4k gaming

>4k gaming
>60 fps
>only 400 dollars
>the best exclusives
>50 million consoles sold

Why haven't you bought a Ps4 Pro yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


That's why.

Because everyone already owns a PS4. the Pro was for people who were sat on the fence.


because it barely works as intended.

>low wage
>would make you feel subhuman for doing it

Why haven't you quit being a shill yet?


good one.

Didn't we have this thread like an hour ago.

Because I don't like Sony

i didnt have a ps4 and i went with a slim on cyber monday. pro didnt seem it worth it to me.

it's shit and Sony lied about it's performance
developers hate developing for it
the best thing about it is it runs the last guardian at higher than 15 frames per second

>4K Gaming
>60 fps
>Can barely run some games at 1080p 30fps

$0.03 has been deposited into your account.

>4k gaming
>60 fps


If I was a graphics guy who wanted to waste my money for negligible benefit I'd have just gotten a PC

Sony marketers lieing about its performance again

Not interested in a gaystation since I already have a PC.

k gaming
False, upscaled not native, mainly applies to videos not games
Huge lie, frame stutters and barely even stable 30 fps, a sacrifice for those extra little details.
>>only 400 dollars
Red flag for smart consumers, this was what made it an obvious lie in performance
>>the best exclusives
Timed and also on PC much like xbox.
million consoles sold
Of the regular PS4, has no bearing with this falsely advertised box.

>4k gaming (Upscaled usually)
>60 fps
>only 400 dollars
>the best exclusives
No arguments here
>50 million consoles sold
Why would this be a consideration?

Ps4 players should all also have a pc, this is non debatable.

My PC can still handle new games. When it can't, I will definitely buy a PRO instead a new PC.

I have a gaming PC and see literally no reason to own one other than Bloodborne (still), considering I still have a PS3 to play Persona 5 on. There just aren't any other exclusives worth giving a shit about. The Final Fantasy XII remaster is the only thing I can think of, and that will inevitably end up on PC like the X/X-2 one did.

Why didn't sony brag about how well the Pro sold? Oh.

>50 million consoles sold
>Why would this be a consideration?
It draws game publishers to your platform.

>Not interested in a gaystation since I already have a PC.

dont need to brag about pro sales. 50,000,000 (FIFTY MILLION) ps4s were sold. weve already won.

This pic nicely sums up why I won't buy a gaming PC.

waiting for post christmas sales.

Because it's the holidays, gotta allocate my vidya budget for normie activities like christmas parties, exchange gifts, dates, etc.

>4k gaming
>60 fps
>only 400 dollars
Pick one.



this and paragon threads is proof positive Sup Forums is full of bot bot shills

literally no fucking moderation

Because I already have a PS4 but no 4k display.
From the sounds of it, the Pro's got a worse build quality, too.

Cause I got a slim instead. Graphics wont be pushed for a long while. Maybe they can finally fix load times and clipping.

Because the PS4 seems to be the smart option:

But we're at the point where publishers will release the game for all systems in the pursuit of maximum profit unless you specifically pay them to not do that. Just look at FROM.

>4k gaming
>60 fps
Pick neither or until it's a PS3 game, pick one.

>50 million consoles sold
If you use sale numbers to advertise your product when you're claiming that it already sold that much, then its fucking obvious you are lying through their teeth and there is something inherently wrong with your product from the start.

Why date during the holidays? One night stands don't need to be that costly.

>I have a ps4 pro
and a pc
and an Xbox one

The ps4 has by far given me the most enjoyment, but my pc is not far behind at all. I agree with your statement. Xbox one was fun at first, but hell, it got old fast.

million consoles sold

Of the day 1 obsolete hardware skinner box. It's so easy to ply money from console fags.

Bloodborne wouldn't have been made unless Sony had commissioned it.
They don't make games willy-nilly; Development is expensive, and funds need to be sought.

I can buy a PS4 slim with 3 games for much less than the price of a Pro. Seeing as the Pro only really offers resolution increases, often at the expense of framerate compared to the base PS4, it seems completely pointless.

>50 million consoles sold
Why should this be an argument?
Why would this influence my purchase?

Also, some PS4 games move the games better than the Pro, so I don't think there's any reason to buy it.

Right, right, and then immediately after they go back to releasing games for every platform, because Sony didn't pay them to not do that.

You're either with us or against us

That pic shows that you should just get a toaster PC instead and forget about modern games.

I really want to know how they managed to jack up the depth of field like that. That takes some real retardation.

>50 million consoles sold
So Wii won 7th gen after all?
Why haven't you bought Wii yet?

