
Harder punishments for TOXIC players in Overwatch.


What do you think, Sup Forums? Will Overwatch become too much of a hugbox were you get reported for everything or should "mean" players be permabanned ASAP?

Yes, using profanity could actually distract the team, also why would you use profanity towards your own team like a faggot ass bitch?

>everyone in the forum is talking about kicking players who picked bad characters
>Sup Forums assumes it's a hugbox tactic


oh my god
i want to rip off d.va's clothes and just do her against the kitchen table

When I played the game, I'd usually report someone once every other match.

If you want bantz, take it to a private server.

it's already too much of a hugbox

I just report fags who go gg team sux instead of owning up to their mistakes.
It's a team game dipstick, not rambo commits suicide by trying to fight a hammer with his face.

>Can one of you idiots quit playing dps and heal or tank?

Literal 8 year olds

>pls switch off x my friend wants to play it
I can't stand this shit

If text on a screen makes you feel genuinely uneasy or might annoy you, a mute button exists for this reason at least in other games anyway, I don't play OW. At the end of the day, people getting banned for typing words is the most retarded thing imaginable. Most sane people would piss on Riot for their acceptance of banning players who say anything EVEN REMOTELY negative, regardless of the situation. Don't be a cuck.

>People in that thread wanting a vote to kick.

Considering that 80% of the people you play with in that game have only the basic understanding of how the heroes work, vote to kick would be abused to high hell.

I can't count the number of times I've been in matches where people would report someone for "not doing anything" when in reality that person is doing their job just fine and person complaining couldn't defend a point to save their life.

Can you just post more sexy D.Va?


I can't believe how quickly comp mode devolved into MOBA tier "unplayable if you don't have a full stack" status because of all the underage ladder grinders that came over from shit like CSGO because they weren't good enough to get out of silver

Untill Blizzard change scores to reflect how much you're actually contributing by showing specific stats then the discussion of whether people playing off meta characters is griefing will infinitely go in circles.

Until people can actually see that Hanzo is actually doing 40% of the team's damage/elims then they have no way of knowing who is actually a good player, and this is literally the design intended by blizzard because they don't want shitters feeling bad about being bad, instead they'd rather accept good players being reported every single game and eventually being banned just for playing a character their team doesn't want them to play.

this honestly

I shit on people hard as Sombra despite her needing some small changes, like breaking stealth instantly with no delay that prevents her from shooting/hacking.

I took her into comp, and pretty much my whole team started saying they were going to report me just for playing her because I was "griefing."

We ended up winning in a landslide while I out DPS'd both team's 76's and got POTG.

What happened to muting people? Is that not good enough?

>Masters Torb
>Banned 12 times
>Shitters in the thread accuse he was being carried


>Is that not good enough?

Not when the loud, toxic people who you muted just report you and you get punished.

it's already maximum hugbox. shit man you don't even score real kills.

You sub-plat shitters don't even know the half of it.

GM/Top 500 has become "play inside the meta or we're reporting you and throwing the match and we're doing this every time we see your battletag oh and we'll name and shame you on reddit too". It's pathetic.

And you retards believe that being reported for nothing will cause you any harm
If you mute someone for being "toxic" then their reports are void

Doesn't League of Legends already do that? If you don't play the META in Comp in LoL you're basically banned.

Holy shit, Actiblizz is pure cancer. Visiting Diablo 2 global chat is like entering a time machine. I was having a convo about prepping for a nig nog revolt with a bunch of random people yesterday. What happened?

Sup Forums posts images from league that are literally SIX YEARS OLD, all developers in it don't even work there anymore.

I get it can be funny, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere, I'm sure you can understand discussing hypothetical race wars and genocide just for fun can give a game a pretty bad image.

You seem bothered, my friend. I merely said words on a screen.

Is the gaming community this castrated in South Korea? Maybe we could tell these "le toxic" people that Dva would be ashamed on them for not reveling in the bantz.

Uh, yup, whatever you say.

I hear from 'good' players comp asian servers are just a bunch of korean aimbot-ers

>leave team chat
>no more toxicity from other players
I just solved the problem

>Gets reported for throwing the match

>They report you for "greifing" with your hero pick
>Blizzard literally supports this because there's no evidence either way and they go with mob mentality.

>tfw overwatch still doesn't have private servers

>not communicating with your team/making callouts in a team based fps

Yeah sure, i report every retard who starts whining. Comp i can understand, but some of these retards start shouting in QP and brawl


>get potg
>say easy peasy potg everytime
It's autism but it's my autism

are her legs broken? Does she have polio or something?

