off to Kanto.

I personally enjoyed the story and Kukui is a bro.

EV/IV training is really easy now, but grinding is a little tough. you pretty much have to continuously battle the E4.

>Disliking Kukui


>the meat and potatoes of this thing requires literal autism and is as fun as trepanning
There is literally zero fun in online battling. You're either fighting no life neets or children.

yea man its fkin shit rtn it

Why? All trainers have two, three under-leveled pokemon tops.

Sounds like you hate fun OP.

>tfw see fags whining about Pokemon Sun/Moon and having a blast with it myself
>tfw see fags whining about FFXV and having a blast with it myself
>tfw see fags always whining about new games but enjoy them myself

It must suck to forget how to enjoy things. I know your response is going to be some dumb nonsense like "well I'm not a shit eater".

Sun and Moon is the first time I've actually wanted to play Pokemon and liked Pokemon since Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. which was roughly 15 years ago at this point.

>I wanted to catch, battle, and trade pokemon.
I'll take the bait.
Pokemon Sun/Moon actually have those elements in the game. Nothing changed much.

Let's role play guys
*whips your dick out*

Are the cutscenes that frequent? I wonder why Nintendo didnt just offer a skipping option.

I'm keeping the game and selling the 3ds I bought with it. I played 50 hours and beat the main story, but I can't see myself doing anything else with it

Good luck returning an opened game.

*spreads ass and backs up*

>Complaining about cutscenes now when the entire battle system has been "select command, watch cutscene" for 20 years.

People bitched last generation that the story in X and Y was lacking. Now they have improved it and people now complain the opposite. People like OP should consider playing X and Y instead.

Lillie is the true main character. You are just her bodyguard which she sometimes lets do the Island Challenge. If you can't at least tolerate her, you should probably stop playing.

Hau is just one rival though and referred to by GF as a "friend" instead, the official "rival" is introduced on the second island. He doesn't use a starter though.

>sell 3DS
>keep game
>3DS is required to play game

>unironically playing a pokemon game past the age of 16
>playing anything above gen III

You only have yourself to blame.

It gets better after the first island but it's still common to see one every time you enter a new area. What makes them annoying is that you can't mash A since you have to wait for the camera to stop panning and the slow animations to finish.

Back the fuck up.
You did NOT just insult the greatest masterpiece GameFreak has ever made. It's got the best waifus, so you'd better shut the fuck up. You just hate fun, autismo. Kill yourself, it's a highly advanced entry with great writing.

>It's got the best waifus, so you'd better shut the fuck up.

sad thing is this is probably why most people who claim SM is the best claim so

It's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

They're bad if you consider the expectations people have for a Pokemon game, especially if they primarily enjoyed generations 1-3.

It starts off slow, goes away by the middle while you're on other islands, then unfortunately comes back.
I say unfortunately because it's a stupid story that people are overglorifying because they got a boner for some of the NPCs.

Beat the game today. Why did they think putting 30+ minutes worth of cutscenes after the league was a good idea? I thought Sup Forums was exaggerating when they said that. Fucking glad Lillie is gone and Nebby is boxed forever.

Don't forget that if you saved during the elite 4 and didn't bring enough balls you can give up on catching tapu coco.

I feel the same. When I finished the second island I got tired of the dumb anime plot and the insane number of cutscenes and started mashing A too.

I put the game down like a week ago when I got to the 4th island and haven't touched it since.

It does not get better at all, if anything it gets much much worse over time.

Fucking thing is that at one point based on what I was seeing I thought some parts of the story LOOKED decent, but by that point I was fed up with it all and had been mashing A so fuck if I knew what was going on.

Fuck Lillie, fuck the 2 "rivals" either the meaning of the word rival changed to bff in japan or there's been a massive translation error, fuck getting healed after EVERY single cutscene and fuck the "trials" being literal baby tier "chalenges".

This game feels like they developed it with 4 year olds in mind.

are there even gym leaders

You can check the statue in his shrine afterwards for a rematch if you don't catch him, you know.

Nah, XY was ok on story length, the direction the story took at the end sucked tho. Team flare was just a bad team and the script was terrible. I thought Lysandre was ok for the boss but the rest sucked, they're just faceless nobodies.

Yeah, but they're called Trial Captains

and the Elite 4 are Kahunas

They are.

>one every new area.

Try 7.

You can just go try again later

I think every game since Platinum or so has had legendary rematches

>Nebby is boxed forever

You need it if you wanna be able to flip the day/night cycle at will and get the second Cosmog.

Trials are pretty much gyms with the captains essentially being gym leaders.
Hell, they have an Elite 4 with a change of name.

The trials were inferior to gyms in every way.

Oh. I didn't.
Oh well, I played through the kukui fight three times before I finally caught it.

After all the bitching I'm going to play it this week to see whats up. I have seen playthroughs where I saw a lot of dialogue between characters sucking eggs tho. Maybe the writing was worse or just as bad as XY?

I always caught them on the first go so I never knew.

We had gyms for 20 years.


>Me, me, me

If it's not broken then don't fucking fix it

Already got the other version legendary through GTS so I can just use that. My Nebby is boxed forever.

>We still have gyms
>they just added quizzes and wacky big pokes

>I know your response is going to be some dumb nonsense like "well I'm not a shit eater".

t. shit eater

That's the awful attitude that has been causing Nintendo to stagnate in recent years.

Haven't played it yet but I'm getting a "waifu-fag pandering" vibe like with the newer Fire Emblem games. Can anyone confirm?

