Is this one of the greatest games of all time?

Is this one of the greatest games of all time?

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it used to be.

if you are looking for a justification for your 5k hours spent in dota grinding mmr, you will get none here. Its a shit game, a cesspool that attracts the most cancerous, plebian layers of society.

what game doesn't

probably the best multiplayer game of all time desu
but with a seriously low tier (bottom 10th percentile) dev team and community

really ruins it


other than bobby fischer, chess community is at least as cancerous as assfaggots

You already know it is

Not anymore. The boston major is fucking godawful to boot.

chess has so many egotistic faggots in it

and they all smell worse than a dumpster

I'll put my credibility on the line here, and say that Dota 2 is the best game of all time. By "best game of all time", I refer to artistic and technical production, and gameplay design iteration (since Dota is arguably one of the most iterated upon computer game).

From a technological rendering standpoint, it's visuals may not be king, but the art assets, overall art direction, and particle effects are the best that I have ever seen. The most excellently, tastefully produced art that I have ever seen in a game.

The voice cast is the best I have ever heard, Dota 2 has Duke Nukem (Jon St. John), Cortana (Jen Taylor), Nathan Drake (Nolan North), the entire L4D cast, the entire Half-Life 2 cast, the entire Team Fortress 2 cast, and GlaDOS from Portal.

Let's actually get down to the gameplay. No two games I have ever played have felt similar to the point of feeling rote. Each and every hero in Dota 2 is distinctly different from another, offering a uniquely encapsulated experience with well-defined goals for every single playable character in Dota. Because every hero feels so profoundly unique, every game that I play of Dota 2 feels fundamentally different in a way that League of Legends is not able to reproduce.

I could go on, and on, but at this point I might as well just make a video essay. Also, I have some Dota to play. Dota 2 is seriously a game I could play ad-inifnitum, and never get tired of. Why bother with any other game?

Why speculate about other games in the genre, and other genres, when the best game ever made is already here?

I agree with you, and that's why Pro Dota is such a ridiculously entertaining thing to watch.The absolute upper echelon of dota gameplay is something like a fine art

For some reason though the pub community of the game sucks. It's very annoying. also the devs go on too long without patches, which is highly annoying

It was before the memeback patch that made it so no matter how hard you win early game, you can't afford to make a mistake.
That's when it stopped being fun.

>want to play another game
>playing other game
>think about playing Dota 2 instead

This game is fucking evil.

The game itself is great but being forced to play with idiots ruins it. If you're going to play, only play a 5 stack with friends. Solo ranked is hell. I've seen some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen in all my years of gaming while climbing MMR. Shit that makes me question how these people even booted up the game without swallowing their own tongue.

Better than the first 5 minutes of the game is literally everything.
Also it was only really that was like 3-4 patches ago

who >>>///1kGPMnon-alchemist/// here?

Dota 2 really does reveal the depths of human stupidity.

Here's the thing bro.
We all make mistakes.
I know for certain you've made plays and mistakes that make your teammates question how you started the game without swallowing your tounge

There are people you'll play with who clearly have an inability to learn from their mistakes as they die more than once doing the same thing. It'll make you wonder if they're actually conscious or an actual philosophical zombie.

Most likely high on pot desu its the scourge of solo mmr

>Outdated mechanics
>Slow, clunky controls
>Farming for 40 minutes until the game culminates into one long fight which decides the game
>80% of matches consists of people running around looking for someone to make a mistake to pick off

It's shit. Only autistic people like it.

>pick Alchemist, Luna and Shadow Demon

>Farming for 40 minutes until the game culminates into one long fight which decides the game
That's not LoL.

you're an idiot, who obviously does not play or watch dota

yeah. massive nerf inc
on her own shes a mediocre carry with a shitty early game. she could use like a -5 move speed and shell be fine
on his own he's pretty mediocre too. but when combined with the above heroes, or any other illusion bullshit, he is EXTREMELY overpowered. like ive seen games @ the major with SD having max hero and building damage. disruption is fucking insane and I predict a major nerf to it

Dota 2 is the best competitive multiplayer game ever made, for sure.

you literally described LoL to a T

I watched the LoL finals and that's how nearly every single game went. The final death/kills counter in LoL looks like a slow Dota 2 game 15 minutes in. It's fucking terrible.

>on her own shes a mediocre carry with a shitty early game. she could use like a -5 move speed and shell be fine

>he didn't watch that last game

who here /naughty/

i should never have installed this shit.

>aghs refresher
Was gulag right?

I remember a match I played before quitting that summed up solo ranked up nicely. I went safelane carry and dominated the game. I was WAY ahead of the other team in farm and the rest of my team was doing alright just because the other team was getting wrecked. Literally all we had to do was just push and end and I could not convince the team to push. For a good 30 minutes I was BEGGING them to push and end but they refused and either ran around in the jungle doing nothing or kept going for ganks they were too stupid to pull off and dying. Eventually between their feed and the time elapsing the other team came back and won it because they had several late game carries.

Ranked is a waste of time. I spent a good 2 years trying to climb out of 2k and barely made progress. Then before I quit I made a smurf out of curiosity and calibrated to 4.5k, but by then I was so burnt out and disgusted with ranked I didn't give a shit anymore.

They're always right.

I used to study in a school with compulsory chess classes and let me tell you something, all at least semi-professional chess players are either certified autismos, weirdos that don't wash themselves or at the very best are simply annoying as fuck. Royal sport game for intelligent people my ass. A chess game once in a while is nice and fun, but mark my words, if you want to be at least a mostly normal human being don't even think about getting into chess seriously.

There is a difference between making a mistake and learning from it and the shit I see in ranked. You see people dying to the same thing over and over and over and over, and if you try to politely point out their mistake they call you a faggot, announce "gg noob team", sell all their items, and start feeding the courier.


But user
Not making mistakes is easy

>AF is gonna lose 3-0

T-thanks Greek gods.

I want to see 5 games. Oh well

You mean like hasn't been for awhile. The meta is literally either split siege or crush laning and nothing else.

Yeah only this patch
It's gonna be another 3 heroes next patch
And another 3.
And another 3.
Remember when Razor was good in TI4?
How about when the meta was "Pick Lycan or Morphling or you lose" in TI2?
Game will never be balanced. At least MOST of the heroes now are viable and not joke picks outside of a handful.

Man these fucking rumors about 6.89 have me hyped to hell and back. At this point I'm expecting Monkey King, 5 new items, and a bunch of aghs upgrades and literally every hero being tweaked

Am I setting myself up for disappointment?