Tell me Sup Forums, why is it that with attractive women, i just want to fuck them but with D.va i straight up want to impregnate her

Nothing wrong with polio, at least she doesn't have autism,

Blizzdrones will defend this

So ou can report people for any reason and theyll just get banned?

Ok how about this.

When the game starts, everyone gets reported automatically.

Then there's nothing to argue about!

>Nothing wrong with polio
nigger we cured polio in the 50s. No one should still have polio

The current system is broken, but it is preferable to traditional stats.

Every objective based game for the last 10 years has been plagued with faggots playing team deathmatch, and responding with "ya well my k/d" if you try to tell them to help. Overwatch is one of the few, maybe even the only FPS I've seen where all players focusing on the objective is a regular occurrence.

I don't know, but I feel the same way.

I play on PS4 and I've never noticed any rude behavior


No all you need is an overall point system where objective time, damage blocked, healing, etc are weighed heavily against kills but to a balanced point so that kills aren't entirely insignificant.

People definately still TDM in Overwatch just to have gold elims and damage, the current system isn't prefereable to anything it's possibly the worst scoring system I care to remember in a competetive game.

Why don't they just make a fucking tdm mode?

Then everyone would just pick tanks

Is the girl supposed to be another board-tan? /fa/ memes are weird

>Play Symmetra
>Build teleport
>"WTF Symmetra y no portal???"
>"I've built several, not my fault you haven't seen them"
>"Don't bullshit me dude, reported"

I fucking hate playing supports when I don't have a full stack.

Play on QP Asian servers and tell me that people go for the objective

If you think tanks trump DPS so heavily then why aren't objective based teams currently nothing but tanks?

it's /cgl/

>Play solo
>Literally get moments where you get an entire team full of retards and the game ends 0-3 with your entire team flaming the entire time
>Play in a stack to avoid this

>what is current meta alex?

man I miss when Sup Forums got in involved with board-tan to board-tan shit. I know it's gay and circlejerky but I'm wondering why Sup Forums doesn't do it more. You'd think that yearly ball would be great for those faggots in the drawthreads

Also I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be a black-haired trap that was all over Sup Forums's dick. Am I just getting old or something

>A shitty player on the other team will beat you in an important engagement because he got easy ult of an even shittier player on your team
One of the reasons I haven't played in months.

I'm asking why the meta wouldn't be all tanks if they're so good at killing dps without dying.

>black haired
You sure you're not on about /jp/?

Because doing something that isn't shitting your pants and being an obnoxious little nigger is for reddit, tumblr, or some other site.

I'm pretty sure that's what Sup Forums used to be. Like years ago

Shit's already a hugbox. It's an online multiplayer game made by blizzard in 2016.

Doesn't affect me since I didn't buy the game.

I don't buy games where you can be banned from the ~entire game~ if you're racist. Fuck that. I value my freedom to say racist things, so my wallet won't open if I can't do that.

>So what multiplayer games can you play?
I play Gungame in Counter-strike 1.6
It's fun
Also join Sup Forums for Ace of Spades.

People draw things differently. Also apparently board-tan lore is a thing.

Sup Forums is full of faggots.

Because reddit came here and decided to shitpost it all as not vidya.

Also /m/ has two tans.


>Hates being called shit
>Instead of getting better, cries for the better players to be banned

what a bunch of faggots

But I can get better and cry for better players to be banned.

Best of both worlds!

I fap furiously to OW characters but I've never touched the game. However, if I wasn't able to play the character I wanted to play, I'd be pretty pissed.


You can't deny that there are a LOT of butthurt shitters out there.
They are your target audience if you're making an AAA game.

Many people want nothing more than to abuse others, go on a power trip, and ban everything.
If they get their way, the game becomes a hugbox.
But maybe that's what they want.

Personally I like my funposting games. People who ban what they don't like tend to be people who can't face problems.

if you were good you wouldn't be crying in the first place

>play torb on attack
>low tier shitters cant counter me as I get 50% elim participation
>still get reported

But I'm not.

Why are you so bothered by my poor playing, user? Why don't you try playing with friends so that you don't have to play with poor players like myself that bother you.

This is why I have two Overwatch accounts. On my Super Serious account, I play the meta and only the meta with friends in ranked/comp play. But on my shitter account, I play whoever the fuck I want. In the shitter ranks, no one gives a damn who you play.

It is. 4 tanks soldier ana.

>as I get 50% elim participation

This highlights the problem with OW's absolutely trash score system.

