Why do you play video games?

why do you play video games?


To expand my horizons, so to speak.

Because real life sucks

because its fun!

Originally for fun.

Now probably for escapism.

Because as much as I hate vidya, I hate everything else even more.

Are you okay? Do you need to talk? Or just someone to be there?

Does that mean the father has his son's dreams in the palm of his hands? Or is it just a shitty half-assed comparison?

To catch sea snippers

Because it's fun and real life sucks ass.

I have lost control of my life. No one can fix this but me.

But thank you for the offer kind user.

Oh no not again

Same reason I drink, gamble, and fuck prostitutes despite their thinly veiled hatred and callous touch.

Because fuck life, that's why. I'm just looking for a good time and a quiet grave under an autumn tree.


A habit I picked up as a child. I don't even like playing modern games.

Because real life will never be as good as what our imaginations can come up with


>Can't enjoy vidya anymore
>Too dead inside to find a new hobby

I should kill me self long ago

>mfw I spend all day every day thinking "don't think 'nothing I do actually matters to anything'"
nihilism's a bitch




God damn those dirty snippers.

Good sea snipper