Well, I think everyone should own a PS4


I wouldn't buy a PS4 if you paid me.

Sure glad i don't need to choose between a 2nd PS4 and an iphone.


That is dumb as shit.

The government should fund public programs that everyone needs. Not shit like Iphones.

No, everyone would be sharing a single iphone and PS4

By the time you would be able to get a PS4 through socialism they would be on the PS40.

Socialism is fundamentally flawed. How about these hipsters ask Cuba how socialism worked out for them? Socialism and communism only work on small scales, but nothing more.

>talking about all the stuff you'll get with no concern how it'll be paid for

This is the problem with Bernie and the idiots who supported him. They don't want socialism, this shit is fucking Santaism.

ummmm like omg like socialism has never been tried, so can all you virgins like fuck off?

Yeah the PS4 is the equivalent of an iPhone. Fancy overpriced shit




Mike Big Matei just shat on the Pro

>taking an eceleb shitposting thread seriously
Very nice

Twitter threads should be banned. Fuck off with this shit.

Damn, fuck Briana Wu, this has got my interest.

Do you consider Canada and Scandinavian countries socialist? I certainly hear a lot of people say they are, and they're also doing better than America.

Also Wu's tweet is probably the most vapid defense of socialism anyone could possibly muster. Wu would help progressive causes more by never tweeting anything again.

the socialist teens needs electronics you idiot.


>two outdated pieces of shit
>still believed to be the best by literal retards
Just like communism!

you give these people attention

>wanting to be coddled by the government
Kill yourself


>and they're also doing better than America.

>tfw too motivated

Canadian here.
Canada is not socialist.

>7 billion iphones and PS4s
sounds legit