What went wrong and could've went better?

What went wrong and could've went better?
Thorn was best girl btw

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Randy pitchford

Wasnt he the guy at E3 that presented the game?
Wasnt a bad guy, if we are talking about the same perosn

Instead of making Borderlands 3 like people fucking wanted, they made a monster.

Borderlands 3 is gonna be a motherfucking huge project so Battleborn was supposed to fund it.
Now Gearbox is trying to become a publisher to compensate for the loss.

Come at me bro

It was too Badass

I think they want to ride that Destiny cake, they made Battleborn so the could dable with the whole always online kind of shit.

Slap a Borderlands coat of paint on it.

>UPR - Dahl
>LLC - Hyperion
>Eldrid - Maliwan
>Jennerit - Vladof
>Rogues - Bandit
>Fighting over the last star - Fighting over vault shit

I just saw a copy for this at $10 at Walmart.

I don't think I have seen a game drop it's price so fast

>shitty overpriced re-release of duke
>shitty overpriced port and re-release of bulletstorm, a game that bombed the first time it came out

Is Randy a terrible businessman?

it was gearboxed and lacked polish to begin with

Shouldn't have competed with overwatch.
The audience they were reaching for is a subset of overwatches.

Are you sure?

I think it wasn't badass enough. I mean, come on. If it was more badass, more people would have played it and came to realize it was a truly great badass game, right?


nothing went wrong, gearbox got exactly they deserved

A focus on single-player would have solved many many issues with the games "Campaign"

Seriously, Multiplayer only memes don't work for games with a story.

Also they could have toned down the visual clusterfuck.

ok guess i will!

There wasn't any reason to buy it over overwatch. If they would have at least made it f2p at least poorfags would have played it

You don't know shit. Randy Pitchford is arguably the worst person in the video game industry.


Don't forget
>thought he could go toe-to-toe with Blizzard
>constantly makes a jackass out of himself on Twitter
Randy should be forcibly removed from his position so someone competent can take his place

Oh they are doing it?
Glad I saved the $60 now.