How do i keep from starving do i can continue to raid and rape my neighbors...

How do i keep from starving do i can continue to raid and rape my neighbors? Also how can i exterminate the ducks and survive the beast-man apocalypse?

Farm more land
It would be very unwise
You don't

git gud
hope you get a dwarven magnet so the randomization stops dicking you so hard.

How to win KoDP: do everything in your power to increase the amount of goods.

- Choose First Pot during clan creation to support more crafters
- Sacrifice during Sacred Time to trade magic
- Establish as many trade routes as possible
- Enlarge your Issaries shrine
- Always keep any resources you find in your tula (iron, pearls, etc)

With so much goods, you can invest in defenses, sacrifice for blessings, improve relations with other clans, several events can be solved by giving away goods, and so on. Goods is money, the more you have the better off you'll be.

also what'd you guys like about the game

without wiki

>Have to remember stories to clear trials
Fuck this shit

>not having a Trickster on your Ring at all times

it's also kinda funny to make the Trickster your Clan leader to see how mad everyone gets about it

this game looks tight

why have i never heard of it?

That moment when you go on autopilot to guide and your hero fails the dice roll and you start to panic.

>mfw you choose the correct option during a heroquest and it fails anyway

>pick a wrong option
>it fucking succeeds
>they think they fucked up the lore if you manage to complete it

That's great

>tfw ducks come into your clanhall, challenge your best warrior to fight (but only to first blood) and one shot him because they were guided by the gods.

It was an obscure computer game is the reason. In the past couple years they ported it to android/ios. definitely recommend a buy and a blind playthrough

At least start with tutorial, or you'll have no idea what the fuck to do.

I remember it was trashed and given 1/10 in largest game magazine. Ten years later I got it on for pennies and turned out to be fun.

Can't cuck the ducks.

Nah but really the best you'll get from them is a food tribute. They are OP and RNG will always be on their side.

well yeah do that but no looking up answers to events and such. They did a really good job with this game when it came to the roleplaying aspect. Only way to win is to learn about the lore of the game and what your limits are. Also first time i would go for short game.

>be me
>first heroquest ever: making of the storm tribe
>read the myth several times to get everything right
>all goes according to keikaku, quester completes it successfully
>"This is so easy, just read the damn myth. Why people say this shit is difficult?"
>3 years later
>attempt Issaries heroquest
>huge crab boss appears
>"wtf the myth never mentioned this"
>pick wrong choice, end up in the Otherworld
>"well shit"
>wait 3 more years
>attempt the making of the storm tribe heroquest again for another benefit
>"Ï already know the correct choices, piece of cake"
>quester fails the very first event
>"shit shit shit"
>clan magic -1
>"welp, this gonna be harder than I thought"

>be me
fuck off

It's a damn shame because it is such a great game. Still manages to be completely unique and replayable.

Hello friend.
Let Storm Bull fight alone

>tfw you fuck up

how the hell are there suddenly several people who play this old more like ancient piece of shit?

That's the choice I picked, failed anyway

Became popular on Sup Forums a few years back. There are also let's play threads where the OP will let anons pick what to do.

The fucking music change when you end up in the underworld is ingrained into my mind from this kind of bullshit. Having a shitty council when you need to do quests is the fucking worst.

>ancient piece of shit
Keep moving, buddy. There's a nice shitposting thread back in town for folk like you.

t. underage tryhard

>mfw music changes and your hero with extremely high stats is on risk of dying.

that's some pretty shitty b8
>tricksters advice

So is this basically a text-based Mount and Blade/Civilization game or is there just a ridiculous amount of pre-made random encounters?

The latter.

Aw ok. I'll prob check it out anyway though.

Your mother is a bait, underage moron.

>you launch a legal claim against the ghost

>you win and it has to move out

Lots of pre-made encounters and each choice can have several outcomes.

>you sacrifice the retarded troll kids to the goddess of disease

>shamans say she's pissed because of how worthless a sacrifice they are