I'm playing the nigger civ on multi-player...

I'm playing the nigger civ on multi-player. I'm gonna act like a nigger and demand money for dem programs and riot in people's cities when they kill a ranged unit.

Give me silly city names and typical kongo actions to help me piss off the other civs.

>Hey mom look I said nigger on the internet!

So for I have Detroit, Wishanigga woods, and Da hood.

>Give me silly city names

Cape Town

All very nigger-tier names

ubuntu might trigger someone
put your spearchuckers all over the place in the least convenient spaces for other civs
i haven't played civ6 yet but after playing the last two i can't imagine inconveniencing people to be very difficult

Wishanigga Woods is gold

I can't even believe how racist you're being right now.

mind if I share this with 9gag?

hey i liked that post too XD do you know where the upvote button is?

>white people in charge of not being obsessed with black people


Jigaboo Junction

Can we please not use the N word? okay

any other racists in this thread be sure too add me on the r/the_donald and we can call some redditors cucks

we are legion

Just spam their replacement for swordsmen, they are retardedly powerful in numbers

>people have never said nigger on the internet before 2016
stop being a nigger

You're not even black. Don't go getting triggered for us you fucking racist.


>all the ass hurt in this thread over someone saying the word nigger
lmao'ing at your lives

You are?

Every turn demand gold or food.
Build no farms or anything else that creates or makes food in your entire civ
Complain in chat how you can't make food and ignore people who tell you how
Demand even more from the people who do help or send you shit

It's one of the global rules.

OK nigger.


Don't forget Martian Luther King Jr. Blvd.

Then partway through the campaign announce pic related.

Sup Forums is a reddit board.

>I said nigger
>Look how cool I am

truly if only mods were consistent enough in enforcing the global rules on every board you could have an argument

Thanks for the tips.

I like Jigaboo junction.

The plan is to see how much niggardry the other guys are willing to put up with until the exterminate me.

I really want nu-Sup Forums to fuck off back to redddit. I guess the board is dead now. All they do is bitch about how it isn't as nice as plebbit.

>I don't like people saying nigger
>I'm so cool aren't I?

Rules are rules and that's the only thing that matters.

no problem, man

If you want any more tips, join us at Stormfront. There's a lot of cool white separatists over there; it's a great community!

>saying the word nigger
wtf is this 1950? get back in bed grandpa

lol u pc get triggered m80 rused you really gud get back to tumbling trololol dont impede meh 1st amendmints

Make sure to never increase your tech

nothing displays pure cheeto induced rage like false flagging on Sup Forumseddit

Denounce white civs. Spread islam. Build WIDE.

It is when Sup Forums uses it.

I don't know what Sup Forums is I only browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums

You agreed to not say it when you clicked the "I agree" option.

Remember to shout about racism each time someone declares war on you

I cant believe its not butter!

That's even worse.

How is the snow nigger civ? Is he as trash as the snow nigger from the last game?

Why does Sup Forums shitpost here so much?

I'm going to /qa/ right now to petition Sup Forums be closed there's too much racism here and I don't like it

That sounds like fun. Can you post some screen caps in of funny moments later on?

You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.


Porch Monkey Point
Porch Monkey Place

the cumskins are lead by some guy from norway

I don't see what this has to do with the OP

OP here. I love this. I declared war on him shortly after for inciting racism.

All other civs are white. I call them all whitey.

Feel free to discuss the game instead of being butthurt of NIGGER.

so you could have your safe space for discussing retarded e-celebrities and nintendo bullshit no one just cares about anymore?

Make your religion the nation of islam

Remember when reddit couldn't shut down a thread by crying about the word "nigger"? Sad days.

>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism
He did all of these things.

But is he as trash as the Danish snow nigger? Bluetooth was one of if not the worst civ in V.

The layers of irony permeating this thread is too much. Have we gone too far?

I wonder how many posts this thread would have if instead the OP was making a caricature of europoors?

so basically they will enslave you now and you can spend your time shitting up chat instead of pretending to run civilization

You're the same retards who spam those e-celeb threads.

Sup Forums is dead

LMAO my sides are in orbit (slang term for laughter)

Send your warriors to attack your own cities

All I can say is try not to be too obvious.

>implying any of the garbage you find funny on this board is any more valid than "lol black people"

You can't possibly come across as anything but a triggered justice warrior. This "nigger jokes are childish" nonsense applies to everything else on Sup Forums. You're not being 'mature' by calling them out.

Demand cities and gold from the others because "reparations"

can you turn your cities to produce workers and then sell all them to other civs?
didn't play civ after 3

It's shit because people like you keep spreading your shit everywhere.

Sure, homie, the upvote button is that red x on the upper right corner of your screen!

OP here, I don't get it

what is this 2012?

>people saying the word nigger on the internet is a recent trend

>being this dense
You're probably a phone poster

all white people are obsessed with BBC

>wish I had an argument

You don't even know when tk him 2da bar was first posted you insufferable candyass doubleniggerfaggot

You stupid mother fucker.

Steal Tech and claim you did it

truly ebin

Germans no gibe money. War for them too.

>Rules are rules and that's the only thing that matte
Holy kek. Megacuck.

OP here again, is there anywhere on the web for us white separatists (I call us "race realists) to congregate without being shitposted by people who don't think blacks are inferior? I'm literally shaking right now.

>Oh shit I got rekt what do I do?
>I know, I'll call him stupid lol

Yes, and everything else on Sup Forums is shit. Why are niggers jokes any different? Because they trigger you. I dare you to point at any other thread on Sup Forums and explain how that humor is any more valid.

not even once

I don't have a problem with the word itself, you stupid retard.


/r liberalism?
Liberals generally believe blacks are big babies to be eternally led by superior white bleeding hearts

>I'm literally shaking right now.
>mfw this actual false flagger IS shaking

Some threads are good and some aren't.
This is the latter.

>this thread

Stupid bitch.

Ironic sjw roleplaying should be an insta permaban, all they do is derail threads

Quit wasting your time with cucks who don't understand that blacks are inferior. They don't deserve our surperior intellect.

EVERYONE IGNORE THE TROLLS AFTER THIS POST (troll = cucks who don't understand blacks are inferior to whites!)

reddit can stay they hate niggers too

>everyone suddenly hates black people

what happened

>implying it's ironic at this point

Create cities with 100% growth and no production

Daily Sup Forums
in every thread
>Off-topic replies
>Furry / loli /shota
Holy shit nigga shut it down, delete Sup Forums now.