What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?

What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?


The ones I own.


What are your thoughts on bluetooth headphones? Is there any synchronization problems?

Reminder that if you spent more than $20 on headphones you own a very expensive placebo.

If the thought of using Grados hasn't crossed your mind then you are a filthy plebeian

I use speakers

Sony gold wireless.

Used to use these, now I I use Bohm-66. My headphones have to be wireless

Is Sennheiser the best maker of headphones and other audio accessories?

The Sony gold headset for the PS4.

It depends on your card, drivers and headphones.
I used to get noticeable lag (around .5-1 second) without the proper drivers for my wireless card. Now it's completely unnoticeable though range seems a little short compared to a ipod/android/mp3, good enough for my apartment though.

He's not entirely wrong. After a certain price, headphone don't get much better. It's not like video games have their audio mastered by Daft Punk and Dre so high end stuff isn't really being taking advantage of.

headphones make my ears ache

Currently using an old pair of Sennheiser HD280s because my main pair of headphones broke. I'm thinking about picking up the AKG K7XX off Massdrop though.


I don't pay more than $50 for my headphones. My JBLE50BT were that much on eBay and the ones I use now for home, Bohm-66BT can easily be bought for $30. I'm fine with paying extra but only for Bluetooth

>I still live with mommy and daddy so I don't have to worry about roommates

It's some shitty Vizio headphones and i have a gateway laptop, also planning to use them on my PS3 and Switch when it comes out. Will i be alright?
Music sounds well when i connect them to my phone.

>I've never used anything other than iPod earbuds

You'll be fine. As long as they work and you like the sound quality, you'll be good family.


Who /poorfag/ here?

Who /headtoobigforoverears/ here?

Most comfiest i've ever had

AKG K553

Some turtle beach headset I got for free at gamestop for being a good goy and buying a lot of shit. It works nice enough and the mic quality is good, bass is good.

ohm version?

Sennheiser HD650

best post in the thread.

Okay Sup Forums tell me what headphones should I buy

Sennheiser HD 598
AKG K-701
DT 770 PRO

I have the Sony gold wireless headset for ps4. Its ok. Wish I had astros but they're way too expensive.

I have the MSR7

598 are always on sale during this time and they're nice.

arent all the AKG's made in china now?

More often than not, you can't go wrong with them. Plus they're usually pretty good value for money.

cant even get a proper lean cup?
damn man you need a job

>Waiting for HD600 to drop in price
Just do it you faggot

t. Kodak Black

I have some HD 558

I got it for cheap and is reliable

How big is your head?
are you like an irl chibi?

80 ohm

Every decent fucking headphone needs a fucking amp, I dont want to spend 70 extra dollars fuckers

I use these.

598 Cs.

they arent worth $100
but they are worth the $30 i paid for em

i bought the m40x a few days ago, because the headphones i had before were some no name shit that was falling apart

>tried cleaning those pads
>can't get them back on
I may have used a little bit too hot water.

These are like 20 bucks and are solid headphones

dt 880 pros with schiit modi 2 dac


Spoiler that spooky shit, Jesus fuck.

sounds like a nigger in disguise

Waiting on a pair of Philips SHP9500.

They are, allegedly, preddy good.

Sony Xb450, or something like that

I have these, got them specifically because they have neutral sound


>i'm poor and can't afford to live alone

Cheap but decent speakers (Micca) with a cheap but decent amplifier (Dayton Audio DTA-1)

So you won't buy PortaPros because they're $40+

I have this one but the sound isn't good compared with my speakers and portapros. The sound is too sharp.

Same, best headset I've ever owned.

I hope you bought different ear pads for those, the ones they come with are horrible.

Right now some shitty budget Skullcandy buds. I've got some Sennheiser cans coming in soon though.

I was hoping to get some headphones to walk around with but I got these for like $30 from a friend. Didn't realize the cord was horrendously untransportable but the sound quality is good, so I just use em for my computer.

porta pros

>people buying AKG's for gaming

What's wrong with them?

what you gonna do about it bitchboy

Superlux HD 681 EVO + zalman mic for me

logitech 633

got them for free really. mail in rebate. prior to this i was using some cheap $20 sonnynigger headphones.

how are those EVOs? I've been thinking about buying them.

the soundstage is great and the quality way better than the cheap stuff I usually buy. I had to replace the removable cable that came with it tho.


Would you recommend it for a low budget gamer?

I have the absolute largest head in the known universe. Which headphones would best accommodate my massive skull?

AD900x for gayming
HD598's for music

X7 DAC/AMP :^)


too fuckin comfy

BD custom studio. Best shit ever if you need to do some studio work + gaming + live

Can anyone recommend a 60-70 Euro headset?


Anyone care to recommend some over-ear headphones that have great sound isolation?
I was thinking of HD 280s

>im a fag and would rather annoy my neighbors and have shitty audio quality compared to headphones

the truest of kek's

Since I'm not competitive or anything, just my hd650. The soundstage is good enough. If I wanted to be a tryhard fag though I'd use my superlux 681s because the audio positioning on those things is at hacks levels.

dis nigga wearing george foreman grills on his head


are these good wireless headphones? I think I might be in the market for a pair and I don't want to get fucking Beats. But I also don't know where to start looking

These trusty fucks, OP.

Shure SRH1540

ATH-M50LE silver
Senn HD-598SE
Senn HD8 DJ
Mic: Blue Yeti

Turtle Stealth 400

Microsoft Stereo Headset

I do location sound work and these are the headphones I use out in the field.

Too fucking comfy. Especially when you're wearing them for 10+ hours a day.

For vidya I use Yamaha HS5 near-field monitors cause I usually wear glasses.

they are alright if you get them on sale, mic is average but wayy better than that shitty earbud thing they give with the console

me too

ear pads fit my ears just fine


ohh shit, forgot:
At work i have a pair of Kingston Cloud 1

Fidelio x2 / fiio e10k

MDR 7506s

HD 598s

Both are fantastic, I like the 7506s better though


Best sub $100 headphones I've ever owned.