>Elementary school level puzzles where every battle is trivialized by spamming a single move.

Gyms were pretty fucking broken.

Maybe if they did a different fucking theme instead of making every single gym type-based.


there are waifus out the ass this gen.

You guys are all being a bunch of crybabies over a pathetically short amount of dialogue to read. Is reading really that unbearable for you?

If it is, might I suggest a different genre or form of media entirely?

TV might be more your speed, or shit like FPS for games.

Yes, everyone knows you're a shit eater because you can't stand having to read a tiny bit of dialogue here and there. Oh god it must be so terrible. Reading is so awful! : (

These statements are a bit misleading in that for several trials you do not fight the Captains at all, but instead a "Totem Pokemon" that has one or more buffs to its stats and always summons other Pokemon to fight with them. It's more like a boss battle than a fight with a more powerful trainer.

>You guys are all being a bunch of crybabies over a pathetically short amount of dialogue to read

Pathetically short, but forced on you every 5 steps

>tiny bit of dialogue here and there
>tiny bit

The story is focused on Lillie, and she's expertly designed to be maximum waifubait

There's more character focus than before, but a lot of it is optional and it's mostly just to give them a bit more depth than the cardboard cutouts they had in XY

>and she's expertly designed to be maximum waifubait


>getting this defensive
Is reading all this negativity really that unbearable for you?

Hand over the sauce and nobody gets hurt

I think the story was pretty strong, and mashing through it you're only missing out. Easily the best gen since 4, but I'm only counting HG/SS.

I have no idea, I saved found it on /vp/

>mysterious, at least initially
>blonde haired
>timid and lacking in self confidence
>often needs your protection
>looks up to and relies on you a lot
>when the story is not focused on your trials, it is largely focused on Lillie, including a "caught in the rain" scene with heavily implied romance

Lillie's even gotten merch before other characters, and the otaku have eaten it up so fast that it's all sold out already

>Iv training not being a chore

O i am laffin

>Mfw when it took all damn day to get one fucking bottle cap




>he used exp share


I agree that they overdid the cutscene-ish storytelling, but

>every time I see Lillie my heart sinks


Gyms were broken. They were fixed. The only problem is that you think horse drawn carriages are superior to cars.

wow, literally no kanji, should i play Jap version for vocab/grammar practice ?

You can turn off battle animations retard.

Funny, I just finished Fire Red and was thinking "Damn this could use more plot and character development"

is it emulatable yet?

Yes actually, most people recommend it highly

I'll sum up the game so you don't miss anything:

It's clichéd anime tier crap mixed with fake difficulty battles consisting off
>infinite pp
>infinite full restores
>always their turn whenever they're in trouble

Seperated by cutscene after cutscene that tells you the same thing everytime and only serves to further the plot by tacking on an extra 2 seconds of critical info each time, this in turn is followed by

>mommy issues
>edgy issues
>po town (the only time I had fun)
>the worst elite 4 and champion fight ever
>the 'fantastic' endgame

Wish I could of gotten to you sooner before you brought it.

While mechanically interesting and a good game on it's own merits, it's a disgusting pokemon game

This game more than anything is just making me fucking wish that NPCs had real battle AI.

People learn so many shitty habits playing against npcs that never swap and only pick the right move 25% of the time, and it isn't remotely fun either. There's no reason not to do this anymore, it's an important introduction to playing against trainers.

>worst E4 and champion fight
Did you even play gen 5 or 6? Gen 7's E4 blew them out of the fucking water

Kind of unrelated but PokeMMO has decent NPC trainer AI. Sometimes they get backed into a corner and do the same thing over and over but they switch fairly often

I agree. Although I really enjoyed SM, as I was playing I was thinking it would be really nice to have an easy/hard mode setting and for the hard mode have
>exp share awarded at the end of the game
>named npc always have 6 pokemon
>nameless npcs have 3-6
>each trainer has a team built on synergy and various strategies preventing the player from brute forcing the game with 1 or 2 pokemon

No. Stop being a pussy bitch and start learning kanji.

Why put exp share at the end when it reduces grinding and can be turned off?

Almost every girl in SM is great, but why did they have to ruin Veteran Trainers?

Gen 5's E4 was fantastic. The fuck are you o?

Every girl in the game looks better doing this than Olivia.

pls don't bully Olivia

I haven't beaten the game yet. Do we see more of her cute, lonely christmas cake side in the post-game?

>not liking the Nubian goddess and Ron Jeremy

The XY female veteran looks like Hillary Clinton

first post most accurate post

It gets good on second island

The first one feels like a tutorial i agree


you can actually "Date" her at one point and visit her house.

I thought male Vet's smirk impossibly going through his goatee was just a graphical error. The fact that it was intended is awful.

that's not how beards work what the fuck

Maybe the beard is actually a Pokemon?

ive put in just a bit over 10 hrs of moon and only 3 in final fantasy. this games not that bad at all and the cut scenes do die down after the first couple of hours. my only problem is that the game is too easy. I haven't met a trainer yet that has more than 2 pokemon...I just don't get why that's a thing.

oh plus the puzzles are trash. but then you have to remember this is a game for children as are the lot of nintendo releases.

this and without a fucking save b4 so

It was the best game in the seties. Better than every other game

Japan can't into beards.

That looked a hell of a lot better in the followup episode.

Halfway through the 4th island, the game kicks up in difficulty fairly significantly. I was running a 4 man team and went from being 4-5 overleveled to 4-5 underleveled in less than 30 mins of progression