What game lets me kill globalists and cultural marxists?

What game lets me kill globalists and cultural marxists?


Certainly not reality seeing as how the "anti-globalism" candidate is a billionaire giving the keys of the government to other billionaires.



Cultural Marxism isn't real

nice try, (((goblin)))

Exactly what a cultural marxist would say

Proof that it isn't?

Nice try, faggot.

Try Freedom Fighters, OP.

Deus Ex.

Proof that it is is that he denies that it is


Yes it is. It's whatever I don't like in my own society. It's perfect because "cultural" can refer to almost anything in society and "marxism" is bad and spooky.

For example, this Sup Forums ad campaign and request for more gold members is just anhiro's cultural marxism.


It doesn't even really mean anything

Your own post is literally filled with cultural marxism.

You can't fool me with your cultural marxism.

t. cultural marxist

Do your research. It most certainly is. And it is a giant cancer on a strong society.

Broforce mein niger

victoria 2 maybe

It's literally a buzzword

It was invented because it sounds spooky. That's it. It refers to virtually anything one doesn't like. It would be interchangeable with "cultural nazism".

Its meaning is quite clear. It's about steering culture in favor of marxist ideas, which basically equate to authoritarianism. Obfuscating marxist detected.

There's a guy who was raised in a marxist commune as a target in Hitman™, episode 5.

Deus Ex

No, it really isn't. And it's funny how buzzword has actually become a buzzword. Go do some research.

Oh you mean like alt right? No but cultural Marxism is 100% real, call it whatever you want but its real.

there's an old saying: if it walks like a duck and acts like a duck, it's a duck.

the problem these days is that no one would ever willingly label themselves as a "cultural marxist", but they will follow every concept behind it to a tee without even realizing it.

This. Cultural marxist BTFO yet again!