What does Sup Forums think of Megaman's sister, Roll?

What does Sup Forums think of Megaman's sister, Roll?

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built for breeding

haha if magnetman stuck his penis inside of roll would it get stuck? im kind of curious haha

Cute!, she's only for hug.

I want to impregnate Roll until the end of time.

I think she rocks.


She gave me robot aids

I want to physically assault her since robots don't have rights.

I want to Rock her Roll.

does robot hav puss puss

Did Dr. Light build his robots with the means of reproduction?

All Rolls are good, but some are gooder than others.

There's no hope of these threads ever being about the Mega Man games, is there?

i like her. Megaman Legends version of roll constantly gave me boners when i was a kid.

You sold all my weapons, you cunt.

Do you have any idea how hard I worked for that shining laser?

The active buster was better.

You deserved your loss.

The what games?

Damn, Carlos

>not using Rush Marine there like a true man

Just fuck my shit up megafam

Why couldn't they just let you use Rush Jet underwater? You can shoot fire underwater.

>keeps switching polarity to slam her up and down his magnet dick
Fucking miracles.

Roll is okay. Tron is better. Layer is best.

As a kid I would pilot that shit around for fun. And at the time more forms gave the game more feeling.

I was in grade school when Mega Man 3 was new. All the kids and I would recount our adventures in the game. Hell. I remember a friend and I drawing Rush forms, we didn't have red and he used his open wound from hours ago to color him. Teacher threw it away and got pissed. Totally wish I could have kept it.

TLDR: rush forms were fucking cash for childhood me.

Where do you think you are?

>surprised when your teacher throws away a pictures of robot things fusing drawn in blood

Poor guy probably thought you were trying to summon the devil or some shit.

Dr Light oviously built her with PUFFY ROBO VULVA so that in the evening after housekeeping he yould take his remote and activate her other "service routine".
Truely a man of taste.


Cute, you think these threads are meant to discuss the games.

Roll has a butt! A BUTT!
