Why are the French so terrible at making video games?

Why are the French so terrible at making video games?

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>dirty anglo

dude is canadian

French Canadian.

>philippe poisson
>not french

nigga u dum

french canadian aren't French


he's a fucking leaf and

Why are the French so terrible at playing vidya?

Might as well say burgers are British.

sure, then the rest of canada are brits ?

Why are french people so terrible at everything?

Also french Canadian is still fucking french. The Canadians need to respect their eastern culture and the French need to quit being so fucking uppity

Sorry, what?

>what is dofus and wakfu

also french canadian is still canadian you fucking mong

quebecois ≠ french

Are you somehow implying burgers aren't viewed as British people pretending they're not?
Because if that's the case, then Americans are in for a surprise regarding how the rest of the world view them.

The games suck major shit

The cartoons are good though

American education, everybody.

let the wind blow you away

Is there any country in the world that actually likes the french? I always get the impression that everyone hates these useless fuckers.

Japan doesn't count, they don't give a fuck about the french people, they just enjoy the city.

>Also french Canadian is still fucking french

please don't associate us with these degenerates

you suck major shit

Rayman is alright.

my only wish as a frenchman is to see the entirety of québec burn
also EYE


>Also french Canadian is still fucking french.
No they aren't they don't even speak the same language ...

>Twingo I

My nigga

The French are only good at giving up. Lots of practice

The French game industry has always been celebrated for its excellence.

yo man you didn't played russian games, that one is really bad



we have eric chahi and michel ancel, not this canadian piece of shit


They're bad at making cars, too.

>ITT Quebec natives try to disown their families history.

You guys are the Canadian version of white Americans who apologize to black people because their ancestors held slaves. You french Canadians should be ashamed.

i'm not quebecois you subhuman piece of shit

You don't like Rayman, faggot?

Just say anything?

>all French games are bad

Prove it, fag-fuck

t. quebecois called out for being an absolute retard as usual

say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

>France shits out Wakfu
>Meanwhile sankaku is blocked in their country because of loli

I don't get it.

Here, take this.
You'll need it.

The french ban loli shit? I thought they only censored negative opinions.

Most japanese tourists freak out once they go to Paris and see the shit everywhere on the street and all the kebabs trying to steal their stuff

child porn is against the law here

Why would anyone think that when most Americans aren't even white anymore?

didn't see that one coming

> sankaku is blocked

What? i don't have any problems accessing sankaku. My DNS are google though, maybe that's it.

You take that back OP.

French > Germs any day or the week.

Why are the French so good at making waifus?


>respect muh culture xD
like embracing culture you've been severed from is going to matter in this miserable existence you stupid fucking cunt.

france is based tho

I love this thread, Quebecois and french fucks getting what they deserve

>cartoons are against the law here



Yes cartoon child porn is against the law here


Literally the only good series to come out of France

Is cartoon animal cruelty against the law too?

There's your problem.


he looks like an autistic school shooter version of the wolverine

Michel Ancel is the only and best frenchman

>miserable existence

Aren't some of the finest European Street Fighter and Counter Strike players French?

>European street fighter

Is this like Marvel vs capcom?

>Act of War
>Arx Fatalis
>Beyong Good &Evil
>Cities XL
>Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
>E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy
>Endless Legend
>Endless Space
>Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
>Life Is Strange
>The Nomad Soul
>Space Hulk: Deathwing
>Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
>Wargame: European Escalation

That's not even counting the Ubisoft studios in Canada where many French devs end up working.

The European Esport scenes I meant. Most sought after players are quite often either Sweds or Frogs.

>Loufree, Mr. Crimson, Allioune or Valmaster
>finest european SF players

If we're counting individual Splinter Cells, than you gotta count CT.

You could also add some Rainbow Sixes I'm sure, but I'm only familiar sign Siege.


Rainbow Six games are made by what used to be Red Storm in the US I think.

Chaos Theory was made by their Montréal studio like most Splinter Cell games I think.

I specifically listed games made in France.


They're a small irrelevant nation that BTFO'd Europe and pretty much the world for 200 years. Now people just poke fun at the dying beast for posterity since it has become so weak and cucked.

>I always get the impression that everyone hates these useless fuckers.

That's probably because you never leave your basement and base your opinions on internet memes.

>Meanwhile sankaku is blocked in their country because of loli

What the fuck are you even talking about ?

>wakfu will never be good
It hurts
the world is loveable and the girls are qts, but the game is just so terrible and so dead


He's not French.

Neither are people from Quebec, fuck you

Shows how much I know. Good on you for doing your homework, user.

I love how the French are chastised for surrendering when the US just lets the other side rail it's asshole and comes limping back pretending they won.

How do those Vietnamese and Middle Eastern cocks taste?

You needed someone to hate