The turret and you could have just as easily been doing 99% of the damage to the enemy team or 1% of the damage but tagging every enemy and it gets the same score under that category, it says literally nothing about actual performance besides the fact that either the torb or turret were alive at the time and shot bullets.

It gives both as sense of inflated worth in the score holder and a deflated sense of worth for the rest of your team depending on how they feel about your pick at the same time since there's no solid evidence either way and it can be argued with valid points either way.

And this is sort of Blizards intention, they want bad players to see this and think they actually helped a lot and for it to be vague enough that good players being much better than them doesn't make them feel bad. They simply didn't forsee the consequence of it being a catalyst for an endless, unprovable cycle of "toxicity" in their playerbase.

I'm just using your post for an example by the way I'm not trying to argue if you actually did this or were useful or not.

All the rude dipshits are on PC. Look at how snobby those guys are whenever you admit you play on console. That's the type of people that'll report you for playing Widowmaker or will probably harass the shit out of you for doing that. They're fuckin' snobby elites that gotta have everything going EXACTLY how they want it.

And here I thought you couldn't get worse than LOL's tribunal.

Why they fuck is this game so popular when it';s so god damn broken?

All they need to do is bring back the Avoid feature. My friends and I only ever used it for people who sabatoged the game out of spite (on our team), or people who instalocked shit choices.

Honestly Overwatch should do like other GOOD multiplayer games do and pair people based on their hero preferences or hero skill. So people who like to play Mercy are paired with people who like to play Tanks, etc etc. Then you never have the toxic situations that arise from people bitching over locked picks.

I want to impregnate Tracer, Mercy, Pharah, Widowmaker, Young Ana, D.Va, Sombra, and Mei

many people who liked this game didnt even bought it
and when they do, their dreams are shattered to pieces

>turret keeps the cap point clear and pressures enemies while they try to push forward
>gives team chance to flank while they're pinned down behind reinhard's shield
>they just keep shooting at reinhard instead of flanking around
>90% of time typing shit instead of actually playing the game
>get four fucking gold medals and we lose as the mood gets worse and worse and they just give up

What is the point of having a genji and pharrah on the team then? Why does having gold medals prove nothing when you do good, but it proves you're shit when someone else is doing a better job? It's actually a very good representation of how useful you are. If you're a shit torbjorn and your turret dies every two seconds you won't even make it to copper damage, and same goes for every other role. Is it my problem that people think I ruin games when all the time they spend instead of playing is talking shit from the moment I pick a hero that doesn't fit in "le 2-2-2 xd pick rein wtf why mercy and not lucio??"

Competitive wannabe players are a mistake. Purge them all, fuck the meta.

The Avoid system is in the end no different to being banned for playing a hero people think you shouldn't play, it just takes much longer as the players queue time gets longer.

I should be able to call my teammates and opponents dumb niggers whenever I want.

Really don't understand this? If you wouldn't say it in real life without getting punished why say it online?

reported to the PC police

>Why does having gold medals prove nothing when you do good, but it proves you're shit when someone else is doing a better job?

I already mentioned that, it's because the details are vague so they have two different meanings depending on anyones perspective.

If you're a toxic player with gold elims and damage then it means you're a god among plebs who is 1v6'ing their entire team.

But if you're a toxic player and the Hanzo, Sym, Torb or whoever you don't like on your team has them, then you rationalize that they just got elims by tagging everything and got damage by pounding the enemy tank that was being healed.

And they're able to easily go through this function because the game system does nothing to prove otherwise, there's no specific values which can be seen and pointed at.

>Is it my problem that people think I ruin games

No, and this is something else I literally mentioned, it's Blizzards fault for thinking this is a good system when all it does is enable toxicity due to no solid evidence being available, and I'm sure we all know that when people have no evidence for anything then they just believe whatever benefits themselves.

you can do that already

nice! finally

Good. If people are unstable enough to call other people names and troll on a fucking online game, they should stay out. They're having a bad day and we're the ones who take the shaft? They aren't even getting paid to do this.

>>>so basically you can kick anyone that isn't meta?
>>Well the point of comp is to win, if you're playing non-meta or to 'have fun' then go to quick play.
>You don't get to dictate how people play the game. Sorry.
>People are already getting silenced because they get reported for playing a character their team doesn't like, even when they play that character well and it helps the team.
>This would lead to far worse.
Nah, that's way too sensible.

>That's not true, I have played WoW for 12 years
Breaking news: WoW player is a fucking retard. More details at 11.