Is he our guy Sup Forums?

Is he our guy Sup Forums?

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he just keeps getting fatter and fatter

you fuckin bet


Hungry Joe haha

If someone wants to be my guy I have to respect them and I can't respect a porker.

Engorged Enrique


what's his name again ?


Looks more like he is several of our guys! LMAO!


He turned his channel into a reaction channel, reviews more movies than games and he's lazy af now 1 review per month.

Don't you have some more epic giveaways to do, Philip?

the girl at the bottom looks like the girl from Aku no hana

The guy literally takes his opinions straight from Reddit.

>thinks Suicide Squad is a good movie
>thinks Skyrim is literally the best game of all time
I've grown to sincerely dislike him

The taco bell guy?

From this picture without knowing who he was you could've guessed he was a strongman. He got that 'lift heavy things off the floor' neck.


Well, since "we are Reddit", he must be /ourguy/!

No. The only good eceleb is DSP and it's only because he's fucking stupid and bad at videogames.

He is Taco Bell's guy

Oh god, I didn't need that pic of AlphaOmegaSin. I watch him, but I really don't need to see him without clothes

i thought /ourguy/ was boogie2988 tobequitehonest

What the fuck is with his face. ThatÄs not normal, his body in general doesn't look nearly fat enough for a face like that. I bet he takes some kind of meds that let his face go wide with water asa side effect


a food reviewer?

Obligatory reminder:

This is the answer to those "why does Sup Forums like Geoff now?!" threads. He just fucking BODIES Jose here.

>fat fuck
>whines incessantly
>muh gamergate

He's as degenerate as the rest of them

Show more photos of fat Joe

What about this nerd?

-Korean mail order bride
-No face cam

Only thing he's lifting is another burger to stuff in his face

is that the 'respectfully nod towards you' guy?

Nah, he would either not get involved in that discussion which is the patrician choice or he would chuckle and then move on.

i thought /ourguy/ was a weight competition

Why was he so pissed about this but was fucking cumming his pants when Nelson did the exact same shit? Does he have any idea how interviews are supposed to go?


hes like the polar opsite f Sup Forums if he thinks a game is really really good its more than likely that Sup Forums hates that game skyrim mgs5 dragon age Inquisition witcher 3 the last of us the list goes on and on of games he think is GOAT that we hate

Vinesauce is pretty enjoyable

No way, are you saying that Angry Joe is the Legendary Super Normie!?

Ever since his whore of a girlfriend forced him to take steroids and bulk up to titanic levels I really don't like him anymore, he's too buff to be relateable.

Sup Forums hates The last of us?
Well aren't you a bunch of tasteless retards or what?


He is all we need.

Shit man, fat latino dudes get my dick hard. I can live with this.


No, Spoony is...

you would know, leddit

Spoony is lost.

Embrace the Fist.

i swear every single time his pic gets posted here he gets fatter, or are these shoops?

Why are you posting jontron then?

To be fair, even he admitted a while back he did a bad job in this interview and didnt know what he was doing


I honestly don't mind Joe outside of the fact that HE CANT FUCKING PRONOUNCE "ESPECIALLY" CORRECTLY



he is a lot fatter. but yes most are edited to make him look bigger. this is one i made

>spent money on f2p game called Dirty Bomb
>what the fuck this is bullshit guys
>its completely optional
>spends more money

so this is like the reverse of a white guy swinging a katana around


No because white guys fucking suck at swinging katana and have no skill thus proving that superior nihonese win again by having skill with both white man weapon and superior katana.

and what does JoeysWorldTour have to do with it?


>>Makes hundreds or thousands of dollars every time he livestreams
not even pewdiepie would make that much lel

he was terminated by Geoff Keighly orders back in 2011

so the gov and youtube did a seamless switcheroo, and put Chino Moreno into making vidya reviews

nobody noticed until this thread came up

Post yfw Gore was so fucking disappointing especially after Koi no yokan and Diamond eyes

FUCK. At least they still making records as opposed to fucking tool