/wtg/ War Thunder General!

Hi guys, couldn't see it.

Also, how do I actually fly pic related with good results in RB?

wrong board faggot


british players are THIS dumb

God I hate spits so much as a paper nip

exactly what is expected from war thunder player
they pick wrong board like they pick wrong game

shall we transform this into a generic warthunder thread?
i had some pretty good webm i made but lost everything when my hd died

if by warthunder you mean warframe then yes

warframe is also a very shit game that i played
i wish i didn't spend so much money on it
i may as well sell my account



>bongoloids in charge of making a thread


i didn't make the thread you twat

>spending money in warframe
>making general thread in Sup Forums
>being british
well at least you are still not antony bursch though

>pt boats

i'm not british
i'm didn't make this thread
i did spend money on warframe



good luck, the firefly is garbage. it does nothing better than any other planes at its level. dont bother


which means you are anthony burch then