>Playing GOTY (Shadow Tactics) months before consoles get it and with more and better options
>Don't have to pay for multiplayer (lol can't even imagine being that much of a sucker) in any games
>Always get updates before consoles
>Steam sale even when the game is new

Boy i wish I had a console with no games I'm so sad

I can't choose a side because i'm not an obese virgin with no friends.

Because that mindset sure worked out well for Hillary's presidential campaign.

I have a normal PS4 and I don't really care about graphics.

Call me when it can play O2Mania at 144fps


million consoles sold
how the fuck does this enhance my experience

TBQH SENPAI this is a bad comparison. I'd say that it's hard to argue for the Pro, yet, but Uncharted 4 was made for the regular console. Patching it isn't going to cut it. The only game that looks significantly better is R&C and some VR games like EVE Valkyrie which looks leaps better than it did prepatch.

The first wave of Pro games are coming out and they're starting to show more significant differences. I have little doubt that by the end of 2017 the Pro will almost be a necessity as the sales for the regular console wain or Sony completely stops producing them.

Get out, normie

Because I can buy a regular PS4 instead for like $150.
I will never buy a console for more since I only want them for exclusives, otherwise, they are permanently turned off.
Also, it was clear the PS4 Pro hardware wasn't cut for 4K, so it's a waste of money for dumb people who don't even know that 3840x2160 = 4K.

>>Don't have to pay for multiplayer (lol can't even imagine being that much of a sucker) in any games
That's what really fucking gets me. Like, you could've stopped this. Consoles had functional online FOR YEARS before you absolute fucking dumbasses paid to use your own fucking internet connection. You actually paid for this, you made this the industry standard. Seriously, what? I want to believe that you aren't a retard for buying a console, but come the fuck on.

>as the sales for the regular console wain
There's a reason why PS2 continued selling well after PS3 release.

So the Pro flopped? And PSVR too? Sad.

>That pic shows that you should just get a toaster PC instead
Nobody except toddlers and third worlders need to get a "toaster PC". Everyone else already has a decent PC which runs all PC exclusives just fine. Without having to brag about it.
Owning a PC is like owning refrigerator. Unless you are a monkey living in a jungle shithole or 5 years old, you don't need to brag about being fridge master race. It's assumed you have one.
>Playing GOTY (Shadow Tactics) months before consoles get it
>Always get updates before consoles
Thanks for beta testing!

I have a PC and I don't feel like i'm missing out on anything.
I haven't even upgraded my GTX 760 because there's no game worth playing that requieres more than this.

>Always get updates before consoles

implying theres something wrong with updates to a game

Dark Souls is owned by Bandai, so Bandai chooses what platforms to publish on.
From just develops.

>Dark Souls is owned by Bandai
No, it's owned by From, they even release Dark Souls in Japan by themselves.
Bamco is a worldwide publisher.

did you even read it you fucking retard?

Yeah, the economy was shit and the PS3 was $600. The PS4 Pro will probably be on par with the PS4 by late 2017 to compete with Scorpio.

I'm guessing Sony is betting on a long term generation with another version after the Pro to finish out this line.

I did, two weeks ago.

PC+PS4+3DS is the masterrace.

This is non-debateable. WiiU has like 4 interesting games in within the next year CeMu will emulate those to a playable state.

Xbone is Xbone. Irrelevant.

We will see about the Switch. Looks promising.

Yup, the reason is simple, it was cheaper.

What do you think parents will buy to their children - a $300 PS4 or $400 PS4?

Stop making this thread

>implying theres something wrong with updates to a game
There is.


Devs don't care that much since it means that most of the costs will be paid by the console company.
Once a studio has made enough money so that they can do big plans themselves, they just release it on multiple platforms.

I mean look at Capcom. they're the biggest sluts in the business.

Nope, it's not that simple. I worked at fucking GameStop for 5 years, people will go for the higher end model most of the time because it's future proofing. When we did sell a PS3 it was a 60gig, because you got more for your money. When you're already in the hole $300, an extra $100 isn't a big deal. Don't even have to upsale most of the time because people just want the better one.

You may not think it's going to happen, but Sony will make it happen. They're masters of planned obsolescence, and devs are not going to sit there and make 2 good, functional builds of a game forever. It is in everyone's favor that the Pro wins out.

>Thanks for beta testing!

No problem buddy. Unlike every console game released in the last 4 years it is flawless and has zero bugs even on Day 1. So all future updates will just be bonus content.

Don't worry you'll get to play it with worse graphics and options some day, peasant.

there's three lies in this post

>WiiU has like 4 interesting games
that's more than the PS4 has

So killing the Vita was a plan too? Also Sony has already said that they won't make a Pro Pro. This is all you get until the PS5.

>calling other platforms gay
lol like how old are you, 20?

