Is it normal to have found 4 legendaries and be absolutely destroying everything in 1 hit at level 25 on my very first...

Is it normal to have found 4 legendaries and be absolutely destroying everything in 1 hit at level 25 on my very first playthrough, hard mode?

>hard mode
The difficulty is absolutely retarded. Your hard mode is more like ultra easy. Keep scaling difficulty until shit actually attempts to kill you.

Game starts at level 80, anything previous to that point is basically a tutorial.

I think in story mode you can't get into the torment difficulties.

The name "hard" is misleading. It's one of the easiest difficulties. The "hard" difficulties are towards the furthest end of Torment. D3 was made for dumdum plebs, don't forget.

>level 80

faggot you have never even played the game shut the fuck up

Yes. The difficulties go normal>hard>expert>master>torment I up to torment XIII

The game has been out for several years and is now balanced around constantly increasing the difficulty level to match your gear.

I missed the key, cunt.

Last season I played with an angry chicken WD and a bombard crusader.


>ever being hard

>he did a quick google of what reddit was talking about a few months ago


>playing d3 when d2 is still active

Yeah the game is piss easy for toddlers. It isn't until you hit level cap and push for high Torment levels where the enemies are sponges that 2 shot you.

>what is d2 hell difficulty on your first playthrough that you didn't go full autism on

Yeah, later it got pretty easy after you did billions of mephisto runs to get gear and whipped out a skill calculator and planned out your build.

>not playing both


>stealing pictures off the internet and claiming they are yours

he means GR 80 you cocksucker

>I'm never going to get the D3 I deserve.

I hate you blizzard.

he admitted to not meaning that here
How do you miss reading that? The thread is 18 posts long and it's two posts below it. I know posting on Sup Forums can be very exciting, but you should try reading the thread before making an ass of your self.

This nigger is trolling

Are you that dense to not realize that I actually play the game? Look at the text in the screenshot, jesus christ man

I don't give a shit about your game "I play Diablo I swear" argument you autistic retard.
all I did was tell that speed reader to actually read the thread before posting something that has already been debunked.

I get that getting picked on by strangers on the internet can get your blood boiling, but try to actually comprehend what you're reading before you fly off your handle. I don't give a shit if you play Diablo or not.