Which game was the best out of the Soulsborne series?

Which game was the best out of the Soulsborne series?

Now which one was your favorite?

Bloodborne is my favorite

Best - Dark Souls
Fave - Dark Souls II

I loved ds1 but I love bb even more,I wish from made new ips like they did with bb and didn't release a ds3

Best - Dark Souls 1
Fave - Bloodborne

The problem I have with people saying DaS1 is the best is that the game fucking falls apart at the halfway point. Bloodborne never hit the high marks of DaS1 but it also never hit the low parts either. It was above average the whole way through which makes it the most consistent in terms of quality. Wouldn't that alone make it the best of all 5?


Bloodborne is a pain to play with the shitty chromatic aberration and the horrible frame issues. I just sold my no games machine too. Thank god there was 12 month 0 interest on it or I would kill myself

I actually never had frame issues once to be honest. It was a steady 30 the whole time. Not really sure where that complaint comes from although I just bought it on black friday and beat it today so maybe the issues have been patched? I'm not sure.

>is that the game fucking falls apart at the halfway point.

This is becoming a meme. Izaleth is fucking terrible, Duke's has some cool moments, Tomb Of Giants and New Londo are fun in a way and the Kiln Of The First Flame is the best ending area of the series.

It runs 30 but the frame timings are really off. Thats why it doesnt feel silky smooth

The game drops in quality after anor londo it's a known phenomenon. That's not to say its bad but it goes from a 8 or 9 out of 10 to a 6 or a 7 out of 10 in terms of bosses and level design. It's not a meme it's just being fair and honest. It's no secret that Dark Souls was rushed out the door before it was really ready which is why the beginning of the game has such better sections than the latter half.

>The game drops in quality after anor londo it's a known phenomenon.

I can't disagree but the way some people are starting to talk about it is like it became unplayable.

Well that's Sup Forums for ya isn't it? Never listen to Sup Forums. Ever.

I dunno I might just have a bitchin tv because it felt fine to me the whole way through despite the 30 fps.

Kill yourself

whatever you say sperg

That's an odd choice. You don't hear many ante up to loving Dark 2. Why for you?

Purely because it's the only one I completed.

Bloodborne = DS3 = DS1 > DeS > DS2

BB has the best lore and base combat mechanics, DS3 has the best individual level design, bosses and quality of life improvements, DS1 has the best world design and invasion system so i rank them on one level. DeS is just way too archaic now though still miles ahead of putrid pile of liquid shit called DS2.

Dark Souls 3.

Nothing beats the sections after defeating Dancer.

i seriously cant answer. i've been into the series since 2008(i live in eu and got convinced by a friend to order Demons from USA before it was avaible in my continent) but oddly enough my LEAST favourite is Dark 1.it was one hell of a fun ride,but the mere idea of starting it again bores me to death. i dunno,maybe bloodborne because it's edgy fun?

How are the loading times in Bloodborne now? Haven't played since a month of release

They're like any other game now. I think they last about 10 seconds or so.

A PC owner right here

Nothing has topped Das1 for me but bloodborne comes in a close 2nd.

I'll echo the sentiment that I'd rather from try new things with new ip's than keep hashing out demons souls clones.

>If DeS or BB isn't your favorite game you're a PC player
What is this logic

It's just bitterness over the wasted potential. Imagine a fully fleshed out Izaleth and Crystal Cave, with Artorias/Kalameet tier boss fights for BoC and Seath. Imagine Nito after all the build up not being a complete bitch.

Sick. The loading really turned me off from playing the game gonna give it a try some time.

because bloodborne is better than any DaS game

ive played all besides DeS

But why is it better? Let's argue about video games

better bosses
better weapons
better combat
a world that appears more to me personally

Does someone want to help me with Rom?

I'm pretty well equipped and using a Tonitrus but this is my first playthrough and am fucking terrified of spiders

>appears more to me
Time to cut down on that insight, hunter

appeals, fk u


Sonyggers everyone

Fellow arachnophobe here, I didn't find Rom+kids so bad because they barely look like actual spiders. Had the same thing with Freja, but her spawn fucked me over. Enjoy the Nightmare of Mensis and Loran chalices. I'm getting out of this thread before someone starts posting the little freaky bastards.

I've seen the spiders in Nightmare of Mensis and they're so much fucking worse

For me the best is obviously my favorite. I don't believe in "objective quality" for games.

Dark Souls 3 was my favorite. I've never played bloodborne though.

Demon souls , because it was fresh and had awesome pieces of level design.

Bloodborne has the best gamplay tho

Best- Dark Souls, when it came out it was this huge phenomena among friends and even those who didn't play too much games . I remember being in a room of around 14 people taking turns going through it the first time freaking out at the black knights. Also I liked how covenants are done.

Fave - Bloodborne
I always come back to Bb after a couple months and try to get through the main game and CD as fast as possible doing a build. Just did a gun only run,past that got lucky with OoS gems on chikage. Was like a yuletide miracle. That shit is normally a nightmare to do, but bloodborne is such a great world.

I've played DS3 the most though.

Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Demon's Souls

The only thing BB really lacked was storylines. You have the Crow, Umbilical Cords and Conehead, but the little girl/Gascoine's daughter wasn't utilized well, sending people to safe havens didn't amount to shit unless you sent them to the clinic but there was still no payoff, and probably the worst Covenants/system out of all the games.

My favorite is the best: Dark Souls 2


Dark Souls 3


Best - Dark Souls.
Fave - Dark Souls followed by Dark Souls 3.

Kill your self.

Das3, das3. If you manage to get rid of the nostalgia you'll see das3 is a way better game than des and das.

Rifle Spear or Beast Cutter?
I love both of them equally, but, Rifle Spear absolutely shits on ayy lmaos

Bloodborne is the only good one




BB stands above the others but that isn't to say that it isn't filled with major flaws too. I'm burned out on the whole series and things like NioH are looking infinitely better anyway in my mind, even if BB is my favorite game of all time.

Best - Bloodborne
Fave - Bloodborne

Dark Souls is my favorite, and the best.

Stop posting that picture btw, use the real one.

Best - Bloodborne
Favorite - Demon's Souls

DaS3 > DaS > DaS2 > BB > DeS

All of them are 9+/10 for me with different strengths and weaknesses.

Best- Bloodborne
Fave- Dark Souls 3

Demon's Souls