Yeah man, and the GBA is gunna be the third pillar. The Vita thing doesn't even make sense, what's your point?

They tried to do another handheld in a market that was dying, they tried to make it for an audience that didn't want it (adults) and they made it super high end. Also, the Vita fucking rocked and it sucks shit that the 3DS won, but it was obvious from the start.

>people will go for the higher end model most of the time because it's future proofing
I did go for the Slim model, because the Pro is fucking HUEG and not needed for anything.
On top of that Slim is having less issues.
Money wasn't relevant for the decision. A 1 TB Slim costs just 50 bux less.

>doesn't understand what a quote is
How new are you?

Anyone who believes this image is an idiot. Yes, it is stupid to buy the very latest and most expensive hardware. Nobody does it except people rich enough to not care.

Spending $1500 on a PC is great. You get better controls, better everything and it's all customisable. The price of games on PC saves you shitloads of money. Games that cost $25 for PS4 cost $6 on PC. Plus there are genres that aren't even on console. Where are the city builders on consoles besides some really shit ports with controls that do not suit it at all.

>and devs are not going to sit there and make 2 good, functional builds of a game forever
Except it's not happening, that's the whole point, the game has just one build. All you need to make Pro support is to bump a resolution, same with Scorpio. Sony even stated that adding Pro support is very simple and should be cheap.
And let alone it's the multiplatform era, where PS4, PC and Xbone versions are being developed simultaneously, especially when PC is already very similar to PS4 and Pro situation. You've got weak PC - use lower settings, you've got better - use higher settings, or even resolution if it's strong enough. Tell me how it's not similar to PS4 and Pro?

>paying for online

I don't understand how someone can do this.

>most of the time
Guess you don't fit in that demo senpai. Pro isn't much bigger than the original, but I get that it's significantly bigger than the slim. I still think games will slowly start to run like shit on the thing. I thought about keeping my regular around just to have 2, but got $200 for it instead.

Not trying to convince anyone, but I personally think the future for the original might be a bit shitty and I wanted to spend as little on the pro as I could, so I did. $130 after selling my original PS4.

The only exclusive i care about is Bloodborne, why pay "only" 400 dollars? with that cash i could buy a new graphics card that will last 6 more years running games at max.
Hell i'd rather Donate the money then spend it on a console for a single game.

it just works

>They're masters of planned obsolescence

What future? PS4's lifespan is halfway over, and it only had Bloodborne.

It's not similar because it's not at all like PC, and of course Sony sugar coats it. You can't just change the settings from low (PS4) to medium (pro) and call it a day. You have to test both, you have to certify both, you have to verify everything twice now.

Sony's blowing smoke because it's in their best interest. They'll subsidize the process as best they can, sure, but it's not "easy."

if future proofing was such a biig dal, and people couldn't differentiate between the Wii and thought the Wii U was just a stronger version of it, mind explaining why the Wii U sold so badly? or is this not going to happen again?

>Spending $1500 on a PC is great.
Spending $1500 on real video games is greater.
>You get better controls,
better controls
>The price of games on PC saves you shitloads of money.
less games
harder to get (no physical)
>Games that cost $25 for PS4 cost $6 on PC.
Of course, a Gravity Rush disc for $25 is more expensive some $6 shovelware for PC. This is because the first first is great and the latter is pure shit
And you just wasted $1500 for playing it.

>Thanks for beta testing!

I have no idea why consolefags use this meme. It would make sense if you were getting an improved version of the game after PC, rather than one that's always inherently downgraded

I sat on the fence for ages and now I have a pro.

What's your problem? Why don't you calm down and try that post again without the shitposting?

Holy shit this piece of shit is 400 dollars? I thought it was like 300

Fuck that i already have a ps4 and a pc, I'll save my.money for a switch or a pc upgrade next year

>You can't just change the settings from low (PS4) to medium (pro) and call it a day. You have to test both, you have to certify both, you have to verify everything twice now.
Then tell me how PC versions exists? Or how PS4 games are also on Xbone? You're saying they don't test them?

>Not trying to convince anyone, but I personally think the future for the original might be a bit shitty
It has an install base of 50 millions.
It will be golden like the C64. While you just got a C128, which will run in C64 mode 99 % of the time.

It's not 4K nor 60fps though.

New gamers are expecting 10 year generations. There are kids today whose first console was PS3 and they're now 20 or 16 or whatever. They don't get that you replace these things more frequently than that.

Basically Sony is adapting to their mentality. They don't get console generations, but they do get S model iPhones. We're not half way through, either, we're 1/3 through.

>You can't just change the settings from low (PS4)
PS4 games run at High with some Ultra options enabled.