What does Sup Forums think of vinesauce?

What does Sup Forums think of vinesauce?

I am only vague aware of its existence due to underage posters on Sup Forums.

Vooboo shilled here awhile ago

I'm sure kids like it.
You have to be 18 to post here by the way.

I like vinny but he needs to fuck off with his shitty music.

We propelled Vinny into the limelight and he just kept going, distancing himself as far away from us as possible.
I don't blame him.

>implying vinesauce isn't a part of Sup Forums board culture.

good background noise and seeing what bullshit vinny streams is fun.


fuck off

Vinny needs to stop feigning exhaustion and spacing out during games. All he does is play music with his buddies and stream.

Joel, quit playing fucking NES games. It gets fucking old fast and you're terrible when you're trying to be funny while nothing interesting is happening. I know you're reading this shit.

>28 and still watch Vinesauce
Send help

Vinny doesn't even like playing shit games anymore. He just wants to play Animal Crossing.

I always kind of get the feeling that Vinny doesn't actually like what he does, like there's some kind of hidden sadness to him.

I like Joel quite a bit, that guy always seems to be having a ton of fun doing what he's doing.

I don't like or watch Let's Plays of any kind, but I think Vinesauce, especially Joel, seems to find a sweetspot because they're usually playing something bizzare. I haven't really watched any of the other Vinesauce people, I'm sure they're fine, but I really don't want to dedicate my free time to watching Let's Players.

italian deli meat pls go

I kind of like Vinny because he doesn't force humour as much as Joel does, but he still has shit taste what with all the R&M jokes n shit.

Vinny literally started the whole thing by shilling it on Sup Forums years ago

I don't think he ever liked playing shit games. He just hates himself and wants to suffer.

Guys, don't forget to check out my music.
Did I ever tell you about my music?
Or how about that thing that happened with my band that makes music?
Hey, check out my album.
Also, here's a MIDI of my latest song.

I only watch Vinny to find some weird mods or games.

Joel is starting to get on my nerves.


>It's a "Joel runs in circles rambling about shit" episode

DireBoar and Lime are the Objective worst streamers and they deserve to be raided and all sorts of shit

Vinny is sexy and I want him to dominate me